Starship Gallery - Romulans

22nd Century Vessels23rd Century Bird-of-PreyD'deridex ClassOther 24th Century VesselsPost-Nemesis VesselsReman Vessels


22nd Century Vessels


23rd Century Bird-of-Prey


D'deridex Class


Other 24th Century Vessels


Post-Nemesis Vessels


Reman Vessels


See Also

Romulan Ship Classes - from all eras

Appearances of the Romulan Warbird - complete investigation of all shots with the miniatures and the CG model

Warp Drive and Romulan History - how a throwaway line from TOS continues to cause unwarranted confusion



The PDF archive of the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection is hosted at the Starship Schematics Database. Thanks to John Eaves, Doug Drexler, Kris Olinger, Masaki Taniko, IGN and for some of the pictures! Some photos from Propstore.


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