Past Updates 2011
December November OctoberSeptember August July June May April March February January
Well, it has taken me six years, but here is finally an update to the Warp Propulsion project. The chapter on Warp Speed Measurement is now completed.
I have split the articles about in-jokes and bloopers to allow future expansions, such as present-day devices (game consoles) as props.
Two more TNG season 2 reviews: "The Measure of a Man" and "The Dauphin".
Here is a new article about the Re-Uses of the Little Europe Set. This Universal Studios set appeared in VOY: "The Killing Game" as Sainte Claire and in "Fair Haven" and "Spirit Folk" as Fair Haven. Jörg has identified the portions of Little Europe that are visible and compares them with maps and photos of the set.
Merry Christmas to all visitors!
I have fixed an issue with the JoAT submission form, which at some time stopped accepting file uploads.
New TNG season 2 reviews: "Unnatural Selection" and "A Matter of Honor".
Next round of TNG season 2 reviews: "The Schizoid Man" and "Loud as a Whisper".
See a new big article about Space Art in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Jörg has compiled an illustrated list of all space-related paintings in TNG. With the support of Rick Sternbach, Dave Archer and Mike Okuda we could find out what exactly is depicted on most of them and what they were originally created for (sometimes for covers of sci-fi magazines and books).
Two more TNG season 2 reviews: "Elementary, Dear Data" and "The Outrageous Okona".
Some new renders of my old creations: Kremlin class, Detroit class and Asia class. Thanks to Melchor and Thomas!
EAS is on Google+ Pages. There's not yet much to see, and I still have to wait for someone to develop a tool to transfer RSS news to this new social network.
Due to a full disk the guestbook and add-a-link databases got deleted, and I had to switch to backups. Sorry, I too hope some day the server will work properly.
Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Authority wins an EAE Award. Congratulations!
Jörg has worked out a new article on Newspaper Pages in Star Trek. More precisely, the article identifies pieces of generic filler text, their true origins (among which one is quite a surprise) and their reappearances throughout 30 years.
Beginning with my TNG season 2 reviews: "The Child" and "Where Silence Has Lease".
In another chapter of the neverending story of the server move, I have fixed an issue with posting in the Guestbook.
New Tales of the SID story by Travis Anderson: Pursuit. Macen gets his wish and confronts Bertram Sindis.
New Poll: How much should be changed in TNG Remastered?
"Conspiracy" and "The Neutral Zone" conclude my TNG Reviews of the first season.
The server move was a good time to do some housekeeping and to tend to my long open items list. I have updated more than a dozen articles in the Investigations and the Starship Articles sections with visitor suggestions, and replaced most photos of the TOS Main Characters with better ones.
Two more TNG Reviews: "Symbiosis" and "We'll Always Have Paris".
If you can read this, the DNS transfer to the new IP has taken effect. Further notes.
The reason for the lack of updates in the past couple of weeks is that I am preparing the site for a move to a new server. Tony, my server admin, and I have worked out most bugs by now, and we intend to make the transition almost unnoticeable to the visitors. We'll decide on short notice when to switch the DNS to the new server.
The next two TNG Reviews: "The Arsenal of Freedom" and "Skin of Evil".
Happy 45th Birthday, Star Trek! The very first episode, "The Man Trap", went on air on September 8th, 1966.
Two more TNG Reviews: Here are "Coming of Age" and "Heart of Glory".
Three actual or possible re-uses of creatures from The Outer Limits in Star Trek, courtesy of Jörg.
The update of the Starfleet Museum is now complete (sooner than expected because I found some extra time). See the enhanced deck layouts by the indefatigable Allen Rolfes in well over 100 images.
The next two TNG Reviews: "Home Soil" and "When the Bough Breaks".
Allen Rolfes has improved his deck layouts for the Starfleet Museum. Replacing them will still take a couple of weeks. Please follow the
signs to see what is new so far.
Two more TNG Reviews: Here are "Angel One" and "11001001".
The two next TNG Reviews: "The Big Goodbye" and "Datalore".
Update of the Links page.
Two more TNG Reviews: Here are "Hide and Q" and "Too Short a Season".
The Starfleet Museum has new renders by Arcas,
Dávid Metlesits and Thomas Pemberton. Please follow the signs.
The next two TNG Reviews: "Justice" and "The Battle".
Two more TNG Reviews: "The Last Outpost" and "Lonely Among Us".
The EAE Award goes to STNET. Congratulations!
New Poll: Should anything besides live action be canon (and if yes, based on which criteria)?
Two new TNG Reviews: "Haven" and "Where No One Has Gone Before". Please note that for organizational reasons my reviews are in the order of production numbers.
Two more TNG Reviews: "The Naked Now" and "Code of Honor".
Starting the TNG reviews. Here is the pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint".
In preparation of the upcoming TNG reviews I have improved almost all small episode images.
I have extended the list of Star Trek Clichés.
Furthermore there are new ship images by Alice Orbán: Vissian ship, Yridian ship and Axanar rescue vessel.
Now that I have completed my reviews of the series, here is an editorial about Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
I have to switch EAS to new name servers, which may lead to a short downtime of perhaps two hours.
"The Adversary" concludes my DS9 reviews. And yes, TNG will come next (giving me something to do for the next two years).
Two more reviews of DS9 season 3: "Shakaar" and "Facets".
New renders from Andrew Hall (Constellation), Christopher Griggs (D4) and Thomas Pemberton (Moskva, Hyperion, Cabbage) in the Starfleet Museum.
Some smaller updates. Check out more re-uses of the versatile "oscillation overthruster" from Buckaroo Bonzai and visual Trek references in Stargate.
New Poll: Pick your favorite Enterprise episode if it is among the listed.
Two more reviews of DS9 season 3: "Explorers" and "Family Business".
Masao Okazaki and Dan Carlson have reworked the content of the Romulan War section in the Starfleet Museum. Many articles have been extended or updated, and some depictions improved.
I have added dozens of screen captures to some so far meagerly illustrated articles in the Investigations section. Thanks to TrekCore!
The new episode "Enemy: Starfleet" of Star Trek Phase II (New Voyages) has just been released. Here is my review.
It was about time for a complete manual check of all Links, considering that even the best automated tool finds only half of the disguised 404 pages or domain placeholders. One site even turned out to have been hacked.
A display from the Enterprise-D shuttlebay lists no less than 22 shuttles by name, most of which were previously unknown. Thanks to Jörg who pointed me to the auction catalogue.
Message to Firefox 4 users: A new CSS specification to prevent "attacks" based on your browser history disables the change of the color of the little arrows next to external links after visiting: Link. I hate how it looks on EAS when the arrows refuse to switch to the same color as the link text (especially on pages where they remain yellow) but I can do nothing against it. I will have to abandon the tags for external links, develop a new color scheme or put up with the awful color disparity. Read the complete commentary on EAS Today.
Here's the promised update of the Journal of Applied Treknology. See all the Recent Additions at a glance.
I am preparing a JoAT update. Find the feedback on the submissions at the SCN.
Reviews of the DS9 season 3 episodes "Through the Looking Glass" and "Improbable Cause/The Die Is Cast".
Some more images of Federation ships from Drex Files. Please follow the
Reviews of the DS9 season 3 episodes "Visionary" and "Distant Voices".
New Poll: Pick your favorite Voyager episode if it is among the listed.
Reviews of the DS9 season 3 episodes "Destiny" and "Prophet Motive".
New reviews of the DS9 season 3 episodes "Life Support" and "Heart of Stone".
Many thanks to Anthony Misztal, who sent me an article about Possible Namesakes of Federation Starships.
Review of the DS9 season 3 double episode "Past Tense".
A new short story by Travis Anderson: Resolve. Sisko is recruited into one of Ro and Macen's operations during the Dominion War.
Update of the Journal of Applied Treknology with 12 new or improved ship and shuttle designs, and now a separate page for designs for the Abramsverse. See all the Recent Additions at a glance.
I will update the JoAT tomorrow. Find the feedback on the submissions at the SCN.
Gene Roddenberry's original pitch for Star Trek has "resurfaced", at least if we believe the blogger who recently posted the PDF file. The very same file was available at EAS all the time since 2006. (I rescued the pitch from when the site went down.) I don't claim ownership of a file that I only re-composed and I don't mind people taking it from EAS, even if they neglect to give me proper credit. But the old news got reposted in several hundred (!) blogs and on all the big Trek news sites. In light of the fact that something from an obscure blog is hyped in the blogosphere as well as in fan circles, rather than the same content on a major Trek site, I somehow feel let down.
New in the Galleries: several of the great illustrations by Doug Drexler for the Star Trek Encyclopedia II, such as of Vulcan costumes. Please follow the
I have incorporated new findings on a couple of pages in the Investigations section, such as Re-Used Props - Decoration. Thank you to Michael, Jörg and Jan!
The episode guest reviews have been continually updated. Today I would like to express my special thanks to Chris S, whose many contributions are unusually critical but also quite insightful. Read his recent rant on VOY: "Endgame" (all the way down the page).
Two more DS9 season 3 episodes reviewed: "Defiant" and "Fascination".
New Poll: Pick your favorite DS9 episode if it is among the listed.
The next two reviews of DS9 season 3: "Civil Defense" and "Meridian".
Reviews of two more DS9 season 3 episodes: "Second Skin" and "The Abandoned".
The EAE Award January 2011 goes to Vulcanology, one of the best new blogs.
EAS wishes you a Happy New Year 2011!