Dr. Jetrel used this shuttle in VOY: "Jetrel". The shuttle is a re-use of the Zalkonian ship. Self-evidently, the two must be must be different designs.
The heavily armed ships of the Hazari bounty hunters are equipped with tractor beams. They usually attack in pairs, the second one reinforcing the shields of the lead ship. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 2
Known ships
No name given
Several Hazari ships were seen in VOY: "Think Tank".
Class specifications
Length: approx. 150m
General description
The Hazari shuttle is an armed vessel of at most 20m length.
Known shuttles
No name given
The Hazari shuttle examined the fake debris field and was towed into Voyager's shuttle bay in VOY: "Think Tank". Two shuttles were among the ships that attacked the Think Tank in the end.
The model is the same that will later appear as the Wysanti ship. Clearly the two designs can't be related. Although it is quite understandable as it helped to save budget, it is also a bit problematic that the shuttle's interior is identical to that of the large Hazari ship.
These ships appeared in VOY: "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy" and "The Void". It is the one also correctly depicted in the Star Trek Fact Files. The vessel in the void, unlike the others, was "a survey vessel, not equipped to fight", according to its crew. The large panel protruding from the upper hull of type 1 seems to be extendable. It was not visible in the ship's first scene inside the nebula in "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy".
The type 2 could be seen in VOY: "Renaissance Man". The lighting is slightly different than on the previous Hierarchy ships. But most obviously its structure is different. A "nose" was added to the vessel's hull, and the large sensors on the port and starboard sides were replaced with flush panels. Owing to the modifications type 2 can be supposed to be bigger than type 1, although the first seemed to have a crew of just one person.
This particular probe was used as a decoy. It was programmed to holographically create the image and other sensor readings of a much larger Hirogen ship. Gallery: Hirogen Ships
Known probes
No name given
The decoy was utilized by the renegade hologram Iden in VOY: "Flesh and Blood" against Voyager and a Hirogen task force. We may presume that it is actually a modified Hirogen standard probe and not something routinely used as decoy by the Hirogen themselves (as holographic technology is fairly new to them).
The role of this Hirogen vessel with holographic emitters is unknown. Most likely it is another type of hunter ship. Gallery: Hirogen Ships
Known ships
No name given
The episode VOY: "Flesh and Blood" creates the impression that Iden, the renegade Bajoran hologram, got hold of this ship rather accidentally. We may assume that since "The Killing Game" other Hirogen ship types are equipped with holographic emitters too. The designation as "holoship" was chosen here only due to the lack of a more precise description of the basic ship type.
This is the most common ship type in service of the Hirogen. In spite of its considerable size, the ship is usually manned with only a handful of hunters. Gallery: Hirogen Ships
Known ships
No name given
The hunter ship was seen in VOY: "Hunters", "Prey" and "The Killing Game". It is possible that most of the vessel's volume is uninhabitable and is dedicated to storage, power, propulsion and weapons. A high degree of automation along with redundant systems may allow the small crew to focus on the hunt instead of the trivialities of space travel.
The design of the ship includes ablative armor made of monotanium, with an additional carapace to protect the warp nacelles. Like all Hirogen vessels, they may be recognized because of their dicyclic warp signatures.
This space station is equipped with a large holodeck as a hunting training facility. Gallery: Hirogen Ships
Known stations
No name given
The space station from VOY: "Flesh and Blood" is most likely a standard Hirogen design, most of whose voluminous interior was turned into a holodeck with the knowledge about this technology acquired in VOY: "The Killing Game", leaving only the outer spaceframe unchanged. The crew complement may vary considerably, as most hunters seem to stay aboard only temporarily, with only a small permanent crew of technicians like Donik, the only survivor of the massacre.
The Venatic class is much like a larger version of the standard hunter ship. Despite its huge size, the crew apparently consists of only dozens of hunters. Gallery: Hirogen Ships
Known ships
No name given
The name "Venatic" comes from the dialogue in VOY: "Flesh and Blood". The two Venatic-class ships seen there are actually a re-arranged CGI of the standard hunter ship. Fortunately the modifications to the overall shape were extensive enough to justify that the single components of the model were also scaled up relative to Voyager.
The ancient communication network was built by an unknown alien race, using an only partially comprehensible technology including a quantum singularity as the power source. The Hirogen controlled part of this network for some time and claimed ownership of it until it was rendered useless.
Known stations
No name given
The comm network was used to transfer the Doctor to the Alpha Quadrant in VOY: "Message in a Bottle". One of many presumably identical network relay stations could be seen in the following episode "Hunters". It was crushed when the quantum singularity collapsed. The rest of the network was said to be inoperative because of a cascade reaction. Although the impression was created that the other relays were destroyed likewise, we may postulate that they still exist physically, and that only the link is broken. It would be ridiculous that the network could survive for millennia, only to be obliterated by one failure that may always occur everywhere in the system.
The dull moment of the episode "Hunters" is when the crew is astonished about the use of a quantum singularity in the relay station, although it should be well-known since TNG: "Timescape" that Romulan Warbirds utilize such a power source.
Former Ilari dictator Kieran and company used this vessel to escape Ilari authorities in VOY: "Warlord". All shots are stock footage of the smuggler ship from TNG: "Unification". As usual, the Delta Quadrant ship must be assumed to be a totally different design.
Assan was a participant of the Antarian Transstellar Rally in VOY: "Drive". His shuttle is at most half as long as the Delta Flyer. Assan's affiliation was not mentioned in the episode, only that he had been a ruthless fighter pilot. From Neelix's live report we may conclude that he is either "Terellian" or "Imhotep". Irina belongs to the "Terellians", Assan to the "Imhotep", according to startrek.com. As this correlation (not the foolish names, Imhotep being an Egyptian god) makes sense, I am sure the information comes from the script of the episode.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 10m
Kazon & Trabe
We may assume that, as stated and seen in VOY: "Alliances", the Kazon got all their known ship types from the Trabe, so they are listed together.
The exact role of this huge Kazon ship is unknown, but it may serve as an operation base for the mostly nomadic sects. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 1
Known ships
No name given
The ship is called "carrier" here due to a lack of a more precise term. Carriers appear in "Caretaker II", "Initiations", "Alliances", "Investigations" and "Basics I".
The side view from the Star Trek Encyclopedia II is inaccurate. Our revision takes into account that the front section is larger, that the engines are orange and other discrepancies from the actual model. The depiction from the Encyclopedia, however, is sort of canon since it appeared on a screen in VOY: "Relativity". It is possibly a yet unseen variant of the familiar carrier.
This small type of vessel is used as a shuttle or fighter. It is capable of atmospheric flight and landing. Article: Kazon Ship Sizes
Known shuttles
No name given
Unlike we previously believed, there are subtle differences between the miniatures of the smaller Kazon fighter and the larger raider, as Jörg Hillebrand found out. To suggest a smaller size, the fighter has a cockpit window in the place of the bridge module. We have seen Kazon fighters of the size of a shuttle in VOY: "Caretaker", "Initiations", "Alliances", "Investigations" and "Basics".
The richly detailed Kazon ship model is one of the very few examples of a ship with vertical orientation and is fun to watch, just for a change. The purpose of the wings, however, is uncertain on the ship. The trunk would obstruct planetary flight or even landing, although we know the fighter can land. The aft fins seem to hold the warp and impulse propulsion systems. The fighter is usually armed with phaser-like beam weapons.
Unlike we previously believed, there are subtle differences between the miniatures of the smaller Kazon fighter and the larger raider. To suggest a larger size, the raider has a bridge module in the place of the cockpit window. We have seen Kazon raiders, definitely ships with several decks, in VOY: "State of Flux", "Maneuvers" and "Investigations". In the latter episode we could see both ship types next to each other, and it became evident that the larger raider has a shuttlebay for the smaller fighters. The raider is usually equipped with phaser-like beam weapons and plasma torpedoes.
Class specifications
Length: approx. 160m
General description
The appearance and any specs of the Predator class are unknown.
Known ships
No name given
The Predator class was only mentioned in the fake scenario in VOY: "Projections". Very likely it is identical either to the above raider or the carrier type.
The Kazon "torpedo" appeared in VOY: "Maneuvers". It seems unlikely that the "torpedo" could have been developed in a short time especially for this one maneuver, much less with the notoriously bad engineering expertise of the Kazon. Considering that they don't have transporter technology, there are arguably more so equipped shuttles the Kazon inherited from the Trabe.
The Fact Files drawing of the torpedo has slightly inaccurate overall proportions and details. The front tip of the real model, for instance, is not quite as pointed, and its octagonal profile is more pronounced. The reason is that the Fact Files illustrator obviously reproduced the look of the model kit, rather than of the studio miniature. There are some differences between the miniature and the full-scale mock-up too.
One Kobali ship pursued Lindsay Ballard's shuttle in VOY: "Ashes to Ashes", three more appeared to force her extradition. The miniature is a re-use of the Ramuran tracer ship. It becomes quite obvious that the ship in pursuit of the shuttle is supposed to be very big. But the size of the three attacking ships compared to Voyager is at most 50m (with only one or two decks) like that of the Ramuran ship. I don't find the idea plausible that there are two types of different sizes. It's not only the scaling problem, but also plot logic. Why wouldn't the big ship join the attack on Voyager?
No details are available on the Kobali shuttle, except that it must possess a very powerful warp propulsion system. Gallery: Delta Quadrant Ships, Part 2
Known shuttles
No name given
Lindsay Ballard took this shuttle to escape the Kobali in VOY: "Ashes to Ashes".
The Kradin are using this aircraft to attack planetary targets.
Known aircrafts
No name given
It is not entirely certain if this aircraft really exists, as it appeared in a simulation by the Vori in VOY: "Nemesis". But even though the simulation did not show the very nature of the Kradin military, their technology should have been reproduced in a realistic fashion. The CGI model of the aircraft was only seen from a distance, so the markings with Latin letters and human coats of arms were not visible and we can ignore them (they are removed on the above depiction). The model was originally built by Foundation Imaging as human fighters (in a war against aliens) for a show called "Vortex", from where they retained the lettering.
This vessel is employed by the Kraylor as a medical transport. Its defense systems being rather weak, one particular vessel has been equipped with the prototype of a cloaking device to hide it from enemy ships of the Annari. Article: Analysis of the Ships in the "Void"
Known ships
Medical Transport 136 "Nightingale"
The Kraylor vessel from VOY: "Nightingale" is a re-use of the CGI of the Federation fighter with alarmingly few modifications. The cockpit has been replaced with a proper bridge module, many small windows were added and the engine glow was changed from blue to orange. But aside from that, there were no changes to the very characteristic shape of the small Federation vessel.
The same design appeared once again, this time in the hands of the Annari as Valen's vessel in "The Void". Since there was some confusion about the ships in the Void anyway, this may well have been another Kraylor ship that Valen got his hands on.
Class specifications
Medical transport Length: approx. 320m Crew complement: 56 Max. speed: Warp 6
VOY: "Year of Hell" leaves the impression that certain Krenim vessels exist in only in certain timelines. Avoiding any confusion with pages about ships of different timelines, I treat all ships as if they exist in "our" timeline in one form or another.
The patrol ship appears in timelines of VOY: "Year of Hell" where the Krenim Imperium controls only a small region of space. The impression may arise that the patrol ship is not equipped with warp drive, but there is no evidence to support this. On the contrary, it would be much more plausible with warp drive to able to intercept Voyager. Also, there is no reason to assume that the more powerful versions of the Krenim Imperium don't use this type of vessel.
The large Krenim warship boasts chroniton torpedoes as its principal weapons, capable of penetrating an enemy's ship's shields due to a phase variance. Gallery: The Krenim and Their Enemies
Known ships
No name given
The ship along with its temporal technology apparently exists only in timelines where the Krenim Imperium is strong. This should be the case at the end of the episode VOY: "Year of Hell".
The weapon ship was devised by Krenim scientist Annorax in order to alter history 200 years ago. It is equipped with a temporal incursion weapon and temporal shielding to protect it against changes in the timeline. Gallery: The Krenim and Their Enemies
Known ships
No name given
This vessel obviously does not exist any longer (or better: never existed) after it has erased itself from time when the temporal core destabilized at the end of VOY: "Year of Hell".