Past Updates 2024
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Pages with Recent Changes
- Miscellaneous Starship Problems
10 Mar 2025 - Starship Size Issues
09 Mar 2025 - Starfleet Ship Classes L-Z
09 Mar 2025 - Star Trek Voyager (VOY) Season 5
26 Feb 2025 - Star Trek Clichés
25 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Heart of Glory"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "First Contact"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "The Next Phase"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Tapestry"
22 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Ethics"
22 Feb 2025 - Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek
22 Feb 2025 - 21st Century Earth History
16 Feb 2025 - Timeline - Early Space Travel (1967-2160)
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Coming of Age"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Symbiosis"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Conspiracy"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Manhunt"
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Wor...
16 Feb 2025 - Observations in TNG: "Darmok"
16 Feb 2025
There are several new observations by Jörg, more references and better pictures in the article on Observations in TNG: "Clues".
Two more of the oldest TNG Observation articles have been upgraded: "Angel One" and "11001001": better pictures, more references, some additions.
Merry Christmas! I wish all of you and your families joyful and peaceful holidays.
The season 5 updates to the database are complete with the Lower Decks Alien Ship Classes.
The Lower Decks Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes have been updated with references from season 5.
I have also added a write-up on the controversial question whether DIS Klingons exist in our universe or not.
I am going to add all ships from Lower Decks season 5 to the Starship Database. As a first step, here are the Lower Decks Multiverse Ship Classes.
Lower Decks ends with a spectacular finale that includes various weird transformations, among which one is particularly shocking and may constitute a paradigm shift in continuity matters, depending on how we look at it. Don't read on if you want to avoid a major spoiler. Here is my review of LOW: "The New Next Generation".
Another old article by Jörg with more references, better pictures and some corrections: Observations in TNG: "Devil's Due".
Read my review of LOW: "Fissure Quest", an enjoyable detour to a ship with surprising crew members, of whom some work better for me than others. In any case, I am looking forward very much to the promised "gigantic finale"!
Here is a new ranking list, with my 10 Favorite Starfleet Ship Designs. Let me know your favorites in the comments!
Here is my review of LOW: "Upper Decks". I am so sorry but the final season of Lower Decks is becoming the clearly weakest one.
I have added some 40 new images, mostly of Various Federation Vessels and mostly from Eaglemoss publications, to the Starship Gallery. There are also updates and corrections in a couple of articles.
There are a couple of updates with facts from recent episodes and a small new Discovery shuttle size chart.
My review of LOW: "Fully Dilated". This is among the most entertaining and memorable episodes of the season. It could have been even better, it it were not for one particular caveat.
Here is my review of LOW: "Of Gods and Angles". Trigger warning: I think it's embarrassing and unfunny.
Tadeo D'Oria has expanded the list of changes to the Enterprise-D bridge in "Generations" and has provided new renders. More of his impressive work can be found at the Roddenberry Archive.
Progress report: I have updated 32 of my old ship designs (follow the tags). All designs come with extra details and in much higher resolution, some were changed more extensively. There are also a few variations, such as the colorful civilian versions of the Trident-class cargo ship.
Mariner's much-anticipated return to Starbase 80 turned out differently than I would have expected. Read my review of LOW: "Starbase 80?!" if you dare.
Read my review of "A Farewell to Farms", an unusual episode about culture clashes in which the regular characters take a backseat (and not always to their advantage).
The EAS Fleet Yards section has been updated only occasionally since I stopped drawing non-canon starships some 20 years ago. I'm not going to create new designs, but I will gradually rework the old files and export much better orthographic views (as far as the existing level of detail allows it). Follow the signs. There is one design, the Trident-class cargo ship, for which I have drawn all-new detailed views. I have also included some more refinements or 3D models by other people and revised several of the descriptions.
The third episode of Lower Decks season 5, "The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel", has its merits. But it overall disappoints as it is about old issues that shouldn't have been revived in my view, giving the impression the series is running out of ideas.
More updates with facts from recent episodes, notably a whole new section on the changing faces of Orions.
I have also created a small fleet chart for the Abramsverse shuttles, including a few newly drawn or updated side views.
And here is the review of LOW: "Shades of Green". I am also supplementing articles with facts from the latest episodes, such as Redresses of the Husnock Ship (new variant of a Collector ship).
My review of LOW: "Dos Cerritos". The fifth and last season of Lower Decks starts off with an episode that has a bit of everything I love about the series.
Here is an editorial on the occasion of the fifth and final season of Lower Decks, in which I try to explain why I love this series so much. I have also added the latest news from NYCC and a comment.
There are many starships, shuttles or stations, whose size problems are not yet addressed in more detail. I am collecting them in the new article Starship Size Issues. Suggestions for new chapters are welcome!
The Federation shuttle size chart concludes the updates to the Fleet Charts for now.
There are new size charts for the ships and the shuttles that appear exclusively in the animated series (TAS, LOW, PRO). Extensive research went into the size figures, although in cases of misscaled designs they are unsatisfactory compromises (the most extreme case being the Voyager-A shuttle). Please read the annotations.
Here is the updated and expanded fleet chart of alien shuttles (all regions and eras).
There are several new observations by Jörg, more references and better pictures in the article on Observations in TNG: "The Wounded".
I have updated the space station scale chart as well, with some bold size estimations that are explained in the annotations.
It's been a while since I last posted a new ranking. Here are my 10 Favorite Star Trek Musical Pieces, including one that will not find everyone's approval. Let me know your favorites in the comments!
Here is the updated and expanded fleet chart of alien ships of the Gamma & Delta Quadrants (except the really huge ones and the shuttles).
The comparison chart with the huge alien ships is now updated as well.
I have added over 50 new images, mostly of 22nd century ships, such as in the Starship Gallery - Major Aliens of the 22nd Century.
Here is a new fleet chart with Discovery's 32nd century ships.
Several new observations by Jörg, more references and better pictures in the article on Observations in TNG: "Data's Day".
It has been only a couple of days since we updated the article on Redresses of Jaheel's Ship, but there is new evidence yet again. The actual filming model as it appeared in DS9: "Babel" still exists and was auctioned off by Heritage.
Here are my updated and greatly expanded considerations on Time Travel in Star Trek: Prodigy.
Here are the Starfleet & Federation ships from Prodigy season 2 in the starship database.
I have added the alien ships from Prodigy season 2 to the starship database.
I may have expected a bit more from the Prodigy finale, but I liked it. Here is my review of "Ouroboros I/II".
More maintenance: I have updated and reordered the Links.
The page about Redresses of Jaheel's Ship now includes photos from the recent Propstore auction, which shed new light on the history of the miniature but also raise new questions. All pictures can be found in the gallery.
Everything is set at EAS for Lower Decks season 5, coming October 24th.
Two exciting episodes lead up to the Prodigy season finale. Read my reviews of "Brink" and "Touch of Grey".
I have upgraded two more of the oldest TNG Observation articles: "The Big Goodbye" and "Datalore": better pictures, more references, some additions and fixed external links.
Over 30 new high-resolution images, mostly from the Official Starships Collection, in the galleries of Federation Space Stations and of Other Klingon Ships.
I have a few issues with the double feature PRO: "Ascension I/II", but it is overall well written and visualized and is one of the parts of the series that make a great standalone episode to watch with friends and pizza, much like a movie.
My reviews of the Prodigy season 2 episodes "A Tribble Called Quest" and "Cracked Mirror". Both episodes revisit well-known (and arguably overused) themes of Star Trek, in which one is more successful than the other.
And here is my review of "Last Flight of the Protostar I/II". This story works overall well, although it incorporates many clichés and over-the-top action.
Lots of production news comes from SDCC. Here are my comments.
Here is my combined review of the Prodigy season 2 double feature "The Devourer of All Things I/II". This is my biggest disappointment of the season so far. The much-anticipated return of another legacy character sadly turns out to be one of its most problematic aspects.
Many new pictures of Star Trek Discovery Characters and Star Trek Discovery Sets and Props, now up to date with selected publicity shots from season 5.
I have added over 30 new high-resolution images of Small Federation Vessels, mostly from the Official Starships Collection.
My reviews of the next two episodes of Prodigy season 2: "The Fast and the Curious" and "Is There in Beauty No Truth?". The episodes take a break from this season's big arc. But although they tell stories in their own right and in the best tradition of episodic Trek, they don't live up to this potential.
And here is the next update to one of our old articles: Observations in TNG: "The Loss".
Taking a short break from Prodigy season 2 reviews. I have added new observations by Jörg, more references and better pictures to the article on Observations in TNG: "Final Mission".
PRO: "Imposter Syndrome" is a well-rounded episode in my view, with a very entertaining story and a surprising twist at the end.
After four episodes of action, PRO: "Observer's Paradox" is a filler episode in my view, and a rather bland one at that.
Read my review of "Temporal Mechanics 101". The episode is a bit of a mess, not only as the temporal effects are concerned but also with regard to general story logic and to character interactions.
And here is the review of the third episode of Prodigy season 2, "Who Saves the Saviors". It consists of two story threads separated in time, of which one is considerably more interesting than the other.
Here is my review of the entertaining season opener PRO: "Into the Breach I/II".
There are many new observations by Jörg, more references and better pictures in the article on Observations in TNG: "Future Imperfect".
As already announced, EAS will not have timely coverage on Prodigy season 2, all of which will be dumped on Netflix tomorrow. There is no chance for me to watch and review more than one or two episodes per week (and probably interrupted by LOW season 5). I will avoid spoilers and I will not discuss PRO season 2 with anyone until I have seen it.
Two more revised Voyager season 5 reviews: the deplorable "11:59" and the awesome "Relativity".
Here is the last new story by Travis for now, Patriotism. The Patriot Confederacy has seceded from the Federation but is threatened by both Federation and Romulan interests. Unknown to all parties, this also invokes a patriotic crisis within Cell 51.
Our away team (Anke, Florian and Jan from the Memory Alpha Podcast, plus Thorsten and Bernd) visited the 1701 Museum in Eberswalde on May 19, 2024. Here is an image gallery of our tour.
Independence Day by Travis Anderson. As the growing tensions between Starfleet and the Patriots tighten, a new diplomatic crisis develops nearby. Starfleet Intelligence has agents in place and the SID wants to exfiltrate them. So Macen and two new SID crews go in. Only to receive the surprises of their lives.
Lin Jingqiu has identified some more Chinese characters in Soong's Labs.
I have added a brief essay on whether Star Trek is or should be considered a multiverse. There are also a couple of new chairs.
Jörg and I appear in a number of videos, in which we talk about how we became fans, how EAS was created and how the fandom has changed, among numerous other topics. I have collected them on the page EAS on Video. Thanks to the Memory Alpha Podcast, to Trek Time and to all other participants!
Hidden Corners by Travis Anderson. President Ardra's administration gets investigated by the Rockford Detective Agencies, Outbound Ventures, and eventually Starfleet and Federation Security as the Federation Council must choose whether or not to act upon the evidence.
Canon criteria and interpretations have become controversial in fandom. I have compiled a list of discrepancies between EAS and Memory Alpha, which exist despite the common goal to make sense of in-universe material without speculation.
New story by Travis Anderson: Ascendancy Rising. The Federation reaches out to the Ascendancy only to receive a great surprise. A surprise that leads from the Gamma to the Beta Quadrant.
Jörg's new article The History of the Betazoid Emblem describes how a fan design accidentally became canon in Star Trek Picard in 2020 and has appeared repeatedly since then.
Everything is set at EAS for Prodigy season 2, all 20 episodes of which will be released on July 1 - which is insane. There is no way I will binge-watch the show (or myself) to death. It will take several months to catch up with the reviews and updates, and I will limit my social media activities until then.
I have been so busy with the updates related to the final Discovery season the past three days that I need to relax and watch Voyager. Here are two more retro reviews: VOY: "Juggernaut" and VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me".
And here are the Federation starships from Discovery season 5.
I have added the alien ships from Discovery season 5 to the starship database. There are also various other updates with facts from the latest episodes, such as about time travel in DIS.
Reviving the Poll: Which live-action season was the best?
Star Trek Discovery ends with an episode that is action-loaded and ties up most of the loose ends but is also verbose at times without telling a lot. Here is my review of "Life, Itself".
Discovery doesn't take a break from action in its penultimate episode. Here is my review of "Lagrange Point".
This week's episode comes with an exciting and a contemplative plot thread, of which one fails to convince me. Read my review of DIS: "Labyrinths".
The upgrade of the oldest TNG Observations continues with "Hide and Q" and "Too Short a Season": better pictures, more references, some additions and error corrections. There are also quite a few new chairs. Special thanks to Josh Hardgrove!
There are many new observations by Jörg and better pictures in the article on Observations in TNG: "Reunion".
Here is my review of DIS: "Erigah", a solid mid-season finale that brings one arc to a preliminary conclusion and establishes a new, more dangerous adversary.
Another old article supplemented with new observations by Jörg and better pictures: Observations in TNG: "Legacy".
It looks for a while like DIS: "Whistlespeak" could become a classic in the vein of "Who Watches the Watchers", until massive problems in the back story become obvious.
Read my review of DIS: "Mirrors". The episode comes with two big reveals, of which the second one works a lot better.
Over 60 new or significantly improved images of Alpha and Beta Quadrant Starships, Part 1 and Part 2.
I have also updated over 20 articles in the past couple of days, such as Appearances of the Romulan Warbird (animated Warbirds), Analysis of the Qualor II Surplus Depot (summary and new HD images), Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek (a few new finds) and several more that now have references to recent episodes.
Here are my review of DIS: "Face the Strange" and my analysis of the time travel effects in this fun episode.
Lower Decks has been canceled, Strange New Worlds has been renewed. Here is my comment.
My review of DIS: "Jinaal". After a promising start of the season, things begin to fall apart in the third episode.
I have added still 90 more images (mostly from the Shipyards books) to the gallery pages for Delta Quadrant, Part 1 and Delta Quadrant, Part 2.
And here comes DIS: "Under the Twin Moons". The second episode can't quite keep up with the premiere, not primarily because of less action but because of the awkward ways that characters get involved in the story.
Here is my review of DIS: "Red Directive". The fifth and final season begins with a good amount of action, decent character interaction and a galactic mystery with a connection to classic Trek.
Update for the alien fleet chart Alpha & Beta Quadrant. I have added more than a dozen ships, recalculated some sizes and replaced the depictions with better ones where necessary. Note that only ships are included whose design sizes are known or that can be scaled with a reasonable margin of error.
A new article by Jörg and me looks at Redresses of the Romulan Scout. This article has been in the making for almost two decades. And it will probably have to be updated as soon as next week, after the Discovery season 5 premiere has aired. So stay tuned.
There are many Chinese characters in Soong's places in TNG: "Datalore" and "Brothers". Most of them can be identified by now, although not all of them make sense. Read in a new article by Lin Jingqiu.
Over 50 new images of Discoverse Federation Vessels. I have also replaced all database side views of 23rd century and 32nd century Discovery ships with larger versions, where available.
Fleet chart update: Discoverse Federation and Discoverse Klingon. There are a few new ships, and the side views are much better now. A big thanks to Pundus for the kind support! While I was at it, I also added large images from Eaglemoss publications to the Discovery Klingon Ship Gallery.
I have finally added the starships from Star Trek Picard to the Federation fleet chart, which has therefore grown enormously.
Speaking of sections that have not seen an update in years, I think Star Trek + Design deserves an EAE Award. Congratulations, Eno!
Massive ship gallery update with some 120 new images of Various Starfleet Vessels and (now on a separate page) of Wolf 359 & DS9TM Starfleet Vessels. Many thanks to Nathan Horton.
Site maintenance: I fixed the broken links to the relocated TrekCore TNG Blu-ray galleries in all 145 TNG Observations articles.
The oldest TNG Observations are reworked up to "The Battle" now. I also wrote a script to scan the whole site for missing resources, thanks to which I could fix two dozen broken thumbnails or image links that had come to pass with the latest improvements.
Once again, there are over 50 new images in the Starship Gallery, mostly on the pages for the Vulcans and for the Miranda Class.
Here are two more revised Voyager season 5 reviews, of "The Fight" and "Think Tank". I have also updated the oldest TNG Observations up to "The Last Outpost" with corrections, better images and more references.
Many new additions to our Observations in TNG: "Remember Me", including a few surprising discoveries about re-used footage.
Besides adding new findings by Jörg (currently in season 4), I have started to improve the oldest articles in the Observations section. I have included more HD screen caps, fixed or added references and harmonized the formatting in Observations in TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" and the next four episodes.
I have added many new items to our article with Observations in TNG: "Family". And the usual hint: Jörg posts new stuff at Twitter and at Mastodon every day, currently about his favorite episode "Remember Me".
Over 50 new images in the Starship Gallery, mostly on the pages for the Cardassians and for the Excelsior.
Here are two more revised Voyager season 5 reviews, of "The Disease" and "Course: Oblivion". Not the greatest episodes, still a pleasure to watch again after several years.
Many new entries and images in the article with Observations in TNG: "Suddenly Human". Keep watching Jörg's Twitter account for the latest findings.
Many more new images in the Starship Gallery, such as on the pages for Dominion and Allies, Constitution and Ambassador.
I'm in the course of replacing many old (scanned) images in the Starship Gallery with much better versions, such as notably the annotated orthographic views. Other than that, there is a lot of ongoing site maintenance without a specific focus.
Happy New Year 2024!