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Always the latest news and reviews

Trek Central


Redshirts Always Die

Star Trek Guide

Trek Report


TrekZone Network (German)

Planet Trek (German)

Star Trek Databas (Swedish) (Czech)



Pictures and facts, general and topic-specific


Memory Alpha

TrekCaps - Ariane's Star Trek Gallery


Star Trek Zone (German)

Memory Alpha Nova (German)

Forgotten Trek

Star Trek Minutiae

Star Trek Dimension

Star Trek Stages History

Fact Trek

Explaining Errors in Star Trek

WikiTrek (Italian)

Universo Star Trek (Spanish)

USS Phoenix (Polish)

UFP Info Terminal (German)

Green Mole (German)


Klingon Language Institute


Episode Guides

Summaries and reviews of the series and the movies

Chrissie's Transcripts Site

Jammer's Reviews

Star Trek Fan Companion

Let's Watch Star Trek

Trekking with Dennis


Rob's Star Trek Episode Guide

Florians Star Trek Episodenguide (German)

Quark's Corner

Star Trek Best Trek


Warp Speed To Nonsense

STrek Online

Star Trek HD (German)

The Cynics Corner

Steve's Star Trek: TOS Site

79 Jewels

Star Trek Animated

Guide to Animated Star Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Delta Blues

STNET - Project V


Blogs & Podcasts

Personal accounts in various formats

Mission Log

Strange New Pod

Treks in Sci-Fi

Trek am Dienstag (German)

Vier unter Deck (German)

Trek Radio

Warp Factor Trek

Trekland - Larry Nemecek

Star Trek Movie Blog

Star Trek - Sci Fi Blog

Some Kind of Star Trek

Soul of Star Trek



My Year of Star Trek

Raumschiff Eberswalde (German) (German)

Collecting Trek


My Star Trek Scrapbook


Actors & Characters

Official and fan-made sites about our heroes (Japanese)

George Takei Official Site

Star Trek Excelsior - Captain Sulu

Marina Sirtis

Gates McFadden

Wil Wheaton dot net


Kate Mulgrew

The Delta Flyers

The D-Con Chamber

Trip Hammered

Linguistics Database

Tragic Sense of Life

Del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida

Star Trek Links


Starships & Treknology

Everything about canon starships and Treknology

Starship Schematic Database

The STArchive

Neutral Zone Starship Database

Federation Starship Datalink

Maximum Defiant

Mapping La Sirena


Star Trek Set Plans

Star Trek Starship Handbooks

Spike's Star Trek Page

Star Trek Unnamed

Jeff Russell's Starship Dimensions

Daystrom Institute Technical Library

Beginning Of Wisdom

Jason Hinson's Physics and Star Trek Page


Trekyards (German)


Art & Design

Starships, interiors and graphics, official and fan-made

The Star Trek Design Project

LCARSGFX - The online repository of Alexander Richardson


Adge's Star Trek LCARS Site

Viking Soft (German)


The Art of Lukas D'Anvil

Goodstuff 2

Star Trek Star Ship Tactical Combat Simulator

Waxing Moon Design

Alejandro Hernán Lois (AHL-9000) (Spanish)

The Roddenberry Archive

Tadeo D'Oria - 3D and Vector Artist

SciFi Meshes

I'm a work'n on it

digitally efx'd geometry

Donny Versiga

Xfozzboute's Blog

Holland Space Yards

MadMan's Shipyard

BRStarship's Blog

ArtStation - Robert Bonchune


Eavesdropping with Johnny

Ed Giddings -

Dave Blass - Production Design


Models & Props

Miniatures, props, costumes and how to make them

CultTVman's SF Modeling Page

Starship Modeler's Resource

Model Citizen Reference Guide

A Piece of the Action

Third Wave Design

Wrath of Dhan

Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Authority

Star Trek Auction Listings

Star Trek + Design

Filmwelt Center

The Kolinahr Museum

Niner's Paradise

Ferengi Costumes of Star Trek

Master Replicas

Star Trek Starship Collection Review

Fleetyard Star Trek Blog

Maritime Science Fiction Modelers

Federation Models


Books & Games

Licensed Trek fiction

Memory Beta

Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online - JeuxOnLine (French)

Star Trek Resurgence

Star Trek Timelines

Trek Time

Armada Fleet Command

Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations

The Trek Collective


Fan Fiction

Fan films, fan stories and parodies

Star Trek Expanded Universe

Memory Gamma

Orion Press

Star Trek Reviewed

Fan Film Factor

Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II

Star Trek Continues

Star Trek: Intrepid

Star Trek: Aurora


Trekkie Fan Fiction

The Trek Writer's Guild

TrekNation (German)

Star Trek Voyager: Lower Decks

Star Trek: The Final Frontier

Star Trek: The Animated Voyages


Stone Trek

Trek Problems

Bad Spock Drawings

Shatner's Toupee

Fashion It So

Star Traks Nexus

Five-Minute Voyager / Enterprise



Clubs, forums and RPGs

Flare Sci-Fi Forums


The Federation

Klingon Assault Group

Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps

Star Trek Tafelrunde "Hermann Darnell" (German)

Starbase 400

Bravo Fleet

Sixth Fleet

Obsidian Fleet

Shadow Fleet


UFOP: Starbase 118

Independence Fleet

A Call to Duty

Adventure Gaming in the Star Trek Universe


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