The Satarran vessel was used by the infiltrator "Kieran McDuff" in TNG: "Conundrum". He destroyed the ship, which leads us to believe that he was alone aboard. The miniature had previously appeared as Pakled vessel in TNG: "Samaritan Snare". It may have been slightly redressed, removing the dish at the bottom and adding some lighted boxes to the top, but that was only vaguely visible. There would be no problem if the two basic designs were the same.
The Sheliak ship is a redress of the Merchantman from "Star Trek III" with an additional bridge-like superstructure, two long pods on the ventral side and other changes. The ship should be regarded as an indigenous Sheliak design, especially since we must assume it to be much larger than the small freighter, and much more advanced anyway.
Class specifications
Colony ship
General description
The Skagarian ship abducted humans to a planet inside the Expanse.
Known ships
No name given
The wreck of the ship could be seen in full scale in ENT: "North Star".
The crescent-shaped battleship outguns a Federation Sovereign class. Gallery: Son'a Ships
Known ships
No name given
Two of these battleships appeared in "Star Trek: Insurrection". One was disabled and one destroyed in the battle with the Enterprise-E. Design by John Eaves.
The collector ship is specialized to harvest the metaphasic particles surrounding the Ba'ku planet. For this purpose, two large sails may be unfolded. Most of the ship's volume seems to be uninhabitable. Gallery: Son'a Ships
Known ships
No name given
Picard and Ru'afo were obviously alone on the collector ship in their final confrontation in "Star Trek: Insurrection". The ship is probably built for automated or remote-controlled operation. It is unknown, however, if it is equipped with its own propulsion systems.
All Son'a ships were designed by John Eaves. The collector ship looked several times longer than 1254m in the final battle, when the Enterprise-E passed *through* what looked like a channel in the ship.
This Son'a ship is shaped like a horseshoe. It was apparently not primarily built for combat, but served as Ru'afo's command ship. Gallery: Son'a Ships
Known ships
No name given
Ruafo's command ship appeared in "Star Trek: Insurrection".
The ship was designed by John Eaves with the fork facing forward but was turned around by the VFX people: "They did all their meetings and plans with it flying the other way, so when I got into the detailed identification of the parts, they said, 'What's the bridge doing in the back?' They understood my point of view, but it was a pretty heavy discussion on which way it was going to fly, and I fought for it pointing the more aggressive way. If you don't know you couldn't tell, but I still feel that it's going backwards!" We may want to interpret the red impulse engines as Bussard collectors, but the way the design was used, aft-facing engines are missing.
The Son'a shuttles are capable of atmospheric flight and were used to release transport drones on the surface of the Ba'ku planet. Gallery: Son'a Ships
Known shuttles
No name given
These ships could be seen in the sky, releasing drones, in "Star Trek: Insurrection".
The pod was picked up by Enterprise in ENT: "Harbinger".
Class specifications
Length: 5m
Ship type 1
General description
These ships will be used by the Sphere Builders in the 26th century.
Known ships
No name given
At least one ship of this type was destroyed in the Battle of Procyon V in ENT: "Azati Prime". The model was formerly seen as the Vissian ship. Of course, the two designs should not be related in-universe.
Class specifications
Time frame: 26th century
Ship type 2
General description
These ships will be used by the Sphere Builders in the 26th century.
Known ships
No name given
A ship of this type appeared in the Battle of Procyon V in ENT: "Azati Prime". The model was formerly seen as the Devore warship. Of course, it is practically impossible for the two designs to be related.
Class specifications
Time frame: 26th century
Ship type 3
General description
These ships will be used by the Sphere Builders in the 26th century.
Known ships
No name given
A ship of this type appeared in the Battle of Procyon V in ENT: "Azati Prime". The model was formerly seen as the Kreetassan ship. Of course, the two designs may not be actually related.
The spheres are about 1000 years old, made entirely of a single alloy, their hulls covered with irregular diagonal panels. They are surrounded by cloaking fields. All spheres are alike. They have seven fusion reactors, each 12km long. There are 78 spheres in the Expanse that the Xindi know of. Gallery: Major Aliens of the 22nd Century
Known stations
No name given
The first sphere appeared in ENT: "Anomaly". It was used by the Osaarians as a hiding place. The Triannon believe that the spheres were created by the "Makers" who are to return some day (ENT: "Chosen Realm"). The spheres can be activated to create even stronger anomalies (ENT: "Countdown").
One sphere has the designation "Sphere 41", but this was only made up by the Enterprise crew (ENT: "Countdown").
The Tamarian ship (see below) was redressed for the T'Lani cruiser in DS9: "Armageddon Game". There are now four vertical fins protruding from the nacelles. Also, the front pieces of the engines were removed. The color scheme is different. The ship can be seen from both sides (actually from only one side of the miniature), so we could conclude that there is a bridge on the top as well as on the bottom. The T'Lani cruiser may have been intended to be a design different from the obviously larger and better armed Tamarian ship.
The Batris appeared in TNG: "Heart of Glory" where it was somehow converted to a warship by renegade Klingons. It is very questionable how they could manage to destroy a Klingon battlecruiser with only a few system upgrades. "Antares class" may be a human name for a family of alien starships. Some parts of the miniature are taken from a Visitor shuttle from "V", some more from a starship built for the short-lived series Earth Star Voyager. After its first appearance in Trek the model underwent several modifications and appeared in countless more episodes.
The observation craft from TNG: "Suddenly Human" is scratch-built after a sketch by Rick Sternbach. There is no direct comparison with the Enterprise-D from which the ship's size may be derived. The length of 150m is based on a rough structural analysis that would give us 8 decks in the wedge-shaped main section. This seems like a good figure, as it would render the observation craft smaller than the warship. Note that I have revised the very inaccurate side view from the Star Trek Fact Files.
The warship from TNG: "Suddenly Human" has the same basic structure as the Talarian observation craft, only that the four panels are diagonally arranged here. It is surprising that the warship is not built from scratch, but that it incorporates the hull of an Imperial Star Destroyer. The front tip of the Star Wars vessel was cut off, and much of the superstructure was modified, leaving only the basic shape the same. A Star Trek-like bridge section was added, now suggesting a much smaller size. The rest of the vessel seems to be built from scratch. The engine section appears to be similar, but not the same as on the observation craft.
As the design is definitely different, it is easily possible that the warship is of a different size as the observation vessel. There may be about 11 decks in the "Star Destroyer" hull as can be deduced from the bridge superstructure (although there seem to be three rows of lights only in the central cut-out of the upper hull surface). Anyway, a size of about 230m would go nicely with both the ship's structure and the size comparison with the Enterprise-D.
Stock footage of the Talarian design was re-used for the Kriosian ship in TNG: "The Perfect Mate" and the Hekaran science ship in TNG: "Force of Nature". The model also appeared as the Frunalian vessels in DS9: "Emissary" and the Boslic freighter in DS9: "Sons of Mogh". Since the Talarian ships exhibit a clear design lineage, it is more likely that the dated Talarian ships are popular among other races than the suggestion that the Talarians may have captured or acquired these vessels. The warship or its main hull could also be spotted in TNG: "Unification" in the Qualor surplus depot.
The ship appeared in TNG: "Darmok". The whole main body is taken from the Talarian observation craft (see above), whose vertical and horizontal fins were replaced with a horizontal nacelle assembly. The ship model was apparently filmed upside down. The change to the miniature was obviously permanent, as the observation craft (unlike its sister design, the Talarian warship) never appeared again. The Tamarian version of the vessel, on the other hand, was slightly redressed four times for the Klaestron ship (DS9: "Dax"), the T'Lani cruiser (DS9: "Armageddon Game"), for a Bothan vessel (VOY: "Persistence of Vision") and for the Drayan ship (VOY: "Innocence").
Class specifications
Length: approx. 700m
Patrol hovercar
General description
This appears to be a ground vehicle on the Tandaran homeworld.
Known shuttles
No name given
The vehicle could be seen within the prison walls in ENT: "Detained". Although it doesn't have wheels, it may be bound to operation on the ground.
The Tandaran patrol ships are capable of landing on a planet. They are armed with pulse cannons on one side of their asymmetric catamaran hulls, but their defensive systems are no help against spatial torpedoes. Gallery: Other Alien Ships of the 22nd Century
Known ships
No name given
Two Tandaran ships attempted in vain to intercept Enterprise in ENT: "Detained".
The ship was designed by Andrew Probert and appeared in TNG: "Haven". It is unknown what the big bubble is composed of, but is supposed to hold the propulsion system. The crew consisted of only eight survivors. We may assume that the original complement has been in the hundreds.
Details on the Tarkalean vessel are not available.
Known ships
No name given
The Tarkalean freighter was attacked by the Borg in ENT: "Regeneration". Its crew complement can be derived taking into account the number of 29 Borg on the assimilated Earth transport, minus the 9 human drones, and plus the 2 Tarkaleans on Enterprise.
It looks like the Tarkalean freighter is the same basic model as the Retellian ship. The ship's "beak" seems to be lower on the Tarkalean version. Also, the Tarkalean ship carries 2x4 cargo containers instead of 2x3, among other changes. Parts of the ship were integrated into the Borg vessel and are missing on the wreck. The gaps in the hull seem to be battle damage, or simply missing cargo containers.
This Tellarite starship from ENT: "Babel One" and "United" is a re-use of the Arkonian warship. There may be slight modifications, as the guns on the port and starboard side may have been removed. The two designs are most likely not related in any fashion, knowing that the Arkonians are xenophobic and have developed their vessels all by themselves. It is just as unlikely that the Tellarite ship has something in common with the previous re-use of the Arkonian design as the Xindi-Arboreal ship. We know that the Xindi were confined to the Expanse.
Class specifications
None available
General description
This type of decoy probes imitates the warp field of a Tellarite shuttle.
This seems to be a mid-sized interstellar freighter.
Known ships
No name given
The alleged Tellarite freighter turned out to be the Romulan drone ship in disguise in ENT: "The Aenar". But we should assume that the false identity was authentic. The ship we can see before it changes shape is a re-use of the Retellian freighter. These two designs may easily be related, with any of the two races being the original builders.
Skalaar operated this type of shuttle in ENT: "Bounty". From the Vulcan database it was identified as a Tellarite design.
Parts of the CGI as well as the full-scale mock-up are a modification of Voyager's "Alice" with an extended aft compartment.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 15m
General description
The Tezra is a large freighter, the first of her class.
Known ships
Skalaar mentioned this ship, which belonged to him, in ENT: "Bounty". The ship was confiscated and dismantled by the Klingons. The Tezra class may be the Tellarite/Retellian freighter known by now, but I have the impression it must be a lot bigger to hold no less than 1 million metric tons.
Class specifications
Speed: Warp 4.5 Cargo capacity: 1 million metric tons
General description
Details on the Terellian freighter are not available.
Known ships
No name given
The Terellian freighter could be seen as a wreck on a planet surface in TNG: "Liaisons" as part of the Iyaaran experiment to study human emotions. The wreck essentially consisted of a couple of boxes that were arranged to look like a ship with cargo containers and separate nacelles.
Class specifications
Ship (TOS-R)
General description
Just as almost nothing is known about the non-corporeal Thasians, their ship remains a mystery likewise.
Known ships
No name given
The Thasian ship looks like a manifestation of energy, but Uhura explicitly said it was a ship in TOS: "Charlie X". Although it appears to be translucent, the interpretation is possible that the green cloud is a field around the vessel.
In TOS-R, the Thasian ship is actually shown, albeit just as a maze of blurry tubes. The green glowing and fading effect is still reminiscent of the cloud that appeared in TOS.
The 22nd century Tholian starship with its tapered hull has few discernible features except for what seem to be warp field grilles and three engine exhausts at the aft end. The vessel is equipped with a tractor beam. The interior of this ship is heated to more than 200 degrees. Gallery: Major Alien Ships of the 22nd Century
Known ships
No name given
The vessel seen in ENT: "Future Tense" is clearly a homage to the old TOS design. Its size is much the same, the overall shape has been slightly altered, lighting and many details were added. Although we should assume that the TOS ship actually has the same level of detail, the differences are considerable enough to assume that the vessel in ENT is a different and perhaps earlier design.
The 22nd century design was created before the classic ship itself was refined for TOS-R (see below), and clearly influenced the design of the latter.
The Tholian web spinner has a characteristic "three-leaved" port-starboard cross-section, and is tapered towards the front tip. The ship has an emitter at its aft end, allowing to "spin" a tractor field that would destroy a ship trapped inside.
Known ships
No name given
The Tholian web spinner appeared in TOS: "The Tholian Web". The statement that the Tholian ships "remain outside weapons range" is clearly contradicted by visual evidence from the episode where Tholian ships are seen at most 100 meters away in front of the Enterprise.
For TOS-R: "The Tholian Web" the vessel was retconned in a way to still resemble the original web spinner, with orange engine glow in the place of the area that used to be simply red. The design aesthetics are the same as of the 22nd century Tholian ship from ENT.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 15m
General description
The small fighters are equipped to bombard ground targets.
Known shuttles
No name given
The fighters attacked Zobral's camp in ENT: "Desert Crossing". They were visible only for a moment, and it is not clear whether it is a recycled model or not.
The Triannon ship is a small and slow vessel with only basic armament. It consists of a vertically oriented main hull and two engine pods on either side. Gallery: Other Alien Ships of the 22nd Century
Known ships
No name given
D'Jamat's ship and four more of the same type operated by the "heretics" appeared in ENT: "Chosen Realm".
The "Trill" transport transferred the new Odan host to the Enterprise in TNG: "The Host". It is a re-use of the versatile Pakled freighter design. All takes of the ship are stock footage from TNG: "Samaritan Snare".
Note that I refuse to believe that these "Trills" are the same as the Trills on DS9. Read here.
Class specifications
Nanut, freighter, docked at Deep Space 9 in 2370 (DS9: "The Homecoming")
The vessel was found adrift less than a light year from the Valakian homeworld in ENT: "Dear Doctor", after a travel of more than one year. The Valakian CGI model bears a resemblance to the Benkaran ship (which itself is a modification of Torat's/Kes's shuttle), but has overall different proportions, a different nose, differently shaped wings and new rectangular engines.
Class specifications
Crew complement: 2
Train system
General description
The Valakian homeworld has a transportation system of trains running in tubes.
Known vehicles
No name given
It is not clear how the system works, although it seems obvious that it is contactless.
The Sherval Das was docked to Deep Space 9 in DS9: "Dramatis Personae". Since the Talarian patrol ship and warship (above) look like closely related designs, the various later incarnations of the characteristic warships may be of Talarian origin. They are mostly operated as freighters or science ships, though.
The Valtese ship appeared in TNG: "The Perfect Mate". It is obviously identical to the Zibalian freighter Jovis. Actually, everything shown of the Valtese ship is just stock footage from TNG: "The Most Toys".
We could see the patrol ship in ENT: "The Breach". The model is a modification of the Bajoran subimpulse raider, of which a CGI was created for DS9: "Shadows and Symbols". The bent down wing tips were removed and replaced with engine nacelles.
The Xepolite freighter is an unusually fast ship with a sensor-proof coating, but it is only lightly armed. Article: Redresses of the Wadi Ship
Known ships
No name given
The Xepolite ship in DS9: "The Maquis" is a re-use of the Wadi ship originally built for DS9: "Move Along Home" which also showed up as a Bajoran vessel in "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Indiscretion" and "Crossfire". The film was flipped over, perhaps to give the Xepolite version a distinct appearance. It doesn't seem possible that the Xepolites are using the same design as the just discovered Wadi, and it would also be hard to reconcile with the obviously inferior Bajoran design. Maybe we are really dealing with three distinct ship types.
This Yridian ship type seems to be employed for different purposes.
Known ships
No name given
The Yridian destroyer (TNG: "The Chase") and the freighter (TNG: "Firstborn") are obviously identical. Maybe only the armament is different why the first would be identified as "destroyer".
The miniature was scratch built based on a sketch by Rick Sternbach, and it did not show up in any other form. It is not even depicted or described in the Fact Files (unlike many far less interesting ships).
The shuttle from ENT: "Twilight" is yet another reuse of Qatai's venerable vessel from VOY: "Bliss". The design had previously appeared in the 22nd century as a shuttle in ENT: "Broken Bow", but then with green-yellow nacelles. It doesn't really look like it would fit into Enterprise's launch bay, even if we assume it is a distinct, still smaller design.
This Yridian shuttle seen in TNG: "Birthright I+II" belongs to Jaglom Shrek. It is a re-use of the full-scale mock-up and miniature that was first used in this form for the Nenebek.
It is odd why an Yridian shuttle should have a Federation-like registry. But maybe it was really registered in the Federation, possibly as a requirement to trade in Federation space. The "Y" may stand for "Yridian".
The warship was sent to get hold of "John Doe", a Zalkonian who was about to undergo a transformation in TNG: "Transfigurations". The ship miniature previously appeared as the Tarellian vessel in TNG: "Haven" (see above). Most obviously, the spherical drive was removed, and the forked bow was replaced with a blunt front piece. The modifications may seem sufficient to establish that the two ship classes are not related to each other.
The escape pod from TNG: "The Most Toys" looks like it is the original appearance of the mock-up that will frequently appear as various shuttles in other episodes, most prominently as the Nenebek in TNG: "The Final Mission".
The Jovis appeared as Kivas Fajo's vessel in TNG: "The Most Toys". The miniature is an extensive modification of the Husnock vessel. In-universe, the two designs shouldn't be supposed to have anything in common.