Starship Gallery - Intrepid
USS Voyager NCC-74656USS Voyager with Hull Armor"Warship Voyager"Auxiliary CraftAerowingStudy Model
USS Voyager NCC-74656
USS Voyager with Hull Armor (VOY: "Endgame")
"Warship Voyager" (fake, VOY: "Living Witness")
Auxiliary Craft
Aerowing (apocryphal)
Study Model (non-canon)
See Also
Voyager Inconsistencies - including the famous Voyager shuttle count
Special thanks to Igor Marić and The PDF archive of the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection is hosted at the Starship Schematics Database. Some photos from Heritage Auctions.
Designing Voyager, A Close Look at Voyager, Intrepid-Class Design Lineage @ The FSD
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