Old Poll Results
Here are the final results of previous polls with external service providers:
21.07.02 - 24.08.02
EAS Poll |
How often do you visit EAS? |
(321) |
32.26% |
At least once per week (505) |
50.75% |
At least once per month (76) |
7.64% |
Occasionally (67) |
6.73% |
This is the first time, and I will return (14) |
1.41% |
This is the first time, but I'm not likely to return (12) |
1.21% |
Total votes: 995 |
16.11.01 - 30.12.01
Enterprise - Favorite Episode |
Which is your favorite episode so far? |
Broken Bow (82) | 32% |  |
Fight or Flight (14) | 5% |  |
Strange New World (9) | 3% |  |
Unexpected (20) | 8% |  |
Terra Nova (5) | 2% |  |
The Andorian Incident (70) | 28% |  |
Breaking the Ice (28) | 11% |  |
Civilization (21) | 8% |  |
Total votes: 249 |
10.10.01 - 15.11.01
Enterprise |
What is your impression after the first episodes? |
Great - exactly what I expected. (69) | 18% |  |
Great - although I was a bit sceptical. (100) | 27% |  |
Not bad, but I still have to get used to it. (69) | 18% |  |
I'm not yet convinced of it, but hopeful. (44) | 12% |  |
Not quite as bad as I thought. (24) | 6% |  |
A great disappointment - and I was so enthusiastic. (12) | 3% |  |
Awful - just as I expected. (20) | 5% |  |
I haven't seen it yet. (34) | 9% |  |
I'm not planning to watch it. (2) | 1% |  |
Total votes: 374 |
06.09.01 - 09.10.01
Enterprise |
What do you feel about it, now that it will start in only a few days? |
I'm so excited, I can hardly wait that long.
(114) | 19% |  |
I think it will be great for the most part. (96) | 16% |  |
I like it, but I also have a few doubts about it. (183) | 30% |  |
Well, it will be Trek after all. (37) | 6% |  |
I don't like it, but I'm giving it a chance. (123) | 20% |  |
This all can't work. I have little hope. (42) | 7% |  |
I don't have to watch it, I hate it already now. (13) | 2% |  |
What is "Enterprise"? (8) | 1% |  |
Total votes: 616 | |
09.07.01 - 05.09.01
Now that it's official... |
...what do you think of the S.S. Enterprise design? |
A cool ship. I love it! (133) | 12% |  |
Better this than seeing an old rust bucket through seven seasons. (60) | 6% |  |
Well, not exactly Pre-TOS, but who cares? (77) | 7% |  |
I would have expected something more original. (139) | 13% |  |
I would have expected something that fits into the timeline. (237) | 22% |  |
It's horrible because it's neither original nor consistent. (393) | 36% |  |
I don't care about starship designs. (2) | 0% |
I haven't seen it yet. (45) | 4% |  |
Total votes: 1086 | |
16.05.01 - 08.07.01
Now that it's official... |
...what do you think of the "Enterprise" concept? |
Great! That's the series I was hoping for.
(14) | 4% |  |
Sounds good, I'm looking forward to it. (50) | 14% |  |
Not entirely convinced, but still optimistic. (112) | 31% |  |
I can't help having a little bad feeling about it. (90) | 25% |  |
I'm afraid that it will be a disaster. (71) | 20% |  |
Can't tell anything about it so early. (15) | 4% |  |
I'm rather incurious. (5) | 1% |  |
What concept are you talking of? (7) | 2% |  |
Total votes: 364 |
20.04.01 - 15.05.01
DS9 Seasons |
Which season of DS9 did you like most? |
Season 1 (4) | 2% |  |
Season 2 (2) | 1% |  |
Season 3 (3) | 1% |  |
Season 4 (5) | 2% |  |
Season 5 (24) | 12% |  |
Season 6 (82) | 40% |  |
Season 7 (83) | 41% |  |
Total votes: 203 | |
29.02.01 - 19.04.01
Voyager Races |
Which races that appeared in Star Trek Voyager would you like to see again? |
Kazon (18) | 4% |  |
Vidiians (38) | 9% |  |
Voth ("Distant Origin") (71) | 17% |  |
Borg (68) | 16% |  |
Species 8472 (94) | 22% |  |
Hirogen (46) | 11% |  |
Malon (11) | 3% |  |
Devore ("Counterpoint") (17) | 4% |  |
Vaadwaur ("Dragon's Teeth") (58) | 14% |  |
Total votes: 421 | |
07.02.01 - 28.02.01
Job Offers on the Enterprise-D |
Whose job on the Enterprise-D would you like to do? |
Picard (57) | 27% |  |
Riker (30) | 14% |  |
Data (20) | 10% |  |
Deanna (2) | 1% |  |
Beverly (3) | 1% |  |
Geordi (30) | 14% |  |
Worf (37) | 18% |  |
Guinan (14) | 7% |  |
Wesley (5) | 2% |  |
None of the above (12) | 6% |  |
Total votes: 210 | |
10.01.01 - 06.02.01
Starfleet Ship Classes |
What is your favorite Starfleet ship class? |
Galaxy (38) | 9% |  |
Sovereign (63) | 15% |  |
Ambassador (18) | 4% |  |
Akira (83) | 20% |  |
Excelsior (28) | 7% |  |
Prometheus (38) | 9% |  |
Intrepid (24) | 6% |  |
Constitution (original or refit) (53) | 13% |  |
Defiant (40) | 10% |  |
None of the above (32) | 8% |  |
Total votes: 417 | |
20.12.00 - 09.01.01
The Next Movie |
What would you like to see in the next Trek movie? |
A plot based on the Dominion War, TNG/DS9 crew (91) | 39% |  |
A Borg story, TNG-only crew (4) | 2% |  |
A Romulan story, TNG crew (92) | 39% |  |
Something involving Voyager (16) | 7% |  |
Completely new species and setting (14) | 6% |  |
None of the above (12) | 5% |  |
No idea, anything will be fine (4) | 2% |  |
Total votes: 233 | |
04.12.00 - 19.12.00
Pre-TOS Series |
What do you think a Pre-TOS Series V will be like? |
It will be definitely great to see how it all began. (67) | 18% |  |
The 24th century topic is exhausted, it will be a fresh series. (40) | 11% |  |
It will be great to have a series with limited options. (30) | 8% |  |
It may be boring without all the new species and the new tech. (59) | 16% |  |
The sets/props/starships won't be credible. (52) | 14% |  |
Braga & Co. will mess up history. (95) | 26% |  |
No particular hope or fear (17) | 5% |  |
What is "Pre-TOS" and who is Braga? (5) | 1% |  |
Total votes: 365 | |

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