Treknology Encyclopedia - K
K-3 indicator Medical display in the overhead panel of a biobed, usually not active, indicates the level of pain experienced by a patient (TOS: "Operation: Annihilate").
Kardashev scale Measurement for the technological level of a civilization, based on the amount of energy that is available. A Type I civilization harnesses the whole energy of a planet. Type II uses the whole output of a star. Type III is in possession of the entire energy of a galaxy. According to Dr. Hirai, Species 10-C is on level II, maybe beyond (DIS: "Species Ten-C").
The Kardashev scale is a real-world concept, albeit a hypothetical one.
Kellicam Klingon length measurement ("Star Trek: The Search for Spock", "Star Trek: The Final Frontier", TNG: "Redemption", DS9: "Soldiers of the Empire").
The most commonly found fanon conversion is that 1 kellicam equals 2 kilometers. This is obviously based on the statement from "Redemption" that Klingon transporters have a range of 20,000 kellicams, while we know from "A Matter of Honor" that the Federation transporters work at up to 40,000 kilometers. However, the range would neither technically be necessarily the same, nor can we assume that Klingon safety margins are the same as those of Starfleet. So the only reasonable statement is that one kellicam is probably the same order of magnitude as one kilometer.
Ketric Hirogen length measurement (VOY: "Hunters").
Like with kellicams, the conversion to kilometers is only a rough estimate. In "Hunters" there was a distance of 4000 ketrics between Voyager and the Hirogen relay station. One ketric may be as few as one kilometer, or as much as 100 kilometers.
Krellide power cell Energy storage device, used e.g. in a 22nd century Vulcan transmitter (ENT: "The Andorian Incident").
Rick Sternbach mentions in the ENT season 1 DVD comments that he devised krellium cells as a homage to the classic science fiction movie "Forbidden Planet" (where the Krell were an ancient civilization that built a seemingly inexhaustible reactor). He previously "invented" their presumable "further development" in the 24th century, sarium krellide cells (TNGTM, TNG: "In Theory").
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