The cruiser is a larger Suliban vessel with a stealth generator and four weapon arrays. Gallery: Suliban Starships
Known ships
No name given
The ship appeared in ENT: "Shockwave II", where it was called "stealth cruiser". Considering that all Suliban ships appear to be equipped with stealth devices, I omitted this redundancy in the ship's designation.
The long cell ships, like every Suliban ship, are equipped with a stealth device and may be combined to larger clusters. Gallery: Suliban Starships
Known shuttles
No name given
The long cell ships are not quite as common as the short ones, but they appeared as independent vessels in ENT: "Broken Bow", "Shockwave II" and in considerable numbers in "Future Tense".
The salvage ship is not as heavily armed as other Suliban vessels, but obviously specifically equipped for salvage operations. Gallery: Suliban Starships
Known ships
No name given
The salvage ship from ENT: "Future Tense" seems to be highly modular, composed of what appears to be 12 long cell ships grouped around a core module, in which case it measures no more than 55m. On the other hand, the narrow horizontal struts of the core module seem to be inhabitable, so we may consider the possibility that the ship is a few hundred meters long.
The short cell ships, like every Suliban ship, are equipped with a stealth device and may be combined to larger clusters. At least some of them are equipped with a high-yield particle weapon and with a tractor beam. Gallery: Suliban Starships
Known shuttles
No name given
The high-yield particle weapons seemed to be a surprise to the Enterprise crew in "Shockwave I", although they had the opportunity to investigate a ship of the type in the launch bay for quite a while (since "Broken Bow").
The 2.6m cell ship is the smallest one of at least three cell ships of the same shape but different sizes visible in the Helix (below). The mid-sized version has rectangular windows and is 5m long, the big cell has triangular windows and measures 7m. In addition, there are at least three types of big structures with a slightly elongated hexagonal cross-section. It is unknown whether these may act as independent vessels.
We could get a glimpse of these shuttles in ENT: "Detained". It was stated in the episode that the shuttles belonged to the imprisoned Suliban, so it can be inferred it is a Suliban ship type, or a type common among them. The model was also visible on the Kreetassan homeworld in "A Night in Sickbay", but probably not as a Suliban shuttle.
A Suliban Helix incorporates a solid core, around which countless cell ships of different sizes are grouped. Gallery: Suliban Starships
Known stations
No name given
As the interior suggests, there is a rather massive core and only the outer shell and the outriggers are made up of small cell ships. Still, it seems plausible that the cell ships don't only physically add to the station, but also share their power, weapon and sensor systems while they are tied together. There are around 12 different sizes and shapes of cells visible as parts of the station, including the above listed long and short cell ship as the smallest components. It is not sure whether the larger structures may act as independent vessels as well.
After the Helix was detected in "Broken Bow", it may have been moved to its obviously new location in "Shockwave II". It is also possible that there is more than one structure like it, considering that Keyla spoke of "Helixes" in ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights".