Past Updates 2010
December November October September August July June May April March February January
New article in cooperation with Drew Stewart: Locating Starfleet Buildings in San Francisco. We have investigated Starfleet's buildings as they appeared in the various series and movies and sketched up a map showing their real locations in and around San Francisco.
New Poll: Pick your favorite TNG episode if it is among the listed.
Reviews of two DS9 season 3 episodes: "The House of Quark" and "Equilibrium".
I have incorporated visitor suggestions in different sections, notably several re-used TOS computers and other TOS equipment. Special thanks to Michael Minnick!
Merry Christmas to all visitors!
A new SID short story by Travis Anderson: Christmas Lights.
My take on the season 3 premiere DS9: "The Search".
Review of the DS9 season 2 finale: "The Jem'Hadar".
Still more illustrations from C.HellenBrandt in the Starship Database. Please follow the
More ship images from Eavesdropping with Johnny and Drex Files. Please follow the
The next two DS9 Reviews of season 2: "The Collaborator" and "Tribunal".
Thanks to C.HellenBrandt for some new images and thumbs in the Starship Database, such as Kirk's escape pod, the D'Arsay archive and Voyager VI.
More DS9 Reviews of season 2: "The Wire" and "Crossover".
DS9 Reviews of season 2: My take on the two-part episode "The Maquis I/II".
Jörg has found several more painted corridor extensions in Star Trek episodes.
An EAE Award goes to Subspace Communique. Congratulations!
Two more DS9 Reviews of season 2: "Profit and Loss" and "Blood Oath".
The next two DS9 Reviews of season 2: "Shadowplay" and "Playing God".
Another old article reworked: Uniform & Rank Inconsistencies.
And here are the Re-Used Planets in DS9 (significantly fewer than in TNG).
New Poll: Pick your favorite TOS episode if it is among the listed.
Two new DS9 Reviews of season 2, this time "Whispers" and "Paradise".
Some updates on the Links page.
The next two DS9 Reviews of season 2: "The Alternate" and "Armageddon Game".
I have reworked the article about The Klingon Forehead Problem (formatting, pictures, corrections, a few new facts).
Two new DS9 Reviews of season 2: "Sanctuary" and "Rivals".
Just a technical note that e-mail links are now tagged with an "envelope".
JoAT update with 13 new or updated designs. See all the Recent Additions at a glance. Sorry to all the contributors this has taken so long. You can see the status of your designs in the JoAT feedback thread at the SCN.
Jörg has found new "8-dimensional" in-jokes in DS9: "Equilibrium".
New renders of Little Nell I & II by Rob Willson and Bluescale plans of the Spectre by Allen Rolfes in the Starfleet Museum.
There's a bunch of new schematic side views in the Starship Database, provided by Chris G. Find better pics of Federation drydocks, Romulan and Borg vessels, the Whale Probe, and more.
Jörg has made the endeavor to scrutinize all appearances of Picard's Shakespeare Books. These appeared in nearly every TNG episode, flipped open in a showcase in the ready room or in his quarters. He has managed to identify the different books and even almost all pages that could be seen on screen in the various episodes.
Now that I have reviewed the whole series, here is an editorial about Star Trek: The Original Series.
Another prequel story by Travis Anderson: Mass Destruction. The Cardassians have developed a first strike population killer. In their desperation, Ro and Macen's cell will turn to anyone...even Starfleet.
And while I was at it, "The Tholian Web", "Whom Gods Destroy" and "The Mark of Gideon" conclude the reviews of season 3 of TOS.
"A Private Little War" and "The Immunity Syndrome" are my two last reviews of season 2 of TOS.
The reviews of TOS season 1 are finished with the addition of "The Galileo Seven", "The Squire of Gothos" and "The Devil in the Dark".
Some updates on the Links page.
Detailed reviews of two great episodes of season 2 of TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" and "The Ultimate Computer".
Just a small update: two new props from other series/movies in Star Trek. Thanks to Jörg!
From season 3 of TOS: Arrogant alien women give Kirk a hard time in "Elaan of Troyius" and "Wink of an Eye".
Note that the "Inconsistencies" section at EAS is now more appropriately named "Investigations". All URLs remain the same.
More reviews of season 1 of TOS: "Shore Leave" and "This Side of Paradise".
The DS9 Reviews of season 2 continue with "Necessary Evil" and "Second Sight".
Reviews of season 1 of TOS: "Court Martial" and "Errand of Mercy".
Here is a detailed article about the history and applications of CGI in Star Trek, about involved people and companies. This article was originally written by Sennim for Memory Alpha.
Two more reviews of season 3 of TOS. McCoy falls in love in "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky", Kirk in "Requiem for Methuselah".
Reviews of season 3 of TOS: "Spectre of the Gun" and "Plato's Stepchildren".
New short URL for my Facebook page:
New Re-Used Planet Set: buildings from the movie "Logan's Run" that appeared a few times in Star Trek.
Entering the Facebook test phase with EAS (and a still unwieldy preliminary URL). I hope you like it.
Detailed reviews of three more episodes of season 2 of TOS: "Wolf in the Fold", "Obsession" and "Return to Tomorrow".
On this day ten years ago I moved EAS from the university server to my own webspace with the new domain name
Two "old" short stories from Travis Anderson's SID series archives: Hostile Ground and Keeping the Peace.
EAS will continue to be on Twitter, now that I have made it work half-way decently.
Evil Starship Factory wins an EAE Award. Congratulations!
The final act of "The Tressaurian Intersection" still hasn't been released. Anyway, here are the reviews of the so far two episodes of Starship Exeter.
Update of the "Star Trek (2009)" fleet chart, and a new chart with the "official" scale of the ships.
Two more DS9 Reviews of season 2: "Melora" and "Rules of Acquisition".
New Poll inspired by a discussion at Should the next Trek movie be "darker"?
Just a note that I have switched the EAS feed to RSS 2.0, with new date fields. As developers don't care about owners of old-fashioned websites, I am condemned to type the complete code by hand. It may not work perfectly. Feedback is welcome.
More from TOS season 1: "The Enemy Within", "Space Seed" and "Operation - Annihilate!".
More DS9 Reviews of season 2: "Invasive Procedures" and "Cardassians".
I have reworked the general considerations on Time Travel to include additional references and to comply with the generally accepted nomenclature.
And here are "Mudd's Women", "The Conscience of the King" and "Arena" from the first TOS season.
Reviews of three more episodes of season 3 of TOS: "The Cloud Minders", "All Our Yesterdays", "Turnabout Intruder".
And while I was at it, here are the reviews of the two animated episodes of Starship Farragut.
Some more ship images from Drex Files. Please follow the signs.
I have reviewed the fan film "Star Trek: Of Gods and Men".
My DS9 Reviews of season 2 start with the trilogy consisting of "The Homecoming", "The Circle" and "The Siege".
Here's a review of Star Trek Phase II: "Blood and Fire".
Jörg has compiled a gallery of Visual TOS References in Modern Star Trek.
Reviews of three more episodes of season 3 of TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead", "The Way to Eden", "The Savage Curtain".
The last two DS9 Reviews of the first season: "Duet" and "In the Hands of the Prophets".
Several small updates today: Renders of the D3 by Christopher Griggs, new images of "Star Trek (2009)" ships by Chris G. and Madman, NASA references in the new movie by Jörg.
Reviews of the four "parallel Earth" episodes of season 2 of TOS: "Bread and Circuses", "A Piece of the Action", "Patterns of Force", "The Omega Glory".
Reviews of three episodes of season 3 of TOS: "Spock's Brain", "The Empath", "The Lights of Zetar".
Some new Re-Used Weapons, courtesy of Jörg as usual.
Update of the Star Trek (2009) Ship Classes, now with all ground vehicles and with some new thumbnails. Thanks to C.HellenBrandt.
The next two DS9 Reviews: "The Forsaken" and "Dramatis Personae".
Reviews of early TOS episodes: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" (second pilot), "The Corbomite Maneuver" (first produced episode), "The Man Trap" (first aired episode).
New in the Starfleet Museum: a preview of the Capella-class survey ship, full article to be posted later.
The EAE Award goes to My Star Trek Scrapbook. Congratulations!
To all visitors: EAS has been attacked from the IP The damage has been repaired and I apologize for any inconvenience!
Poll in reference to Dealing with Continuity Issues of the Abramsverse: What is your personal theory about "Star Trek (2009)"?
Here is a new thorough investigation of the Variations of TOS Computers. Thanks a lot to Will who allowed me to re-post his article at EAS!
Clean-up of the Links page. I have removed several outdated orunproductive links and added a few new ones.
I have added more ship images from Drex Files. Please follow the signs.
Now that the dust has settled, here is a new take on Dealing with Continuity Issues of the Abramsverse. Bottom line: As much some people condemn my "wrong" findings, we should at least all know what we're talking about and perhaps reconsider a few things.
Three more TOS reviews, all of season 2: "Metamorphosis", "I, Mudd", "The Trouble with Tribbles".
The next two DS9 Reviews: "Progress" and "If Wishes Were Horses".
Poll: Who is the best (regular) first officer?
Here is a small article about Re-Used Make-ups in VOY: "Tsunkatse".
And while I'm at it, here's another new one: Redresses of Tau's Pirate Fighter.
Redresses of the Ramuran Tracer Ship.
Jörg and I have investigated the gradual make-up refinement of the Jem'Hadar: Races with Changing Faces - Jem'Hadar.
Three more TOS reviews, all of season 1: "Dagger of the Mind", "Miri", "Tomorrow is Yesterday".
Planet Mutations that now includes Bajor, Cardassia and some more planets.
TOS time: detailed reviews of "The Return of the Archons", "Friday's Child" and "Day of the Dove".
Variations and Redresses of the Galor Class Bridge.
Another two DS9 Reviews: "Battle Lines" and "The Storyteller".
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture" recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, and while it still ranks among my favorites it is not free of inconsistencies.
More TOS reviews, this time of three really bad episodes: "The Alternative Factor" (my all-time least favorite), "The Apple" and "That Which Survives".
Reviews of three great 2nd season TOS episodes: "Amok Time", "The Doomsday Machine" and "The Changeling".
Poll: Who is the best (regular) chief medical officer?
Two new DS9 Reviews: "The Nagus" and "Vortex".
Continuing my detailed TOS reviews with the four episodes "Charlie X", "A Taste of Armageddon", "The Deadly Years" and "Assignment: Earth".
Happy New Year! And Congratulations to, winner of an EAE Award!