Past Updates 2014
December November OctoberSeptember August July June May April March February January
The final update of 2014 brings us more starship interiors: Defiant transporter room, variant 1 and variant 2 by BobyE and Kirk's quarters from "Star Trek II" by Falke.
Two more game reviews by TTP, of Star Trek: Judgment Rites and EGA Trek.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Imaginary Friend". TrekCore has a gallery with 387 HD screen caps from this episode. The story may not be exciting, but it comes with nice shots of the ship's arboretum and of the nebula.
The next two Voyager season 1 reviews: "Parallax" and "Time and Again".
More changes, including three new ship names, can be found in the passenger list in TNG-R: "Inheritance".
Here is my review of "Mind-Sifter", the latest episode of Star Trek Phase II.
The HD release finally allows to identify all ship names in the personnel files in TNG: "Eye of the Beholder".
The Christmas, Present. by J. Grey and R. Cane is a very unusual Star Trek story. This Christmas a man discovers that a loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Here is my review of the Season 7 TNG-R Blu-ray set. CBS Digital concludes the remastering of TNG with a nearly flawless Blu-ray set. Just as the production values of the original TV series have matured during the seven-year run of the series, the remastering process of the old footage has reached a consistently excellent quality level by now. I hope that the experience gathered with TNG will not be lost but will go into the remastering of DS9.
It was time for an update of the Links.
Another round of starship interiors by BobyE: original Enterprise chapel, Enterprise-E corridor and Defiant ready room.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Perfect Mate". TrekCore has a gallery with 385 HD screen caps from this episode, in which Picard has to prepare a beautiful empathic metamorph for her marriage.
Travis Anderson launches a new fan fiction series: The Cause - The Tales from the Maquis. Read the first story, titled The Camps.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Cost of Living". TrekCore has a gallery with 474 HD screen caps from this episode, including Worf in the mud bath.
I have redesigned the "Site Guide" index pages. This is just an intermediate step. My goal is to make the navigation menu accessible from the menu bar too and to make the navigation overall more transparent.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "The First Duty". So glad that the Latin motto was fixed for TNG-R (at least in the most obvious instances)! See more of Wesley's trial in TrekCore's HD screen cap gallery, including impressions of Starfleet Academy.
See how the Enterprise is caught in a time loop and is destroyed several times in our Observations in TNG: "Cause and Effect". TrekCore has a gallery with 487 HD screen caps from this exciting episode.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Outcast". TrekCore has a gallery with 356 HD screen caps from this episode, in which Riker falls in love with a member of a genderless society.
We continue our article series with Observations in TNG: "Ethics", including a detailed look at medical technology and Klingon anatomy. See even more of it in TrekCore's HD screen cap gallery.
Jay Stobie reviews Section 31: Disavowed, the latest novel by David Mack.
I have updated my list of Internet Annoyances, which is written from the perspective of a webmaster as well as of a normal user.
BobyE has created three new starship interiors: Enterprise recreation room, Defiant crew quarters and Defiant corridor.
New in the Starfleet Museum: the first renders of the Horizon class by John Martinez and one ship emblem.
It has repeatedly been suggested to review Star Trek games here at EAS. Since I don't feel I'm qualified, I have teamed up with an expert in this field, TTP. Read his first couple of game reviews and his classification of games.
New story by J. Grey in the Star Trek Universal series: The Smuggler. The answers sometimes lie inside the question.
Three more ship interiors by the indefatigable BobyE, all from the original Enterprise: mess hall, McCoy's quarters, Uhura's quarters.
I was working on some new layout graphics. Since this affects countless pages on which they appear, I decided to update all layout graphics such as bullets or "back" buttons on all pages while I was at it. I hope that there are no dead image links left.
Added some more ship interiors: corridor, Scotty's quarters, Janice Rand's quarters on the Enterprise NCC-1701 by BobyE, Kirk's quarters and generic officer's quarters and Kirk's quarters on the Enterprise refit by Falke.
Starting my expanded Voyager reviews with the pilot episode, "Caretaker".
BobyE has reconstructed interiors of the original Enterprise: briefing room, Kirk's quarters, Spock's quarters.
I am going to reorganize a few things, to make room for new content and to facilitate the navigation. As a first step, there is a new Product Reviews index page (for books and miniatures).
New story by J. Grey in the Star Trek Universal series: The Adventurers. Two travellers explore the endless possibilities of the galaxy.
More ship interiors by BobyE, this time from the Enterprise-D: Troi's quarters, corridor and holodeck.
Read Safehold, the latest story by Travis Anderson. Doctor Bashir has died in prison and Starfleet suspects Section 31 had something to do with it. The SID is tasked with finding out why the doctor was killed or if he even was.
Finally an update of Canon Fodder: The Size of Starfleet by Jay Stobie.
Here are two more Enterprise NX-01 interiors by BobyE: enlisted crew quarters (Daniels, Cutler) and the engine room.
I conclude my TNG reviews with "Preemptive Strike" and "All Good Things". These are also the two last reviews of any Star Trek series that were still missing. Seeing that it has been over a decade since I watched several of the episodes, I may start over with Voyager. And I'm planning to do something about the formatting of the episode reviews, but only once I have figured out how I can do it automatically.
Here is a new book review by Jay Stobie, of Lust's Latinum Lost (and Found) by Paula M. Block & Terry J. Erdmann.
Here are two more TNG season 7 reviews: "Bloodlines" and "Emergence". That means I will conclude my TNG reviews with the next post.
Two more TNG season 7 reviews: "Journey's End" and "Firstborn".
Now that TNG's 7th season on Blu-ray has been announced, what about taking on DS9? It's a bigger challenge, as the series relied more heavily on CG effects. Tell your opinion in my new Poll.
Travis has compiled the Maquis Personnel Profiles of the SID series, complete with photos.
One more new Enterprise NX-01 interior by BobyE: the armory.
Congratulations to Star Trek HD! The German site about TNG-R and other Star Trek Blu-ray releases wins an EAE Award for its well-researched articles, convincing presentation and pleasant layout.
Here are the next two TNG season 7 reviews: "Eye of the Beholder" and "Genesis".
Catching up with our article series: Here are the Observations in TNG: "Power Play". See how Deanna, O'Brien and Data become possessed by criminal aliens in 487 HD screen caps at TrekCore.
Continuing my TNG season 7 reviews: Here are "Thine Own Self" and "Masks".
See our Observations in TNG: "Conundrum". The crew try to find out who they are, and what they find out in the remastered episode is a little different. TrekCore has a gallery with 449 HD screen caps from the episode.
I have updated the Links page, which was in need of attention.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Masterpiece Society", an episode that is remarkable for its beautiful visuals, rather than for its story. TrekCore has a gallery with 336 brilliant screen caps from the episode.
Another round of Enterprise NX-01 interiors by BobyE. This time we visit the quarters of Hoshi Sato, Malcolm Reed, Travis Mayweather and Dr. Phlox.
Here is the next round of Enterprise NX-01 interiors by BobyE: Tucker's quarters, T'Pol's quarters, launch bay, airlock. Also new: Voyager corridor by Falke.
See our Observations in TNG: "Violations". Not a great episode, still with some interesting discoveries. You can find a gallery with 408 brilliant screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
Allen Rolfes has reworked nearly all deck plans for the ships in the Starfleet Museum. There are new, highly detailed layouts for the Yorktown-class carrier and the Hyperion-class cruiser. Overall, no less than 178 images have been added or upgraded.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Hero Worship". It's not a great episode, but it has some nice space shots and shows us details of a damaged Oberth-class vessel. See even more of it in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
The latest Tales of the SID adventure by Travis Anderson is titled Conspiracy. Having been displaced from the SID, Macen rebuilds his team and undertakes his most dangerous investigation yet. The case: Whether or not Federation President Nanieta Bacco has betrayed her nation. Once again it's an all or nothing operation with the fate of trillions hanging in the balance.
See our Observations in TNG: "New Ground". You can find a gallery with 412 brilliant screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
Even more Enterprise NX-01 interiors by BobyE: Archer's quarters, conference room and turbolift.
Jay Stobie has reviewed The Light Fantastic by Jeffrey Lang.
Starship Farragut has released a new episode, "Conspiracy of Innocence". Read my review.
BobyE has created five more interior views of Enterprise NX-01: captain's mess, mess hall, transporter room, corridor and brig.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "A Matter of Time", with the great "planet cleaning" sequence. See even more of it in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
And here is the second part right away: Observations in TNG: "Unification II". See the gallery with 375 screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
See our Observations in TNG: "Unification I". You can find a gallery with 377 brilliant screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
Travis has updated the Tales of the SID Personnel and Vessel Profiles, now with photos!
Here are our Observations in TNG: "The Game". See in 447 HD screen caps from TrekCore how Wesley only has eyes for cute Ensign Lefler and not for the addictive game.
I have received countless encouraging comments and suggestions after posting the article EAS on the Downturn on April 27, 2014. Thank you! I have added a summary of the discussions that ensued and some further thoughts.
Masao and Dan have finished the article on the Capella Class in the Starfleet Museum. Furthermore there are several new ship emblems by Masao in various articles. Please follow the
We have upgraded the Subspace Comms Network to a new software version. With its additional anti-spam features in place, we can finally allow new members to register.
A new story in the Tales of the SID series by Travis Anderson: Protection. Following Section 31's coup, Macen and the SID uncover evidence that supports S31's allegations. But, in an unexpected twist, a Starfleet starship crew is captured by the Romulans. As events unfold, Macen must choose between the life of a friend or his duty to President Bacco.
See our Observations in TNG: "Disaster". TrekCore has 438 brilliant screen caps from this exciting episode.
Here is the promised update of the JoAT, but with only three new designs. The rest failed to meet the criteria. Sorry.
Here is the next book review by Jay Stobie, of Star Trek: Stellar Cartography by Larry Nemecek.
I'm planning to update the JoAT soon. There were many contributions since last October, but I can accept only a few. If you submitted something, please see the updated feedback thread at the SCN.
BobyE has created drawings of the Enterprise NX-01 bridge in "These Are the Voyages" and of Archer's ready room. See Starfleet Bridge Illustrations and Various Starship Interiors.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Silicon Avatar". It is my least favorite TNG episode, but it comes with eye candy in the form of the Crystalline Entity. See even more of it in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
We have compiled a big new article. It summarizes how a flyby of the Enterprise-D that appeared in countless TNG episodes since the fourth season but whose original footage could not be found was replaced for the remastering. Starting with a first CG model for the sampler with "The Inner Light", the footage was recreated with a similar shot of the physical model for several episodes, until a refined CG model of the Enterprise was available. See all the details in Enterprise Flybys in TNG and TNG-R.
See our Observations in TNG: "Ensign Ro". TrekCore has a gallery with 352 HD screen caps from the episode.
In order to fill the new "Show/hide related" side bar with links (which happens automatically through a script), I have placed countless additional links in practically all pages. And while I was at it, I have updated several articles, such as Re-Uses of the Angel One Matte Painting (now with the latest information from TNG-R).
Update in the article about Classical Music in Star Trek. We have added two clarinet pieces played by Harry Kim in "Parturition" (Mozart) and in "Tuvix" (Brahms).
Here is my review of the recently released TNG sesaon 6 Blu-ray set. It is my favorite TNG season anyway, but also on the purely technical side the Blu-ray set of this season may be the best one so far. Even very critical fans who (unlike me) complain about small imperfections such as upscaled SD footage or not so perfect ship shots will find practically no fault with this Blu-ray set.
New story by Travis Anderson in the Tales of the SID series: Fallout. After a series of harrowing events, the Federation is vulnerable. Unwilling to risk yet another crisis, several security organs within the Federation decide to alter things starting with the Presidency on down. It will be a new age, not only for the Federation but also for the Cardassian Union, if they succeed.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Darmok". 453 HD screen caps from the episode can be found at TrekCore. Temba, his arms wide!
As a further improvement of the site's usability, each content page, such as Planet Mutations, now sports a button "Show/hide related" on the upper right. I couldn't test everything, so please notify me of any dead links or display errors.
I have added an additional list of all recently changed pages to each of the big index pages, such as the one of the Investigations. In addition, the index pages of the episode guides and of the Timeline have been redesigned.
We have added information from Tim Wilcox, creator of the CG model of the "Hammerhead" freighter, to the article on the Redresses of the Husnock Ship.
It has been online for just a couple of days, but here is already an update of the Fictional Places on Earth, with a re-evaluation of Carbon Creek and two new places: Gravett Island and Portage Creek.
The two next TNG season 7 reviews: "Sub Rosa" and "Lower Decks".
Some places on Earth as depicted in Star Trek don't exist in reality. But we can try to narrow down where Sainte Claire, Fair Haven and Carbon Creek could be located. Read my new article: Fictional Places on Earth.
Here are two more TNG season 7 reviews: "The Pegasus" and "Homeward".
After going through all episodes, here is our season 5 update of the article on Notable Changes in TNG Remastered. Once again, several new planets were created, displays were reconstructed and visually improved, and errors were fixed (such as notably the Academy emblem in "The First Duty").
Star Trek Continues has released the third episode, "Fairest of Them All". Read my review.
A new article investigates Enterprise Lineages on Display - the various "ship walls" with depictions of ships named Enterprise. The question is how they fit into a history of the Star Trek Universe that is subject to retroactive continuity and in which historically important ships suddenly come to existence or may change their appearance.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Redemption II", our so far most extensive article with lots of details to discover especially on the displays. See the conclusion of this great two-part episode in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Here is a gallery illustrating all instances of Kirk getting his shirt ripped or taking off his shirt, in HD (thanks to TrekCore).
Two more TNG season 7 reviews: "Inheritance" and "Parallels".
Another illustrated book review by Jay Stobie, of Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night.
We conclude season 4 with our Observations in TNG: "Redemption I". See the how the Klingon Empire is plunged into a civil war in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "In Theory". 419 HD screen caps from the episode about Data's attempt at a romantic relationship can be found at TrekCore.
We take care of the probably most often modified and reused starship miniature of Star Trek in an all-new article: Redresses of the Husnock Ship. See how it became the Jovis, the Bajoran "hammerhead" freighter and even the black smuggler vessel, and how the "hammerhead" was turned into a CG model that shows up in the 22nd century and in the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant. Jörg compiled a first version of this article almost ten (!) years ago, but we shelved it because there were many open questions and the available artwork and screen caps were too bad. Alice Orbán has corrected many of the schematic side views for the article. Thanks also to Rob Minnes for some background information on the model.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Mind's Eye". And see how Geordi almost becomes an assassin in 371 brilliant screen caps at TrekCore.
Presenting our article with Observations in TNG: "The Host". Beverly falls in love with Ambassador Odan of the Trill, prior to the extreme retcon of his race in DS9. It's not a really great episode, but enjoy the spectacular new planet Peliar Zel in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Half a Life". See 351 brilliant HD screen caps from the episode in the gallery at TrekCore.
Read a review of Star Trek: The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms by Dayton Ward. Guest reviewer: Jay Stobie.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Drumhead". TrekCore has 327 screen caps of this memorable episode with guest star Jean Simmons.
More updated or corrected ship side views by Alice Orbán in the Starship Database: Miradorn raider, Husnock ship, Jovis, smuggler ship, Enterprise-J.
Starship Exeter has finally released the final chapter of the second episode, "The Tressaurian Intersection". Here is my updated review.
Here comes Robin Hood! See our Observations in TNG: "Qpid". And enjoy 502 brilliant screen caps of Q's version of Sherwood Forest at TrekCore.
Presenting our article with Observations in TNG: "The Nth Degree". See the amazing story of Super-Barclay in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Identity Crisis". See Geordi's transformation in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
I am struggling to keep the site alive in a time when only a shrinking number of loyal visitors are left and when people in social networks seem to care for funny cat pictures but not for good articles and artwork. While I can't change the nature of the internet, I have a few ideas, for which I need your support. Read my survey EAS on the Downturn.
Yet another Poll: Where should a future Star Trek series on television be set? Abramsverse or Prime Universe?
I have taken care of the arguably worst display errors that occurred with Internet Explorer since the last overhaul of the site. The reason for the discrepancies between the browsers is that EAS is built on an old code from 1998 and needs to be viewed in quirks mode, which retains all the problems with older versions of Internet Explorer. Read more in the updated viewing requirements.
And here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Night Terrors". While the story isn't very interesting (perhaps except for Beverly's nightmare in the morgue), be sure to check out the many new computer screens that were created for the remastered episode. You can find a gallery with 440 HD screen caps at TrekCore.
New Poll: Please help me evaluate how EAS performs and tell me how you just got to this website.
I have found a way to enable easy sharing of EAS pages without allowing a third party to track my visitors. Go to the bottom left of any page to share it using Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or e-mail.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Galaxy's Child". See Junior's birth and how his milk becomes sour in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Alice Orbán has sketched up better side views of some Delta Quadrant vessels: Sikarian ship, Bothan ship, Serosian ship, Nyrian habitat vessel, Etanian ship, Species 6339 shuttle. Also, I have added a new side view of the Vengeance by The-Didact.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "First Contact". See what happens to Riker in an alien hospital in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Two more TNG season 7 reviews: "Attached" and "Force of Nature".
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Clues". See the story of Data's big secret in an extensive screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Presenting our next article: Observations in TNG: "Devil's Due". Our friends at TrekCore have created a gallery with 449 HD screen caps from the episode.
Here is our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Wounded". See how Captain Picard deals with Captain Maxwell and the Cardassians on 373 HD screen caps, including the new ships of the Nebula class and the Galor class, at TrekCore.
CBS Home has published the contents of the upcoming TNG season 6 Blu-ray disc set and of the special "Chain of Command" Blu-ray (release date June 3, 2014).
Here are the next two TNG season 7 reviews: "Phantasms" and "Dark Page".
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Data's Day". As usual, our friends of TrekCore have posted an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is the next TNG season 7 review: "Gambit I/II".
Read my first two TNG season 7 reviews: "Liaisons" and "Interface".
And here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The Loss". You can find a gallery with 381 HD screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
I have written a script that compiles a gallery of all images on an HTML page (that is, if the page contains any images). Just click the link "View as Gallery" in the bottom right corner of every EAS page. It is also possible to create a gallery of a random page.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Final Mission". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
New article in the Starfleet Museum by Dan Carlson, Masao Okazaki and Allen Rolfes: Horizon Class, a ship for long-range scientific missions in uncharted space.
I conclude my reviews of TNG's season 6 and begin season 7 with "Descent I/II".
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Future Imperfect". See Riker's excursion to a strange future in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
I have compiled an illustrated Star Trek Production Timeline from 1964 to today.
Read my review of the Season 5 TNG-R Blu-ray set.
The next two TNG season 6 reviews: "Second Chances" and "Timescape".
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Reunion". See the story of Worf's loss and revenge in great HD screen caps at TrekCore.
Here is our season 4 update of the article on Notable Changes in TNG Remastered.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Legacy". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is my review of "Lolani", the second episode of the new fan film series Star Trek Continues.
And here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Remember Me". As usual, you can find a big HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
I have updated the Links page, which was in need of attention.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Suddenly Human". Head over to TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the controversial episode.
Here are two more TNG season 6 reviews, of "Suspicions" and "Rightful Heir".
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Brothers". Find the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Many small updates in the Starfleet Museum, including better views of several ships. Most notably Masao has expanded the article about Romulan Ships during the Earth-Romulan War.
An EAE Award goes to Congratulations!
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Family". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
We continue our series with the Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II". Find the complete HD cap gallery of the spectacular episode at TrekCore and the new screen HD caps in all the old articles of the Wolf 359 project.
While only 2 or 3 of the almost 100,000 internal links on EAS are broken at any time, I have naturally no control over the 6,000 external links. Although I monitor many sites that I link to, it took me one and a half days to check them and to fix (or, in most cases remove) several hundred dead links.
Here are my reviews of two truly awesome TNG season 6 episodes: "The Chase" and "Frame of Mind".
EAS wishes you a Happy New Year 2014! The latest adventure of Star Trek Phase II has just been released. Here is my review of "Kitumba".