TNG Remastered Blog
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Since 2021
Check out the ongoing additions to existing articles (lately in the fourth-season episode "Reunion") and the upgrades of the oldest articles (currently up to "Too Short a Season").
There is still no chance for us to continue the TNG Observations in season 6. But here is at least a small update in this section: Notable Changes in TNG Remastered, Season 7.
No new articles for the time being. But Jörg is going through the already reviewed TNG/TNG-R episodes again and posts new findings on Twitter. I try to catch them all and gradually update the articles, such as lately Observations in TNG: "Evolution".
That's all for now. We would love to finish the series but each episode takes a lot of time (some 15 hours for the initial version plus several hours for gradual extensions).

Humans, Romulans, Klingons and Cardassians are crazy about an ancient galactic puzzle, whose solution is both surprising and revealing. See our Observations in TNG: "The Chase". The complete HD screen cap gallery can be found at TrekCore.
Captain Picard starts a relationship with a crew member that doesn't work out in the end. Perhaps they never really wanted to give themselves a chance? Anyway, here are our (more technical) Observations in TNG: "Lessons". See the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Yippee ki-yay! When a group of terrorists attempt to take over his ship during a clean-up procedure, Picard is the last line of defense. See our Observations in TNG: "Starship Mine". The complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode is available at TrekCore.

Finally an update to our observations in TNG and TNG-R. Worf doesn't find his father but a Romulan prisoner camp where things are not quite as it seems at first glance. See our Observations in TNG: "Birthright II". You find the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
The observation articles are currently on hold. A few more articles on season 6 are almost finished. But in order to continue beyond that point, Jörg and I would need more time, and TrekCore still has to resolve a couple of issues with the gallery server.

Worf is on a quest for his father, and so is Data, in a manner of speaking. See our Observations in TNG: "Birthright I". Our friends at TrekCore have the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Human! Play dom-jot, human! Here are our Observations in Picard's "afterlife" in TNG: "Tapestry". Please visit TrekCore to see the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Face of the Enemy" in SD and HD caps. Please visit the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore to see more of Deanna Troi's involuntary undercover mission on a Romulan Warbird.
Beware of the dog! See our Observations in TNG: "Aquiel" in SD and HD caps. Please visit TrekCore to see the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

Don't let Professor Moriarty fool you! See our Observations in TNG: "Ship in a Bottle" in SD and HD screen caps. Please go to our friends at TrekCore for the more extensive HD screen cap gallery.
There are still four lights in HD! Here are our Observations in TNG: "Chain of Command II" in SD and HD screen caps. Please also visit TrekCore for the complete HD screen cap gallery.
We got it done, Captain Jellico! Here are our Observations in TNG: "Chain of Command I" in SD and HD screen caps. The complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode is available at TrekCore.

See the exocomps, the particle fountain, several graphics and other details in SD and HD in our Observations in TNG: "The Quality of Life". Our friends at TrekCore have the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
See Worf, Alexander and Deanna make their stand in Deadwood, Arizona: Observations in TNG: "A Fistful of Datas". You can find the complete screen cap gallery at TrekCore (including Data in a dress if you insist on it).
When the Ferengi take over the Enterprise, it is up to a teenage Captain Picard and the other kids to save the ship. As silly as the premise is, this episode is visually interesting, so check out our Observations in TNG: "Rascals" in SD and HD screen caps. You can find all screen caps at TrekCore.

Cuddly puppies, standing on the Enterprise at warp and planetary spring cleaning! Here are our Observations in TNG: "True Q" in SD and HD screen caps.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Schisms". See Riker's scary experience in subspace in DVD and in new Blu-ray screen caps.

It's been a long time, but here is finally a new article in the Observations series. See our Observations in TNG: "Relics", with remarkable HD shots of the Dyson sphere and of a certain officer whose favorite ship has "no bloody A, B, C or D". The full gallery will be available at TrekCore at a later date.

Here is our season 6 update of the Notable Changes in TNG Remastered. We will continue the articles on the single episodes once the according galleries at TrekCore are ready.
TrekCore reports that Netflix includes VFX fixes to their release of Star Trek TNG in HD. We currently don't plan to review the Netflix version for our articles. But we will update them if you send the according information including screen caps.
See our Observations in TNG: "Man of the People", and particularly the make-up of Marina Sirtis as the aging Deanna. TrekCore has 400 HD screen caps of the episode.
It's been some time, but here is the next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Realm of Fear". See Barclay's strange encounter in the transporter beam in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

We continue our article series with the season 6 opener: Observations in TNG: "Time's Arrow II". See the crew in 19th century San Francisco, also in the big screen cap gallery provided by TrekCore.
We conclude season 5 with our Observations in TNG: "Time's Arrow I". A predestination paradox strands Data in 19th century San Francisco. See more of it in TrekCore's HD screen cap gallery.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Inner Light". TrekCore has an extensive HD screen cap gallery of Picard's extraordinary experience on the planet Kataan.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Next Phase". See how Geordi and Ro walk through walls in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

See our Observations in TNG: "I, Borg". TrekCore has a gallery with 386 HD screen caps from this episode, in which a Borg regains his individuality and Picard has to change his mind about how to deal with him.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Imaginary Friend". TrekCore has a gallery with 387 HD screen caps from this episode. The story may not be exciting, but ir comes with nice shots of the ship's arboretum and of the nebula.

More changes, including three new ship names, can be found in the passenger list in TNG-R: "Inheritance".
The HD release finally allows to identify all ship names in the personnel files in TNG: "Eye of the Beholder".
These are HD screen caps of all files visible in the episode:

Here is my review of the Season 7 TNG-R Blu-ray set. CBS Digital concludes the remastering of TNG with a nearly flawless Blu-ray set. Just as the production values of the original TV series have matured during the seven-year run of the series, the remastering process of the old footage has reached a consistently excellent quality level by now. I hope that the experience gathered with TNG will not be lost but will go into the remastering of DS9.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Perfect Mate". TrekCore has a gallery with 385 HD screen caps from this episode, in which Picard has to prepare a beautiful empathic metamorph for her marriage.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Cost of Living". TrekCore has a gallery with 474 HD screen caps from this episode, including Worf in the mud bath.
TrekCore presents the TNG Season 7 and "All Good Things" Blu-ray trailers for download and the DVD vs. Blu-ray screen cap comparisons.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "The First Duty". So glad that the Latin motto was fixed for TNG-R (at least in the most obvious instances)! See more of Wesley's trial in TrekCore's HD screen cap gallery, including impressions of Starfleet Academy.

See how the Enterprise is caught in a time loop and is destroyed several times in our Observations in TNG: "Cause and Effect". TrekCore has a gallery with 487 HD screen caps from this exciting episode.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Outcast". TrekCore has a gallery with 356 HD screen caps from this episode, in which Riker falls in love with a member of a genderless society.
We continue our article series with Observations in TNG: "Ethics", including a detailed look at medical technology and Klingon anatomy. See even more of it in TrekCore's HD screen cap gallery.
TrekCore has posted the press release with the contents of the TNG Season 7 and "All Good Things" Blu-rays.

The trailer for the TNG Season 7 Blu-ray set has been released. Read the accompanying article at TrekCore.

TrekCore has posted the trailer for the special "All Good Thing" Blu-ray disc. Read the accompanying article at TrekCore.

Catching up with our article series: Here are the Observations in TNG: "Power Play". See how Deanna, O'Brien and Data become possessed by criminal aliens in 487 HD screen caps at TrekCore.
See our Observations in TNG: "Conundrum". The crew try to find out who they are, and what they find out in the remastered episode is a little different. TrekCore has a gallery with 449 HD screen caps from the episode.

See our Observations in TNG: "Violations". Not a great episode, still with some interesting discoveries. You can find a gallery with 408 brilliant screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Hero Worship". It's not a great episode, but it has some nice space shots and shows us details of a damaged Oberth-class vessel. See even more of it in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
See our Observations in TNG: "New Ground". You can find a gallery with 412 brilliant screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "A Matter of Time", with the great "planet cleaning" sequence. See even more of it in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
And here is the second part right away: Observations in TNG: "Unification II". See the gallery with 375 screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
See our Observations in TNG: "Unification I". You can find a gallery with 377 brilliant screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.

Here are our Observations in TNG: "The Game". See in 447 HD screen caps from TrekCore how Wesley only has eyes for cute Ensign Lefler and not for the addictive game.
See our Observations in TNG: "Disaster". TrekCore has 438 brilliant screen caps from this exciting episode.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Silicon Avatar". It is my least favorite TNG episode, but it comes with eye candy in the form of the Crystalline Entity. See even more of it in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
We have compiled a big new article. It summarizes how a flyby of the Enterprise-D that appeared in countless TNG episodes since the fourth season but whose original footage could not be found was replaced for the remastering. Starting with a first CG model for the sampler with "The Inner Light", the footage was recreated with a similar shot of the physical model for several episodes, until a refined CG model of the Enterprise was available. See all the details in Enterprise Flybys in TNG and TNG-R.
See our Observations in TNG: "Ensign Ro". TrekCore has a gallery with 352 HD screen caps from the episode.

Here is my review of the recently released TNG sesaon 6 Blu-ray set. It is my favorite TNG season anyway, but also on the purely technical side the Blu-ray set of this season may be the best one so far. Even very critical fans who (unlike me) complain about small imperfections such as upscaled SD footage or not so perfect ship shots will find practically no fault with this Blu-ray set.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Darmok". 453 HD screen caps from the episode can be found at TrekCore. Temba, his arms wide!

After going through all episodes, here is our season 5 update of the article on Notable Changes in TNG Remastered. Once again, several new planets were created, displays were reconstructed and visually improved, and errors were fixed (such as notably the Academy emblem in "The First Duty").
TrekCore has posted a review of the upcoming TNG Remastered season 6 Blu-ray set.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Redemption II", our so far most extensive article with lots of details to discover especially on the displays. See the conclusion of this great two-part episode in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

We conclude season 4 with our Observations in TNG: "Redemption I". See the how the Klingon Empire is plunged into a civil war in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "In Theory". 419 HD screen caps from the episode about Data's attempt at a romantic relationship can be found at TrekCore.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Mind's Eye". And see how Geordi almost becomes an assassin in 371 brilliant screen caps at TrekCore.

Presenting our article with Observations in TNG: "The Host". Beverly falls in love with Ambassador Odan of the Trill, prior to the extreme retcon of his race in DS9. It's not a really great episode, but enjoy the spectacular new planet Peliar Zel in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Half a Life". See 351 brilliant HD screen caps from the episode in the gallery at TrekCore.
See our Observations in TNG: "The Drumhead". TrekCore has 327 screen caps of this memorable episode with guest star Jean Simmons.

Here comes Robin Hood! See our Observations in TNG: "Qpid". And enjoy 502 brilliant screen caps of Q's version of Sherwood Forest at TrekCore.
Presenting our article with Observations in TNG: "The Nth Degree". See the amazing story of Super-Barclay in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Identity Crisis". See Geordi's transformation in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
And here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Night Terrors". While the story isn't very interesting (perhaps except for Beverly's nightmare in the morgue), be sure to check out the many new computer screens that were created for the remastered episode. You can find a gallery with 440 HD screen caps at TrekCore.

Here are our Observations in TNG: "Galaxy's Child". See Junior's birth and how his milk becomes sour in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "First Contact". See what happens to Riker in an alien hospital in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
Update: The new release date for the TNG season 6 Blu-ray disc set and the separate "Chain of Command" Blu-ray is June 24, 2014.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "Clues". See the story of Data's big secret in an extensive screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

Presenting our next article: Observations in TNG: "Devil's Due". Our friends at TrekCore have created a gallery with 449 HD screen caps from the episode.
Here is our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Wounded". See how Captain Picard deals with Captain Maxwell and the Cardassians on 373 HD screen caps, including the new ships of the Nebula class and the Galor class, at TrekCore.
CBS Home has published the contents of the upcoming TNG season 6 Blu-ray disc set and of the special "Chain of Command" Blu-ray (release date June 3, 2014).
The disc breakdown of the TNG season 6 set is as follows:
- Disc One:
- Episodes: "Time's Arrow, Part II", "Realm of Fear", "Man of the People", "Relics", "Schisms"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Mission Overview Year Six" (SD), "Audio Commentary with Ronald D. Moore and Mike & Denise Okuda on 'Relics'"
, Deleted Scenes (HD): "Time's Arrow, Part II", "Relics"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Two:
- Episodes: "True Q", "Rascals", "A Fistful of Datas", "The Quality of Life"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Bold New Directions" (SD), "Archival Mission Log: Departmental Briefing Year Six: Production" (SD), "Archival Mission Log: Departmental Briefing Profile: Dan Curry" (SD), Deleted Scene (HD): "True Q"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD)
- Disc Three:
- Episodes: "Chain of Command, Part I", "Chain of Command, Part II", "Ship in a Bottle", "Aquiel", "Face of the Enemy"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Special Crew Profile: Lt. Cmdr. Data" (SD), Deleted Scenes (HD): "Ship in a Bottle", "Face of the Enemy"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Four:
- Episodes: "Tapestry", "Birthright, Part I", "Birthright, Part II", "Starship Mine", "Lessons"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Select Historical Data" (SD), "Audio Commentary with Ronald D. Moore and Mike & Denise Okuda on 'Tapestry'"
, Deleted Scenes (HD): "Tapestry", "Birthright, Part II"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Five:
- Episodes: "The Chase", "Frame of Mind", "Suspicions", "Rightful Heir", "Second Chances"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Inside Starfleet Archives: Sets and Props" (SD), "Audio Commentary with James L. Conway and Jonathan West on 'Frame of Mind'"
, Deleted Scenes (HD): "The Chase", "Rightful Heir"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Six:
- Episodes: "Timescape", "Descent, Part I"
- Special Features: "Beyond the Five Year Mission - The Evolution of Star Trek: The Next Generation)" (HD, 3 parts)
, Gag Reel (HD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD)
The contents of the separate "Chain of Command" Blu-ray disc:
- Disc One:
- Episodes: "Chain of Command (Parts 1 and 2)"
- Special Features: "The Privilege of Rank: Making 'Chain of Command' (HD)"
, Audio Commentary with Ronny Cox, Jonathan West and Mike & Denise Okuda (HD)
, Deleted Scenes (HD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo Part 1, Promo Part 2

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Data's Day". As usual, our friends of TrekCore have posted an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
And here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The Loss". You can find a gallery with 381 HD screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Final Mission". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

The trailer for the separate disc set for "Chain of Command" is out as well. Read more at TrekCore.

TrekCore has posted the trailer for the Season 6 Blu-ray set, the arguably greatest season of TNG (or of all Star Trek?), featuring a couple of awesome episodes such as "Relics", "Chain of Command", "Ship in a Bottle", "Starship Mine", "The Chase", "Frame of Mind" and "Timescape". Read the accompanying article at TrekCore.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Future Imperfect". See Riker's excursion to a strange future in the HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

Read my review of the Season 5 TNG-R Blu-ray set. After seeing only a couple of episodes (and a few more in quick motion), it may be too early to label season 5 as the best remastered TNG release so far. In any case, it surpasses any of the four previous seasons in terms of its stories and will only be bettered by the sixth season in my view. CBS-Digital has done a great job yet again, and although some fans may see a reason to complain about the SD footage or about the "compromise" CG Enterprise, I don't mind these very small shortcomings in a great Blu-ray set.

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Reunion". See the story of Worf's loss and revenge in great HD screen caps at TrekCore.
Here is our season 4 update of the article on Notable Changes in TNG Remastered.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Legacy". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
And here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Remember Me". As usual, you can find a big HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Suddenly Human". Head over to TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the controversial episode.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Brothers". Find the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Family". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an expansive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
We continue our series with the Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds II". Find the complete HD cap gallery of the spectacular episode at TrekCore and the new screen HD caps in all the old articles of the Wolf 359 project.

The much-anticipated next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds I". Find the HD cap gallery of the exciting episode at TrekCore.
The table of contents of the TNG season 5 Blu-ray set and of the special "Unification" Blu-ray disc has been published. Once again we can look forward to several special features, such as deleted scenes and audio commentaries on the key episodes.
See the full disc breakdown at TrekCore.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Transfigurations". Find the HD cap gallery of John Doe's transformation and more at TrekCore.

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Ménage à Troi". Our friends at TrekCore have compiled an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Sarek". As usual, our friends of TrekCore have posted an HD screen cap gallery of the episode. Be sure to check out the remastered planet Vulcan!
TrekCore has published the press release with the contents of the TNG season 5 Blu-ray set and the separate "Unification" Blu-ray.

The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "The Most Toys". Find the HD cap gallery of Kivas Fajo's collection and more at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Hollow Pursuits". Enjoy the gallery with 432 HD screen caps of Barclay's (mis)adventures at TrekCore.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Tin Man". TrekCore has a gallery with 475 HD screen caps of the episode with its great visual effects.

I couldn't obtain the TNG season 4 Blu-rays before they were officially released in Germany last week. I have seen only a few episodes so far, but here is a preliminary review of the TNG season 4 Blu-ray disc set. For this season, the in-house team of CBS Digital only took care of the second part of "The Best of Both Worlds" and the two-parter "Redemption I/II". They outsourced most of the work to the company Modern VideoFilm. From what I have seen of it thus far, the result is on par with season 3. The image quality is great (yet a bit dark at times), the new planets are beautiful and the episodes are largely free of mistakes.

Join Picard on Risa with our Observations in TNG: "Captain's Holiday". Our friends of TrekCore have captured the beauty of this resort in the form of 441 HD screen caps.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Allegiance". As usual, our friends of TrekCore have posted an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Sins of the Father", with its in-depth look into Klingon politics. See the gallery with 408 HD screen caps from this episode at TrekCore.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Offspring". Find the gallery with 371 HD screen caps from the episode at TrekCore.

TrekCore has posted the trailer for the Season 5 standalone Blu-ray release of "Unification". Read the accompanying article at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise". You can see the gallery with 416 HD caps from this wonderful episode at TrekCore.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "A Matter of Perspective". As usual, you can see the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Déjà Q". See the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The High Ground", Star Trek's take on the IRA terrorism. See the gallery with 472 screen caps from this episode at TrekCore.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "The Hunted", an episode with several great action sequences. As usual, you can see the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
TrekCore reviews the TNG Season 4 Blu-ray set.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Defector". See the gallery with 382 screen caps from this great episode at TrekCore.

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Vengeance Factor". Go to our friends at TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of this episode.
Here is our season 3 update of the article on Notable Changes in TNG Remastered.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Price". See the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Enemy". Go to our friends at TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of this episode.

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Booby Trap", an episode with superb visual effects. Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of "Booby Trap". Also note that we have updated the previous articles about season 3 episodes with new information.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Bonding". See the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

"Spock is back. The Borg are back. And even Wesley is back." TrekCore has posted the trailer for the Season 5 Blu-ray set, featuring episodes such as "Darmok", "Ensign Ro", "Unification", "The Inner Light", "I Borg" and "Time's Arrow, Part I". Read the accompanying article at TrekCore.
Here is our next article: Observations in TNG: "Who Watches the Watchers". As usual, you can find a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Survivors". Go to our friends at TrekCore for an expansive HD screen cap gallery of this episode with its great planet matte and space scenes.
Here are some comparison shots from the TNG-R season 4 trailer. All SD and HD screen caps courtesy of TrekCore. See the trailer and many more caps at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The Ensigns of Command", in which we spotlight the Sheliak and their ship, among other things. Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
We begin our coverage of TNG's season 3 with Observations in TNG: "Evolution". As usual, you can find a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
CBS reveals the complete contents of the TNG season 4 Blu-ray set and of the special "Redemption" Blu-ray disc in a press release. Note that the latter will not be available in Europe. The prospective release date is July 30, 2013.
The six discs of the TNG season 4 Blu-ray set include the following:
- Disc One:
- Episodes: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II", "Family", "Brothers", "Suddenly Human", "Remember Me"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Mission Overview Year Four" (SD), Audio Commentary with Rob Bowman and Mike & Denise Okuda on "Brothers"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Two:
- Episodes: "Legacy", "Reunion", "Future Imperfect", "Final Mission", "The Loss"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Selected Crew Analysis Year Four" (SD), Audio Commentary with Ronald D. Moore, Brannon Braga and Mike & Denise Okuda on "Reunion"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Three:
- Episodes: "Data's Day", "The Wounded", "Devil's Due", "Clues", "First Contact"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: New Life and New Civilizations" (SD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Four:
- Episodes: "Galaxy's Child", "Night Terrors", "Identity Crisis", "The Nth Degree", "Qpid"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Chronicles from the Final Frontier" (SD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Five:
- Episodes: "The Drumhead", "Half a Life", "The Host", "The Mind's Eye"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Departmental Briefing Year Four: Production" (SD), "Archival Mission Log: Select Historical Data" (SD), "Archival Mission Log: Inside the Star Trek Archives" (SD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD)
- Disc Six:
- Episodes: "In Theory", "Redemption, Part I"
- Special Features: "In Conversation: The Star Trek TM Art Department" (HD)
, "RELATIVITY: The Family Saga of Star Trek - The Next Generation"(2 parts, HD)
, Gag Reel (HD)
, Deleted Scenes from: "The Best Of Both Worlds, Part II", "Family", "Brothers", "Final Mission", "The Wounded", "Galaxy's Child", "Qpid", "The Host" (HD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD)
The contents of the "Redemption" Blu-ray disc:
- Disc One:
- Episodes: "Redemption (Parts 1 and 2)"
- Special Features: Audio Commentary with Ronald D. Moore and Mike & Denise Okuda
, "Survive and Succeed: An Empire at War" (HD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo Part 1, Promo Part 2
See the full press release at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Shades of Gray", the infamous clip show that concludes the second season. TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Peak Performance". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Now that I have seen a bit of it, here is a preliminary review of the TNG season 3 Blu-ray disc set. The remastering was done by the established team of CBS Digital again. From what I have seen of it thus far, the result is better than season 2, both in terms of image quality and of mistake avoidance. It is of a quality that I expect from the remaining four Blu-ray disc sets too. The final judgment about season 3 will have to wait until we have reviewed all episodes in detail, in the course of which a few small errors may still become apparent.
Our observation articles for season 3 are in work, but it will still take some time to process all the HD screen caps.
TrekCore provides a preview of the TNG season 4 Blu-ray set, including the covert art. Remastering of the season was carried out by post-production house Modern Video. We understand CBS Digital was close at hand to help Modern Video reach a more balanced and consistent look. The disc set is scheduled for release in July 2013.
TrekCore reviews the TNG season 3 Blu-ray set, including many stunning screen caps.

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Emissary". Go to our friends at TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Manhunt". As usual, you can find an expansive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Up the Long Ladder". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Samaritan Snare", in which you can discover the things that make the Pakleds go, and more. Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is our visual analysis of the spectacular first Borg episode: Observations in TNG: "Q Who". TrekCore has over 400 HD screen caps of the episode.
The next article in our series: Observations in TNG: "Pen Pals". This article is unusually extensive, as there is a lot to be discovered in this episode. As usual, you can find an HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The Icarus Factor". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Time Squared". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
See a number of screen caps from TNG-R season 3 at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The Royale". Go to our friends of TrekCore for a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Contagion". Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode with 481 images.
I have updated the list of Notable Changes in TNG Remastered with the episodes of season 2.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Dauphin". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "The Measure of a Man". We also identify the additional scenes in the extended version on the season 2 Blu-ray set. As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "A Matter of Honor", an episode with various visual highlights. Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
TrekCore has posted the HD trailer for "The Best of Both Worlds", including a comparison to the SD version.
CBS has issued a press release with the complete contents of the TNG season 3 Blu-ray set and of the special "The Best of Both Worlds" Blu-ray disc. Both will be available on April 30.
The six discs of the TNG season 3 Blu-ray set include the following:
- Disc One:
- Episodes: "Evolution", "The Ensigns of Command", "The Survivors", "Who Watches The Watchers?", "The Bonding"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Mission Overview Year Three" (SD), Audio Commentary with Ron Moore on "The Bonding"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Two:
- Episodes: "Booby Trap", "The Enemy", "The Price", "The Vengeance Factor", "The Defector"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Selected Crew Analysis Year Three" (SD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Three:
- Episodes: "The Hunted", "The High Ground", "Deja Q", "A Matter of Perspective", "Yesterday's Enterprise"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Departmental Briefing Year Three: Memorable Missions" (SD), Audio commentary with Ron Moore and Ira Steven Behr on "Yesterday's Enterprise"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Four:
- Episodes: "The Offspring", "Sins of the Father", "Allegiance", "Captain's Holiday"
- Special Features: "Archival Mission Log: Departmental Briefing Year Three: Production" (SD), Audio Commentary with René Echevarria and Jonathan Frakes on "The Offspring"
, Audio Commentary with Ron Moore on "Sins of the Father"
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD)
- Disc Five:
- Episodes: "Tin Man", "Hollow Pursuits", "The Most Toys", "Sarek", "Ménage à Troi"
- Special Features: Gag Reel (HD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD), Promo #3 (SD), Promo #4 (SD), Promo #5 (SD)
- Disc Six:
- Episodes: "Transfigurations", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I"
- Special Features: "Star Trek The Next Generation: Inside The Writer's Room" (HD)
, "Resistance is Futile: Assimilating The Next Generation" (HD)
, "A Tribute to Michael Piller" (HD)
- Episodic Promos: Promo #1 (SD), Promo #2 (SD)
The contents of the "The Best of Both Worlds" Blu-ray disc:
- Disc One:
- Episode: "The Best Of Both Worlds" (both parts, edited to a seamless feature episode)
- Special Features: Audio Commentary with Cliff Bole, Mike Okuda & Denise Okuda, and Elizabeth Dennehy
, "Regeneration: Engaging the Borg"
, Gag Reel
You can read the full press release at TrekCore.
Here is our next article: Observations in TNG: "Unnatural Selection". TrekCore has a gallery with 376 HD screen caps of the episode.

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Schizoid Man". See the HD cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
TrekCore reports that the release date for TNG's 3rd season on Blu-ray will be April 10th (in Australia, with the dates for North America and Europe probably being similar). There will be an additional Blu-ray disc with a feature-length cut of both parts of "The Best of Both Worlds".
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Loud as a Whisper". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Here is a preliminary review of the TNG season 2 Blu-ray disc set, to be refined when I have watched most of it.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Outrageous Okona". Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Now that season 2 is going to be officially released, we continue our article series with Observations in TNG: "The Child". You can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
TrekCore reviews the TNG season 2 Blu-ray set, including many new screen captures.
We conclude our big article series with Observations in TNG: "The Neutral Zone" and the corresponding HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore. Stay tuned as we are preparing season 2, with the next article ("The Child") arriving some time in December.
As the release date of the TNG season 2 Blu-ray discs is approaching, TrekCore has posted an interview with Denise and Mike Okuda, who were overseeing the remastering process.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Conspiracy", another episode with several visual highlights. As usual, you can find a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris". Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
CBS has provided some more TNG season 2 preview images.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Skin of Evil". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Here is an exclusive preview image from the TNG season 2 Blu-ray release of "The Child".
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Symbiosis". See the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
TrekCore has published a press release by CBS, revealing the complete contents of the TNG season 2 Blu-ray set.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Heart of Glory". As usual, you can find the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Coming of Age". See the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Home Soil". See the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "When the Bough Breaks". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Too Short a Season". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
TrekCore has posted the first part of an exclusive interview with the staff of CBS Digital that was responsible for the remastering of TNG.

Our next article deals with a highlight episode of the first season: Observations in TNG: "11001001". TrekCore has a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Angel One". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Datalore". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
Here are our Observations in TNG: "The Big Goodbye", with more to discover than in most other TNG episodes. Check out the extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Haven". Find the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

CBS has announced that the release date for the second season of TNG on Blu-ray is December 4th for the North American market. TrekCore reports that the following bonus features will be included in the 5-disc set:
- Episodic Promos
- Gag Reel
- Audio Commentary on "Q Who" with Dan Curry, Rob Bowman and Mike Okuda
- Audio Commentary on "The Measure of a Man" with Melinda Snodgrass, Robert Scheerer and Mike Okuda
- Featurette: "Reunification: 25 Years After The Next Generation" (HD)
- "The Measure of a Man" (HD Extended Version)
- Featurette: "Making It So: Continuing The Next Generation" (HD)
- All SD features originally included on the DVD release
Also, TrekCore will post an exclusive interview with the staff at CBS Digital next week.
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Hide and Q". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.
As reported by TrekCore, the replacement discs with the fixed sound issues will be shipped soon, and they will include corrections of some SFX mistakes too, such as the missing phaser beam in TNG: "Heart of Glory".

Here are our Observations in TNG: "The Battle". See a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Here is our next article: Observations in TNG: "Justice". See the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
The HD version allows us to recognize the ship names that appear on the screen when Data is reviewing Starfleet orders in TNG: "Conspiracy". The following names can be identified, in alphabetical order:
Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Lonely Among Us". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

Here's the next article in our series, Observations in TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before". The HD screen cap gallery of the episode with no less than 434 stills can be found TrekCore.
Here is a compilation of some Notable Changes in TNG Remastered, meaning deliberate changes that go beyond the better image quality in HD.
We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Last Outpost". Find the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

Here is the next article, Observations in TNG: "Code of Honor", and the corresponding HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.
I received an official statement from CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Media Distribution regarding possible audio issues with the TNG season 1 Blu-ray set:
"Dear Star Trek Fans,
We have discovered an anomaly in the English 7.1 DTS Master Audio track in our Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 Blu-ray Box set. There are some episodes that inadvertently had their front channel designations incorrectly mapped, resulting in an undesired playback experience when listening to them in a 7.1 or 5.1 Surround Sound environment.
We are quickly working to remedy the situation. Replacement discs (Disc 1, 3 and 4) will be made available free of charge. Please email [email protected] for details regarding the replacement program. You may also call 877-DELUXE6 (877-335-8936) between 8am to 6pm Pacific, Monday-Friday.
We strive to provide our fans the best Blu-ray experience possible and sincerely apologize for this inconvenience."
We are now going to release the articles with observations and with SD-HD screen cap comparisons for each single TNG season 1 episode, starting with Observations in TNG: "The Naked Now". Check out the corresponding HD screen cap gallery by our friends at TrekCore. We will try to release another gallery and another article at least once a week.
Now that I have seen all of the episodes of the season (albeit several of them only in fast forward mode so far) as well as the new special features, here is a review of the TNG season 1 Blu-ray disc set.

In "Encounter at Farpoint", the alien ship should cast a shadow on the Enterprise's saucer. In the documentary "Energized: Taking the Next Generation to the Next Level" on the first Blu-ray disc of season 1 Mike Okuda says that this shadow was created but didn't make it into the original version.
The small error was fixed for the Blu-ray release.
Also, check out the interview with the Okudas and still more screen caps from TNG-R at TrekCore.

In TNG: "The Neutral Zone" Deanna Troi sifts through Clare Raymond's family tree to find relatives of the woman who had been frozen since the late 20th century. The family tree contains various in-jokes in the form of references to the TNG cast and to characters from various TV series, even "Kermit T. Frog" and " Miss Piggy". See more details about the original graphics.
The screen displays were completely revised for the HD edition. The sometimes rather silly in-jokes were altered to be less obvious. The first generations are composed of: "Clare Raymond", "Donald Raymond", "Edward Raymond", "Ginger Summers", "Thomas Raymond", "Mary A. Grant", "Jonathan F. Raymond", "Marina S. Despina", "Denise C. Raymond", "Brent S. Jay Raymond", "Levardis B. Raymond", "Cheryl G. Raymond", "Wil W. Lachance Raymond", "Charles W. Raymond", "Sherman P. Raymond", "Francis M. Raymond", "Margaret H. Raymond", "Walter O. Raymond", "Kelleye N. Raymond", "Craig Weiss Raymond", "Nicki Kreitzman", "Chris Tezber Raymond", "Kiki Morris Raymond", "Sarah Paul Raymond", "Wade Felker Raymond", "Keven Scotti Raymond" and "Wendy Ruiz Raymond". The names of the crew working on the HD edition, such as Wendy Ruiz and also Niel Wray, were newly added. Also, the family tree now includes the place of birth and the dates of birth and of death for each member of the Raymond family. Finally, the spelling of Clare Raymond was changed from "Claire" to "Clare" on the first screen, and the date of her death was fixed (2035 as originally displayed does not fit with spoken dialogue).

There is one small surprise in TNG-R: "The Naked Now". When Data reviews the ship's logs of the USS Enterprise to research the Psi 2000 virus from TOS: "The Naked Time", an image showing the Constitution class refit from the movies (instead of the pre-refit version from TOS) appears in the original release of the TNG episode. In TNG-R, the Movie Enterprise was replaced with the one from TOS.
Also check out TrekCore for even more "before & after" shots from a couple of episodes.

TrekCore has posted new stills from TNG-R, including the planet Minos. The planet was reconstructed in HD, keeping the land masses and the cloud patterns largely the same as in the original TV version.
In the documentary "Energized: Taking the Next Generation to the Next Level" on the first Blu-ray disc Max Gabl, who already worked on the remastering of The Original Series in the same function, demonstrates the process of creating planets. The documentary also explains why the aspect ratio of 4:3 was chosen for the Blu-ray release, and how the original effect sequences were reconstructed using the old footage - with a few exceptions.

Soon at EAS: (p)reviews of the remastered TNG episodes on Blu-ray. This is an ongoing project with top priority, so stay tuned for our updates.