Starship Gallery - Federation Shuttlecraft
Enterprise(-A) ShuttlesEnterprise-D ShuttlesDefiant ShuttlesVoyager ShuttlesEnterprise-E ShuttlesJaneway's ShuttleEscape Pods
Original Enterprise and Enterprise-A Shuttles
Enterprise-D Shuttles
Defiant Shuttles
Voyager Shuttles
Enterprise-E Shuttles
Janeway's Shuttle (VOY: "Endgame")
Escape Pods and Captain's Yachts
See Also
Federation Shuttlecraft - and other small auxiliary vehicles
Variations of the Type-7 Shuttle - taking into account graphics, interiors, models, mock-ups
Variations of the Type-15 Shuttle - complete analysis of the evolution of the miniature and the set
Voyager Inconsistencies - including the famous Voyager shuttle count
Special thanks to TrekCore, Doug Drexler, Propworx, and Reverend. Some photos from Propstore, Heritage Auctions and Julien's Auctions
Designing the Galileo Shuttlecraft @ The FSD
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