Main Index

Several additions and improvements in Jörg's article on Observations in TNG: "Galaxy's Child".
Two more Voyager retro reviews, of Seven's encounter with her past companions in "Survival Instinct" and B'Elanna's journey to Klingon hell in "Barge of the Dead".
I have added considerations on the USS Equinox to the article on Starship Size Issues.
Complete redesign of the Journal of Applied Treknology. Although there have been hardly any updates in recent years, the bad colors and tiny font sizes as well as the ghastly code (thank you, Frontpage!) annoyed me so much that I spent several days to recode it. Please tell me if there are display problems with certain browsers or devices. While I was at it, I also added six new designs.
I have updated the Links and added a new link for each one I had to remove. Do good and visit another Trek site today!