This vessel with its boxy design resembles freighters of many other races. It is equipped with an ion-based drive system, using paralithium that may converted to trilithium explosives. Article: Redresses of the Batris
Known ships
No name given
The particular ship that appeared in VOY: "The Chute" was said to have an Akritirian registry. It was owned by Vel of the terrorist group "Open Sky".
Quite obviously this is just another reincarnation of the versatile Batris design, which would be quite out of place in the Delta Quadrant. The brief shots seen of it in VOY: "The Chute" are in fact stock footage of the huge sublight freighter in TNG: "The Final Mission", although the Akritirian ship was not supposed to be that large. Actually, Janeway even said that the ship should be pulled into the shuttlebay! But even if we take into account that it has to differ considerably from the Batris anyway, the ship didn't look that small.
Although it was scaled to be much smaller than Voyager, the patrol ship has many rows of windows in the forward center section, but they were never clearly visible in this first of many appearances of the CG model.
It becomes evident from Neelix's report in VOY: "Drive" that the design in the race, which will appear as the Wysanti ship one episode later, must be the Aksani vessel.
This small ship is equipped with an advanced warp propulsion system.
Known ships
No name given
The Ankari ship is encountered thousands of light-years from its home planet in VOY: "Equinox II", so it must have a very powerful warp propulsion system. There is no close-up of the vessel in the episode, but the CGI is rather detailed and shares a couple of features with the Akritirian patrol ship (see above).
We can identify Valen from VOY: "The Void" as Annari just like the enemies of the Kraylor from VOY: "Nightingale". His ship is a Kraylor medical transport. It doesn't seem to make much sense that the medical transport has become a formidable warship in the Void (unless Valen has really superior tactical officers and engineers). Yet, it is plausible that of all people in the Void Valen may have captured a ship of his enemies, the Kraylor. It is well possible that whoever composed the CG designs for this episode confused the two races.
Several Annari warships appeared in VOY: "Nightingale". They are modifications of the Ramuran tracer ship. While the shape of the ship remained the same, the texture was modified to suggest many rows of windows, making this design look much larger than the Ramuran version.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 300m
The "Antarian Transstellar Rally" was featured in VOY: "Drive". There were countless different designs both among the ships of the participants and of the spectators. Obviously all of them were CGI, and almost all of them were re-uses. With the exception of the supposed Antarian ship below and the two new ones, Assan's shuttle and Irina's shuttle, none of the other vessels had an active role. Irina belongs to the "Terellians", Assan to the "Imhotep", according to This correlation (not the dumb names themselves) makes sense if we pay attention to what Neelix says during the race. The information must come from the script of the episode. The above Aksani vessel can be related to this specific species. The Chessu are another mentioned race, but we can't tell which spacecraft belongs to them. The rally is analyzed here: Analysis of the Antarian Transstellar Rally.
One of these ships transferred the race coordinator to Voyager, so it may be assumed that this is an Antarian design. The supposed Antarian vessel is a modification of the Karemma ship from DS9: "Starship Down", and a re-use of a Bajoran ship in DS9: "Shadows and Symbols". We clearly wouldn't expect this characteristic design in the Delta Quadrant. At least, it seems to have a different, less colorful and maybe less detailed surface texture here.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 400m
General description
These buoys obviously just mark the flight lane of the Antarian Transstellar Rally.
Known buoys
No name given
The buoys were placed along the racing track in VOY: "Drive".
The patrol ship is a small vessel used to protect the B'omar territory. These ships are only moderately armed, but are a threat to intruders owing to their large number. They are equipped with transporters and have a top speed below Warp 8. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 1
Known ships
No name given
At least 16 B'omar ships appeared in VOY: "The Raven".
The Ba'neth ship in VOY: "Riddles" was previously seen as the Akritirian patrol ship, and unfortunately this won't remain the last re-use of this too easily recognizable vessel. The two civilizations are tens of thousands of light-years apart and the Ba'neth hide themselves from the rest of the universe. Nonetheless, I wouldn't totally exclude the possibility of a technology transfer with the Akritirians, considering that the space stations of the two civilizations exhibit certain similarities too (see below). Maybe the fact that the Akritirians are sufficiently far away is just the reason that the Ba'neth contacted them?
The exact purpose of this Ba'neth space station remains unknown. Like their ships too, the station is permanently cloaked. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 2
Known stations
No name given
The Ba'neth space station is a new design, but its horizontal arms may have been derived from those of the Akritirian space prison (see above). The basic shape looks suspiciously like Voyager's radio beacon.
This is a small prototype vessel to test the revolutionary coaxial warp drive. Unlike conventional warp drive, this propulsion concept is based on space folding. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 1
Known shuttles
No name given
In VOY: "Vis ā Vis", the consciousness of the original test pilot Steth was replaced with that of an unknown alien entity. The angular design of the test ship is in strong contrast to the almost organic shapes of the Benthan patrol ships, but that may be because of its experimental nature. The design also appeared in the Antarian Transstellar Rally in VOY: "Drive", but I'm likely to ignore that.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 16m
General description
The Mithran-class fighter is apparently a powerful warship.
Known ships
No name given
"Steth" told Tom Paris about this fighter. He was lying about many things, so the ship type might not really exist.
There were three illusions of ships in VOY: "Persistence of Vision", but this one appeared to be modeled after an authentic Bothan vessel. The miniature will be re-used and will be visible far more clearly as the Serosian ship in VOY: "Revulsion". Note that the front and rear will be switched, and that it seems unlikely that the Bothan version already has the window dome (which would be at the rear end).
It is possible that this ship of Kazon design in the hands of the Bothans exists only an illusion or a projection. Article: Kazon Ship Sizes
Known ships
No name given
It is possible that through their mind control techniques the Bothans got their hands on various alien ships. Dialogue from the episode corroborates the notion that the Kazon ship may be such a booty vessel: "There are lots of rumors about ships entering Bothan space never to be heard from again. My sources on Mithren say that they have lost a number of vessels." On the other hand, if the Bothans could create any form of illusions, wouldn't they rather incorporate one of their own designs instead of the tiny and weak Kazon fighter?
This vessel is a surprise because it is yet another slight redress of the versatile design that started as the Talarian observation craft and will appear later in the second season of Voyager as the Drayan vessel (below) in "Innocence". In the Bothan illusion it still has the spikes on the engines from its appearance as T'Lani cruiser, and the labels on the wings are still there too. It is unknown to which race the ship may originally have belonged. The best guess would be a variant of the Drayan design (also because the nacelle gleams bluish yet slightly different on both ships).
Class specifications
None available
General description
This transport ship is capable of achieving only low warp speeds.
Known ships
No name given
The ship was seen in VOY: "Child's Play" as a decoy, emitting a false high-warp signature to get the attention of a Borg sphere. The model is a re-use of the Caatati vessel 1 (below). Since the two civilizations are far apart and the Brunali ship doesn't seem to be as advanced as the Caatati vessel, I am inclined to ignore the similarity. The Brunali ship was not clearly visible anyway.
In the Star Trek Fact Files there are distorted orthographic views of the Brunali ship. But there is no visual evidence from the episode that the ship really had different proportions than the Caatati version. Only the lighting was modified.
Specifications of this Caatati vessel are not available, except that it is equipped with a tractor beam. The systems of the ship need thorium isotopes to operate. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 1
Known ships
No name given
27 Caatati ships appeared in VOY: "Day of Honor". Only 30 ships were said to have survived after the Caatati civilization had been assimilated by the Borg. Most of the fleet consisted of the smaller design of type 1, including the vessels that initially rendez-voused with Voyager and the one that tractored away the warp core. Hence, an approximate size of the ship can be derived by comparing it to the warp core (27m tall) of the Intrepid class.
Specifications of this Caatati vessel are not available, except that it is considerably larger than type 1. The systems of the ship need thorium isotopes to operate.
Known ships
No name given
Years after VOY: "Day of Honor" had aired, Jörg Hillebrand discovered that there are actually two distinct types of Caatati vessels in the episode. The first is the already customary type 1 whose CGI model is accurately depicted in the Star Trek Fact Files. But when the desperate Caatati begin to attack Voyager, we can see at least two vessels of the type 2, obviously more elongated and definitely much bigger than type 1 (and maybe bigger than Voyager too). Type 2 has a longer fore and aft section, and it incorporates several rows of light that type 1 doesn't have. If we look more closely, we can make out something surprising: The rear end of type 2 looks like Voyager's "neck", with the typical conical overall shape, the shuttlebay cut-out and panels on top which are lit on the Caatati ship. The whole design of type 2 appears to be a CG kitbash. Most likely it incorporates parts of type 1 too, but the overall shape is quite different.
The Star Trek Encyclopedia III has a depiction of an elongated Caatati vessel that I discarded a long time ago because it was blurry and seemed to be just inaccurate compared to the detailed Fact Files renditions of type 1. But now we think that the Encyclopedia actually depicts type 2, yet at a very low resolution. I based the proportions of the detailed new side view of type 2 on this coarse Encyclopedia depiction.
The Chokuzan ship was created by Q as a ruse in VOY: "Q2". But it is a reasonable assumption that the ship class actually exists, considering that Q2 was easily deceived by its appearance. The ship model is a color variant of the Monean starship/submarine, now with green engines.
The Cravic, or rather the automated units who killed their creators, are using this large combat vessel against the obviously identical type of the Pralor androids.
Known ships
No name given
The Pralor and Cravic designs appeared in VOY: "Prototype". The only difference between them as well as between the androids themselves lies in their colors (Pralor: silver, Cravic: gold). The origin of the technology is obviously the same and has not been further developed since the Pralor and Cravic were eliminated by their respective automated units. It is clear that there is supposed to be much symbolism in this symmetry, and it has to be taken with a grain of salt technology-wise.
Class specifications
Diameter: approx. 450m
Sensor array
General description
The Devore sensor array performs scans for ships by sending out pulses in regular intervals.
Known stations
No name given
The sensor array could be seen in VOY: "Counterpoint".
Inspector Kashyk used this shuttle to "defect" to Voyager in VOY: "Counterpoint". The small vessel could be seen in Voyager's shuttlebay, allowing a rough size estimation.
We can only presume that the Devore warship is heavily armed, as otherwise it might not pose such a threat to Voyager (considering that Janeway usually would not tolerate the regular inspections).
The Dinaal hospital is from VOY: "Critical Care". It is unknown which kind of technology keeps the hospital floating. The energy expenditure would be enormous.
Gar's vessel from VOY: "Critical Care" is a slight CGI modification of the Reptohumanoid ship. The plasma color differs and the main body was modified adding a cockpit window. The Fact Files depiction of this vessel is correct.
The Drayan ship could be seen in VOY: "Innocence". This fourth redress of the original Tamarian ship (TNG: "Darmok") has blue engines, and the pointed engine front caps are missing like on the T'Lani cruiser (DS9: "Armageddon Game"), only that the four spikes on the nacelles are missing too here. Of course, the Drayan shouldn't be related to any of the other designs.
The Drayan shuttle is the final re-use of the versatile Talarian warship and one of the last physical models built or modified for Voyager. It sports new custom-made nacelles and a new cockpit superstructure, while the X-wings are missing. Note that both existing Drayan vessel designs are derived from originally Talarian ship models.
No specs are available on the small vessel owned by arms dealer Kovin, except that it is equipped with a low-yield photonic cannon. Article: Re-Uses of the Flaxian Ship
Known ships
No name given
The model used for Kovin's ship (VOY: "Retrospect") previously appeared as the Flaxian vessel. New scenes were filmed that didn't already appear in DS9: "Improbable Cause", and the engines at the aft end glow blue instead of red on the Entharan version. We must postulate that we are dealing with two entirely different designs.
This buoy serves as the target for Kovin's isokinetic cannon. It is made of solid monotanium, ten meters thick, shielded by a chromoelectric forcefield.
Known probes
No name given
The buoy, like Kovin's vessel, appeared in VOY: "Retrospect".
The warship of the Etanian Order is large and heavily armed.
Known ships
No name given
The warship appeared in VOY: "Rise". The ship can only be seen head on and once in a close side view and is hard to identify. Its front view resembles the Merchantman with the modifications made for the Vidiian ship type 1, with more changes to the wings that now seem to form an upper and a lower shell. However, I think the Etanian warship is actually a model we haven't seen so far. It seems to consist of a compact central core (that lights up when the weapons are being activated) with a framework around it, not unlike the Hierarchy vessel (although it is definitely a different model).