Past Updates 2023
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Pages with Recent Changes
- Miscellaneous Starship Problems
10 Mar 2025 - Starship Size Issues
09 Mar 2025 - Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z
09 Mar 2025 - Star Trek Voyager (VOY) Season 5
26 Feb 2025 - Star Trek Clichés
25 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Heart of Glory"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "First Contact"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "The Next Phase"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Tapestry"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Ethics"
22 Feb 2025 - Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek
22 Feb 2025 - 21st Century Earth History
16 Feb 2025 - Timeline - Early Space Travel (1967-2160)
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Coming of Age"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Symbiosis"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Conspiracy"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Manhunt"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Wor...
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Darmok"
16 Feb 2025
Big update with over 100 new starship images from the Official Starships Collection. Find them on the gallery pages for Delta Quadrant, Part 1, Delta Quadrant, Part 2, The Krenim and Their Enemies and Hirogen.
Journalists love to write about "Star Trek tech that is real". Some fail to recognize that a theory is not a technology, and that real-life devices are not like in Trek just because of a similar name. Here are 5 Star Trek Technologies Falsely Reported as Real.
Here is a another story by Travis Anderson in the series The Cause: Prima Nox.
Many new findings by Jörg in the article about Observations in TNG: "Brothers", with some 40 new or better pictures.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas!
I have compiled a new ranking: 10 Ship Design Mistakes to Avoid.
There is also another new story by Travis Anderson: Countermeasures, again a part of the series The Cause.
Everything is set for Discovery season 5, coming in April 2024. There are also new screen caps in classic articles, such as T-Races or T-Races.
The next revised Voyager season 5 review is of the exciting 90-minute movie "Dark Frontier".
The new stories by Travis Anderson continue with Breakout, part of the series The Cause.
Here are two more revised/extended Voyager season 5 reviews: "Gravity" and "Bliss".
More stories by Travis Anderson are coming up in the Fan Fiction section, starting with Pirates for a Day or Two, part of the series The Cause. This is the new first story of the series in chronological order.
It's been over a year, and I will continue my Voyager retro reviews in season 5 while there are no new episodes. Here are "Latent Image" and "Bride of Chaotica!".
Over 50 new or improved images, mostly from the Official Starships Collection, on the gallery pages for Pre-Federation Earth Vessels and NX Class.
Find some 30 new or improved images in the Borg Starship Gallery.
The Federation ship designs from season 4 of Lower Decks are now in the Starship Database: Lower Decks Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes.
I'm almost finished with the removal of green tint from old scans. Today I processed over 500 images in the Starship Gallery and the Starship Database (plus the corresponding thumbnails). In some cases I also recomposed images, such as the orthographic views of Federation Shuttles.
All alien ships from season 4 of Lower Decks are now in the Starship Database: Lower Decks Alien Ship Classes.
Here is my review of the season 4 finale LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets". Although it is not quite among the best episodes of the series, it brings back the excitement after a season that was just average.
Maintenance of the Links page. This is the first time in years I found more new sites than old ones that had to be removed.
Here is a new article about Xindi Emblems and Writing. We investigate all appearances of the emblem and also look at the variations of Xindi script.
"The Inner Fight" sets the stage for the big finale of Lower Decks season 4. Here is my review of the penultimate episode.
We have added several new entries to the article with Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds II".
Cave time on Lower Decks! Here is my review of LOW: "Caves".
Find many new or improved images in the Intrepid Class Gallery and the Defiant Class Gallery. As usual, there are smaller updates on other pages that are too numerous to list. But you can find a protocol of all non-trivial recent changes in the comments.
There is a lot about "A Few Badgeys More" that in my view doesn't work out as well as it could. The details in the story, on the other hand, are brilliant. Here is my complete review.
Updated the article on the Size of the Delta Flyer and the Delta Flyer Gallery, among numerous smaller changes.
Lower Decks visits Ferenginar in the latest episode "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place". Read my review.
There is currently no chance for us to continue the TNG Observations in season 6. But here is at least a small update in this section: Notable Changes in TNG Remastered, Season 7.
There are more high-quality CG images in the Bajoran Starship Gallery and on the various pages about Klingon designs, such as Klingon Ships of the 22nd Century. Also, I have reworked a few more old pages, for instance The Saucer Rim on the Galaxy Class.
Read my review of LOW: "Empathalogical Fallacies", in my view the weakest episode of the season so far.
Tendi, Mariner and T'Lyn are on a fun trip to the Orion homeworld, which is a first time in Star Trek. Here is my review of LOW: "Something Borrowed, Something Green".
The conversion to HD screen caps is complete on the following pages: The Emblems of the Federation Founding Members, The Evolution of the Starfleet Medical Emblem and The Emblems of Earth Starfleet and Earth Starfleet Command.
Here is my review of the latest Lower Decks episode LOW: "In the Cradle of Vexilon".
Many new entries and images in the article with Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds I". Keep watching Jörg's Twitter account, where he is currently investigating Part II.
Here is the missing review of LOW: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee", which I liked better than the season premiere. I am also updating various articles with facts from the recent episodes.
Lower Decks returns with an episode that strives to celebrate all things Voyager. Here is my review of "Twovix". I have to postpone "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee" until I find time for it.
New or improved images can be found on the following pages: Starship Gallery - First Contact Vessels, Starship Gallery - Son'a, Redresses of the Type-9 Shuttle Cockpit and a few more with smaller changes.
There are several new high-quality images in the Xindi Starship Gallery. I have also improved many old scans of Other Starfleet Ship Interiors, especially of the Defiant and Voyager.
Here is a new article about Redresses of the Arkonian Warship. See how this CG design became the familiar Tellarite ship as seen only recently on Prodigy.
While I'm further improving the galleries, here is a new essay by Andrew Gilbertson on the chronology and topography in Voyager's first two seasons: Fallen Federation - A Closer Look at Voyager's Early Journey.
25 years ago, I began to scan images from publications. At the time, I didn't recognize that they usually had a greenish hue or I didn't compensate enough for it. Anyway, I have reworked over 600 gallery images by now, notably all of the popular Starfleet and alien bridge diagrams. Most of these are not simply color corrected but reconstructed from lossless master files, often also with higher resolution, that I found in an ancient backup.
New screen caps and other updates in a few more articles: A Close Look at 22nd Century Technology, Locating Starfleet Buildings in San Francisco, Biography Inconsistencies.
The starships from Strange New Worlds season 2 are in the database now: Discoverse Federation Ship Classes, Discoverse Klingon Ship Classes, Discoverse Alien Ship Classes.
A small new article looks at the Redresses of the Mazarite Shuttle, with observations by Jörg and illustrations by Alice.
Many new images in the Romulan Starship Gallery, in particular high-quality orthographic and angled views. There are also updates on more than a dozen pages with facts from recent episodes.
The Gorn are back in the SNW season 2 finale "Hegemony". I appreciate that the episode comes with a good deal of action for a change. But there are some story and character developments that I'm not happy with.
The revision of all articles about props is nearing its completion. The most recent updates are in Re-Used Costumes and Re-Used Props - Badges & Jewelry.
Here is my review of "Subspace Rhapsody", Star Trek's first musical episode, which in my opinion is just as terrible as it is wonderful, depending on how we look at it and what we expect from it.
Everything is prepared for Lower Decks season 4, coming September 7. There are also changes such as better screen caps and updates related to the latest episodes in many articles. The list can be found in the column "Pages with Recent Changes".
I welcome that Strange New Worlds dares to tackle serious issues in "Under the Cloak of War", even though or just because the episode comes with a dramatic tonal shift. Yet, despite its undeniable qualities I take objection to a few of its aspects.
I have discovered a forgotten folder with items in Trek episodes that were rented from Modern Props and that Jörg found 18(!) years ago, long before we created the article on Consoles by Modern Props in Star Trek. These are in the article now as MP42-MP50. Additionally, there some more re-uses of the already known consoles.
The highly anticipated crossover episode of Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks, "Those Old Scientists", has been released ahead of schedule. I was skeptical when it was announced, but it is fun!
I have totally reworked our article on Visual Bloopers: improved categorization and order, many new items, several errors fixed, no more ugly composite images, HD screen caps wherever possible.
Ensign Uhura needs unusual communication skills and writes franchise history in the latest SNW episode "Lost in Translation". Only one aspect of the story is convincing, however.
There are more updates (new items, new HD caps, corrections) to old articles, most recently to Present-Day Devices as Props and Re-Used Props - Containers.
Here is my review of SNW: "Charades". In brief, I already didn't care much for this episode when it was still called "Spock Amok" and was not quite as silly.
While I'm writing the review of "Charades", check out some other updates. Especially our article on Re-Used Planet Sets needed a complete rework. Besides all-new HD screen caps, some errors were corrected and several new items were added.
The overhaul of the Starship Database is complete. The over 1100 spacecraft are now represented by the best available screen caps; the last batch of pages that I just finished are the Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships. Special thanks to Alice for preparing some new side views and to the visitors who found useful reference images.
Here is my review of SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters". This episode goes all the way back to the beginning, both thematically and stylistically, but does not get me overly excited.
There are updates to many pages with information from the latest episodes, most obviously to Time Travel in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (SNW). I have also included the facts from PIC season 3 to the Timeline - Post-Nemesis Era (Since 2380). Finally, new HD screen caps can be found in several more articles, such as Re-Used Props - Mobile Computers.
It is time to talk about time in Strange New Worlds! Read my review of SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow".
Here is an extensive article on The Fleet in PIC: "Vox" and "The Last Generation", which analyzes the structure of the fleet formation, summarizes the identified ships and classes and includes a ship gallery.
Courtroom time in Strange New Worlds! How does the latest episode stack up against the classics? Here is my review of "Ad Astra per Aspera".
In today's bad news, Star Trek Prodigy has been canceled and will be removed from Paramount+ and Nickelodeon.
A couple of additions to the gallery section, including all-new pages for Strange New Worlds Characters and Strange New Worlds Sets and Props, as well as a season 3 update for Star Trek Picard Characters.
Here is my review of the Strange New Worlds season 2 premiere "The Broken Circle".
Another round of new HD screen caps and other maintenance in existing articles, this time most notably in Re-Used Props - Medical Instruments and Re-Used Props - Engineering Tools.
Several new entries in the article with Observations in TNG: "Transfigurations". Keep watching Jörg's Twitter account, where he is currently posting the rest.
There are many new HD screen caps and other updates in existing articles, such as Re-Used Props - Decoration, Re-Used Props - Various Objects and Uniform & Rank Inconsistencies. Also, find four new lamps in our ever-growing list.
Jörg's old article with Observations in TNG: "Ménage ā Troi" has been reworked and supplemented with many new findings.
Many new HD screen caps and other updates in several articles, such as Variations of the Type-7 Shuttle, Variations of the Type-15 Shuttle, Spotting the Ships from the Star Fleet Technical Manual, Re-Used Starship Interiors.
The ship designs from Picard season 3 are in the Starship Database now: Starfleet Ship Classes A-K, Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z, Other Starfleet Ship Classes, Civilian Federation Ship Classes, Federation Shuttlecraft, Federation Space Stations, Dominion and Allied Ship Classes, Borg Ship Classes.
Added many items and many pictures to Jörg's old article with Observations in TNG: "Sarek".
There are several new items in the two lists of Commercially Available Lighting in Star Trek and Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek. Thanks to Eno!
Here is another SID Rebirth story by Travis Anderson: Inside Job. A governmental crisis has overtaken the Federation. Can the democratic order survive? Does anyone still want it to?
Here is a new ranking: 10 Actors with the Most Star Trek Roles. There are also updates and new screen caps in many articles, such as Re-Uses of the New York Streets Set.
Several more articles have been improved with new HD screen caps, such as Consoles by Modern Props in Star Trek, Consoles Built for Star Trek, Re-Used Building Interiors or Re-Used Props - Other Weapons. There are also the usual updates with facts from recent episodes.
The exciting and emotional series finale PIC: "The Last Generation" has everything we would have expected from it. Nothing less and nothing more. It was great to see the TNG crew in action one last time. Yet, some aspects of the story leave a bitter aftertaste.
Here is a brief comment on the Strange New Worlds season 2 trailer and on the Section 31 movie announcement.
PIC: "Vox" is overshadowed by the sudden appearance of a different enemy and by an over-the-top threat that makes everything that has happened so far sort of futile in hindsight. The episode is thrilling, but mostly because the stakes are so ridiculously high. The fat memberberries are not my taste.
New in the Starship Database: Prodigy Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes. Please let me know in the page comments if I forgot something.
After two middling episodes, PIC: "Surrender" is a glorious return to form - thrilling from the first to the last minute and with some wonderful humor despite the dramatic events. Read my review.
Another old page revamped with more and better screen caps: Re-Used Props - Furniture. Also, there are several small updates related to the latest Picard episodes, as usual.
My review of PIC: "Dominion". The episode excels with the revelation of Vadic's back story and profits from outstanding performances. On the downside, there are huge plot holes and dumb twists in the story, making this the weakest episode of a so far very good season.
Also, read my thoughts on the new series Starfleet Academy.
Here is my review of PIC: "The Bounty". This is the most eventful episode of the season so far. It comes with wonderfully sentimental moments but also with problematic story developments.
If any proof was still missing, the excitement is back and persists in Star Trek. Read my review of PIC: "Imposters", which includes a few critical notes, though.
Now in the Starship Database: Prodigy Alien Ship Classes. The Federation and Starfleet vessels from the series are in work, but it will still take a while.
PIC: "No Win Scenario" has only minor flaws. It may be the best episode of the series so far, and perhaps the best live-action Star Trek in the past 18 years.
The page on Re-Used Beam Weapons has been completely reworked: more and better screen caps, chronological order, some fixed errors. Also, find facts from "Seventeen Seconds" in articles, such as Classical Music in Star Trek or Re-Uses of Freezer Spacers.
I am overall pleased with PIC: "Seventeen Seconds". It is suspenseful and meaningful. Unlike in last week's episode, the story really moves on. It features more versatile character scenes besides lots of action, although it still suffers from some problems that seem to be inherent to the season.
My review of PIC: "Disengage". This episode is a mixed bag. The TOS movie cues are gone, the darkness remains. It is clear that Captain Shaw is meant to grow as a character, whereas the currently nicest thing I can say about Jack Crusher is that he is, well, someone's son. There is quite some action but also a couple of scenes that don't seem to move forward at all.
References from PIC: "The Next Generation" can be found in several articles now, such as The Evolution of the Starfleet Medical Emblem. There are also well over a hundred improved screen caps (HD where available) in galleries, such as Alpha and Beta Quadrant Emblems A-K. This is an ongoing process.
Here is my review of PIC: "The Next Generation". The first episode of the hyped third season presents a well constructed and enjoyable story with old and new heroes that we care for and can relate to. It would have been still better without several inappropriate character, design and style choices.
No big news today, but several smaller updates. There are still more Observations in TNG: "The Most Toys" (which is now the longest article in the series). There are several new links. Also, I have redesigned the tags for Disocvery, Abrams movies, animated Trek and remastered Trek. They don't look like buttons any longer, and the apparently offensive word "REBOOT" is gone.
After DIS season 2, Klingons have been strangely absent from live-action Star Trek. Fans are wondering what they will look like once they reappear. We know that Worf will still be Worf. Regarding other Klingons, a new article discusses four options.
Dozens of new entries in the article with Observations in TNG: "The Most Toys". Keep watching Jörg's Twitter account, where he is currently posting the rest.

On this day 25 years ago, I first uploaded a website to the university server that consisted of 43 files with a total size of 314 kilobytes. The foundation was laid to the massive site that EAS is today. Read the whole story and my message to the visitors.
The heavily illustrated sixth story in Travis Anderson's SID Rebirth series is titled Crusade.
Several new observations in the article with Observations in TNG: "Hollow Pursuits". Check out Jörg's Twitter account, where he is posting new stuff every day.
All alien ships from season 3 of Lower Decks are now in the Starship Database: Lower Decks Alien Ship Classes.
Here is the next story in Travis Anderson's SID Rebirth series: Ascendancy.
Happy New Year 2023!
I have supplemented many articles with new facts from PRO: "Supernova I/II", such as Locating Starfleet Buildings in San Francisco, The Evolution of the Federation Flag, The Emblem of Starfleet Command and Time Travel in Star Trek: Prodigy (PRO).