Starship Articles
General IssuesThe Battle at Wolf 359Starfleet Ship ClassesAlien Ship ClassesIndividual Starships
Some starship issues from structural analysis of ships to feasibility considerations are too complex for the Starship Database. They are discussed in much more detail and richly illustrated on the following pages.
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Pages with Recent Changes
- Miscellaneous Starship Problems
10 Mar 2025 - Starship Size Issues
09 Mar 2025 - Sovereign Class Variations
16 Feb 2025 - Starship Scaling
16 Feb 2025 - The Bird-of-Prey Size Paradox
16 Feb 2025 - The Everlasting Klingon Battlecruiser
16 Feb 2025 - Redresses of the Straleb Vessel
08 Dec 2024 - The DS9TM Kitbashes
30 Nov 2024 - Redresses of the Arkonian Warship
25 Nov 2024 - Variations of the Dominion Battlecruiser
27 Oct 2024 - Redresses of the Talarian Warship
27 Oct 2024 - Size of the Akira Class
27 Oct 2024 - Nebula Class Observations
27 Oct 2024 - The New Enterprise Design
27 Oct 2024 - Starship Size Table
27 Oct 2024 - Starship Sizes
27 Oct 2024 - Redresses of the Husnock Ship
25 Oct 2024 - Ambassador Class Variants
20 Oct 2024 - Proto-Nebula Class Reconstruction
29 Sep 2024 - Starship Registries
28 Sep 2024
See Also
General Issues
Starship Registries - Do the NCC numbers make any sense?
Starship Design Guidelines - Is there such a thing as "good starship design"?
Starship Sizes - some general thoughts about how to determine a ship's size
Starship Size Table - a list of starship sizes as given in several publications
Starship Scaling - about starships that look the same but are (supposed to be) of different sizes
Starship Size Issues - many examples of ships, shuttles and stations with size mismatches
Starship Kitbashing - about the feasibility of combining components of different ship types
Where are the Jefferies Tubes? - an attempt to fit them into various ship classes
Miscellaneous Starship Problems - a compilation of some general problems
Starship Mutations - ships and shuttles whose type miraculously changes during an episode
Obscure Yet Interesting Starships - ships types that are intriguing but not well-documented
The Battle at Wolf 359

Wolf 359 - Overview - ship list, screen caps and the status of the identification
Wolf 359 - Interview with Michael Okuda - an e-mail correspondence from February 2000
New Orleans Class Reconstruction
Springfield Class Reconstruction
Challenger Class Reconstruction
Proto-Nebula Class Reconstruction
Wolf 359 - Other Ships - "Planet of the Titans" study models, Excelsior study models, Constitution, Rigel
Starfleet Ship Classes
A Close Look at Enterprise NX-01 - with first-hand information by Doug Drexler
The "Akiraprise" Design - why I think the overall exterior of Enterprise NX-01 is anachronistic
Daedalus Class Problems - about its canon status, the design, the size and other issues
From the Bonaventure to the Phoenix - ever-changing ideas of the first warp ship
The New Enterprise Design - my two cents on the Abramsverse redesign and its true size
The Enterprise Refit of 2271 - "Admiral, this is an almost totally new Enterprise."
Ambassador Class Variants - a very detailed view at the existing variations
The Saucer Rim on the Galaxy Class - dissimilarities between the older and newer miniatures
Sovereign Class Variations - comparison of the Enterprise-E models used in the three movies
Miranda Class Variations - all variations and all appearances of the long-lived class
Nebula Class Observations - a close look at four variants of the design
The History of the Nebula Class Studio Models - all screen-used models (miniatures and CGI) and their modifications
The History of the Excelsior Class Studio Models - all screen-used models (miniatures and CGI) and their modifications
Defiant Problems - Just how little is the tough little ship?
Size of the Excelsior Class - surprising evidence why the ship might be much bigger
Size of the Oberth Class - reasons why 120m is probably too small
Size of the Akira Class - sorting out some conflicting evidence, including the official ILM size chart
The Fleet in PIC: "The Star Gazer" and "Farewell" - identification of all ships and information on the designs
The Fleet in PIC: "Vox" and "The Last Generation" - analysis of the formation, list of identified ships and gallery
Size of the Delta Flyer - or: how to fit a 21m shuttle into a 14m shuttlebay
Which is the Peregrine Class? - trying to link the class name to one of the Maquis ship designs
Runabouts with Rollbars - observations in nine DS9 episodes
Variations of the Type-7 Shuttle - taking into account graphics, interiors, models, mock-ups
Variations of the Type-15 Shuttle - complete analysis of the evolution of the miniature and the set
Redresses of the Orbital Office Complex - how it was made into the Regula One lab and various starbases
Spotting the Ships from the Star Fleet Technical Manual - as seen in "Star Trek II" and "Star Trek III"
Analysis of the Qualor II Surplus Depot - identifying the ships in TNG: "Unification I+II"
The DS9TM Kitbashes - thorough review including photos of the actual studio models
Navigation Lights on Starfleet Ships - red and green lights across the design generations
Starship Class Inconsistencies - a compilation of some popular problems
Alien Ship Classes
The Everlasting Klingon Battlecruiser - one design for 225 years?
The Bird-of-Prey Size Paradox - one, two or even more sizes?
Appearances of the Romulan Warbird - complete investigation of all shots with the miniatures and the CG model
Appearances of the Ferengi Marauder - complete investigation of all shots with the miniatures and the CG model
Size of Goroth's Ship and Skalaar's Shuttle - size estimation of the ships from ENT: "Bounty"
Kazon Ship Sizes - analysis especially of the subtle differences between raider and fighter
Size of the Dominion Battleship - Does the 5km version really exist?
Variations of the Dominion Battlecruiser - differences between "V-type" and "U-type"
Variations of the Ferengi Shuttle - meticulous analysis of the interior and exterior in all of its appearances
Variations of the Negh'Var - how the model was redressed for various different timelines and universes
Redresses of the Romulan Scout - modifications for Romulan science ship and Nasari ship
Redresses of the T'Pau - modifications for the Tosk ship and the partial reconstruction of the original look
Redresses of the Bajoran Raider - modifications for the small Maquis raider and the Xantoran patrol ship
Redresses of the Groumall - modifications for the Nekrit freighter and the Klingon freighter
Redresses of the Merchantman - modifications for Atlec, Sheliak, Peliar Zel, Cardassians, Vidiians, Klingons
Redresses of the Tarellian Vessel - modifications for Zalkonians, Ktarians, Hunters, Haakonians
Redresses of the Batris - modifications for Ornarans, sublight freighter, Norkova
Redresses of the Mondor - modifications for Acamarians, Cardassians, Satarrans, Rigelians
Redresses of the Straleb Vessel - modifications for the Angosian transport
Redresses of the Husnock Ship - modifications for the Jovis, Bajoran freighter and even the black smuggler ship
Redresses of the Talarian Observation Craft - modifications for Tamarians, Klaestron, T'Lani, Bothans, Drayans
Redresses of the Talarian Warship - modifications for Qualor II, Lysians, Frunalians, Drayans
Redresses of the Nenebek - history of the versatile shuttle mock-up and miniature
Redresses of Jaheel's Ship - how one design shows up in four science fiction universes in some fashion
Redresses of the Wadi Ship - modifications for the Xepolite freighter
Redresses of the Karemma Ship - modifications for the Bajoran, Antarian, Ledosian and Xantoras visitor ship
Re-Uses of the Flaxian Ship - appearances as the Tak Tak and as the Entharan ship
Redresses of the Reptohumanoid Ship - modifications for the Vidiians, Dralians, Nygeans
Redresses of the Akritirian Patrol Ship - modifications for the Ba'neth, Lokirrim, Ledosians, Kriosians, pirates
Redresses of Tau's Pirate Fighter - modifications for Torat's and Kes's shuttles and the Benkaran ship
Redresses of the Ramuran Tracer Ship - modifications for the Kobali and the Annari
Redresses of Qatai's Vessel - modifications for Nocona's ship and for shuttles on Enterprise
Redresses of Alice - modifications for the Arkonian shuttle and Tellarite shuttle
Redresses of the Mazarite Shuttle - modifications for the Enolian, Denobulan and Augment shuttles
Redresses of the Arkonian Warship - modifications for the Tellarite cruiser and its animated version
Analysis of the Antarian Transstellar Rally - identification of all involved ships and commentary
Analysis of the Ships in the "Void" - identification of most involved ships and commentary
The Antares Class(es) - too many designs with the same name
Individual Starships
Starships in TOS and TOS Remastered - "before & after" comparison of all ships that appeared in the series
The Enterprise Legacy - a compilation about the eight (+4) starships to bear this name
Enterprise Lineages on Display - "ship walls" and how authentic they are in light of retroactive continuity
Federation Ship Names A-K, L-Z - an alphabetical listing of names, their origins and dedication plaques
Possible Namesakes of Federation Starships - an attempt to find in-universe namesakes
Uncertain Ship Names and Registries - a collection of typos and other oddities
Archived pages Items marked with will not be updated any longer.