Past Updates 2019
A variety of Starfleet- or space-related logos of the 22nd century appeared on Star Trek Enterprise. A new article lists all logos that could be seen in the series, including some obscure ones, complete with accurate reconstructions by Brad Wilder: Earth Starfleet and Other Space Service Emblems.
Captain Picard starts a relationship with a crew member that doesn't work out in the end. Perhaps they never really wanted to give themselves a chance? Anyway, here are our (more technical) Observations in TNG: "Lessons". See the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
Here are my reviews of the two animated Short Treks episodes, "The Girl Who Made the Stars" and "Ephraim and Dot". Only one of them is enjoyable and meaningful, whereas the other one dumbs down what Star Trek is about.
Here is a small gallery of René Auberjonois as Odo and in other Trek roles: Galleries - Remembering René Auberjonois. Such a pity the series wasn't remastered in HD!

Another great loss for the world of Star Trek. René Auberjonois, well-known for playing Odo on DS9, has passed away at the age of 79. This concludes a sad week. TOS and TNG writer/producer Dorothy C. Fontana died on December 2 and Robert Walker Jr. of "Charlie X" fame on December 5.
Congratulations to Some Kind of Star Trek! The news and review blog wins one of my (now extremely) rare EAE Awards.
Two more updated reviews of Voyager's fifth season, "Once Upon a Time" and "Timeless".
Here is my review of the latest Short Treks episode, "Ask Not". It could get only better after the Edward disaster. And indeed, although it is very predictable, "Ask Not" is deserving of the label "Star Trek" again.
Yippee ki-yay! When a group of terrorists attempt to take over his ship during a clean-up procedure, Picard is the last line of defense. See our Observations in TNG: "Starship Mine". The complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode is available at TrekCore.
Various different flags of the United Federation of Planets could be seen in series and movies. In a new article, we investigate The Evolution of the Federation Flag in production order. Research: Jörg Hillebrand, illustrations: Brad Wilder.
Countless off-the-shelf office chairs, lounge chairs or car seats appeared in Star Trek productions. We have compiled a list of the models that we identified, among them many design classics: Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek. We are grateful for input on the chairs that are not yet identified.
Finally an update to our observations in TNG and TNG-R. Worf doesn't find his father but a Romulan prisoner camp where things are not quite as it seems at first glance. See our Observations in TNG: "Birthright II". You find the complete HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.
I have found and reviewed the latest Short Treks episode, "The Trouble with Edward" that turns out to be a disaster in every possible regard.
Here is my review of the new Short Treks episode "Q&A" that I managed to find a totally legal copy of earlier today. The always honest Spock will swear this is true. Sorry for the sarcasm, I neither like being excluded from Trek content, nor do I like this episode.
Because of geoblocking (Thanks CBS, your policy sucks!) I can only slowly catch up with the news from NYCC. But here is my comment on the new Picard trailer, the arguably most important of the three ones that were released.
Here are two more updated reviews of Voyager's fifth season, "Extreme Risk" and "In the Flesh".

Aron Eisenberg, best known for playing Nog on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, passed away on September 21, 2019. He was only 50. Here is a small gallery of his appearances as Nog and his other Trek roles.
In another new article, we look at The Evolution of the Kazon Emblem, which could be seen in just a few episodes but in several permutations.
Here is a small new article that we compiled on The Evolution of the Talaxian Emblem (which appeared, in its finalized version, in just one episode).
More Voyager interiors reconstructed by BobyE: Chakotay's, Tuvok's and Paris/Torres's quarters.
Cargo bay day! BobyE has created reconstructions of the Enterprise-D cargo bay of season 1 (as seen in "Datalore" and "Symbiosis"), of the Defiant cargo hold from "The Ship" and of Voyager cargo bay 1.
In another new article, we investigate The Emblem of Starfleet Command as it appeared in several DS9 and Voyager episodes. Research: Jörg Hillebrand, illustrations: Brad Wilder.
We have completely reworked and extended the old article about the yellow Starfleet Command flag from Enterprise. The new article includes all Earth Starfleet logos based on the "boomerang" design: The Emblems of Earth Starfleet and Earth Starfleet Command.
Mike McMahan reveals a few more details about Star Trek: Lower Decks. He says that it is important for the show to adhere to canon, although he doesn't really seem to answer the question whether it will be canon itself.
A few new illustrations of starship interiors, such as Voyager's holodeck and Voyager's shuttlebay by BobyE.
Update: The article about The Emblem of Starfleet Academy now features accurately redrawn logos by Brad Wilder.
New Poll: Which upcoming or proposed series is the most important one?
We look at The Emblem of Starfleet Academy in an all-new article. The logo comes in surprisingly numerous color variations. And it seems that nothing is as persistent as an old error that we considered fixed once and for all...
The Star Trek: Picard trailer is out, and for the first time in many years I'm truly excited about new Star Trek.
I continue my Voyager reviews in season 5. Read my takes on "Night" and "Drone", two episodes with classic Trek stories that I still find inspiring after so many years.
Daniel Tessier reviews the latest novel by Christopher L. Bennett, The Captain's Oath.
Marten van Wier reviews the issues #8 and #9 of Star Trek Early Voyages by Marvel Comics.
In an all-new article, we investigate The Emblems of the Federation Founding Members: Earth, Vulcan, Andor(ia) and Tellar, including all notable variations, as well as related symbols. Research: Jörg Hillebrand, illustrations: Brad Wilder.
Here is a comprehensive (but probably not yet complete) list of Discovery Continuity Problems, aside from it being a "visual reboot".
There are also some more pictures of Discovery Sets and Props, notably a reconstruction of the Discovery bridge. Thanks to BobyE!
A new article by Jonah Kuttner looks at the Navigation Lights on Starfleet Ships and how the pattern remained (almost) consistent across the design generations of Star Trek.
The new series with Sir Patrick Stewart has an official title. It's Star Trek: Picard!
Just a quick note that I have made the feedback form operational again (without confirmation e-mails).
I have compiled an overview of the kind of multiverse that has been created with the advent of the Abrams movies and Discovery: The Continuities of Star Trek. The article addresses the supposed official policy as well as the caveats at EAS.
New Poll question: Did Alex Kurtzman keep his promise to "sync Discovery with canon"?
Here is a write-up about the time travel phenomena related to the Red Angel: Time Travel in Star Trek: Discovery.
As could be expected, the second season of Star Trek Discovery ends with a major space battle. But what happens to the ship and crew? Here is my full-spoiler review of "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part II".
Updated Poll: Rate the second part of the season finale, "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part II".
I have programmed a workaround for the episode submission form that is now operational again but doesn't send confirmation e-mails any longer (at least, they usually don't arrive). The feedback form still doesn't work for this reason. Sending out e-mails that don't bounce off as spam would require to set up an SMTP relay, for which I neither have the access rights on the server nor the knowledge.
Star Trek Discovery bids farewell to the ship, to Michael Burnham and ultimately to the whole crew in the tear-jerking first part of the season finale. We will learn next week whether our tears (and yes, maybe also tears of joy) were justified. So far, you can read my review of "Such Sweet Sorrow".
Updated Poll: Please rate "Such Sweet Sorrow".
Captain Pike goes on a treasure quest and is foretold an inescapable fate, while Michael Burnham fights a Terminator that has come from the future to kill her. Read my review of "Through the Valley of Shadows".
Updated Poll: Rate the latest DIS episode, "Through the Valley of Shadows".
Here is a gallery of Discovery Federation Vessels (with several new pictures and diagrams). Special thanks to Chris G.!
Updated Poll: Please rate "Perpetual Infinity".
Michael Burnham's family reunion in DIS: "Perpetual Infinity" is not a very happy one, and someone or something is bent on separating the family again. Read my review of the new Discovery episode.
Updated Poll: What do you think of "The Red Angel"?
We are finally told who the Red Angel is. Only to see in the end that it is someone still different. Read my review of the latest Discovery episode, DIS: "The Red Angel".
Here is the Poll on "Project Daedalus".
This week's Discovery episode comes with a decent amount of action, with a minor character who suddenly moves into the focus and with some interaction that feels odd. Read my review of DIS: "Project Daedalus".
Updated Poll: Please rate "If Memory Serves".
Discovery revisits the very beginning of the Star Trek franchise in what is primarily designed to be a homage to the first pilot episode, "The Cage". Read my review of DIS: "If Memory Serves".
Updated Poll: What do you think about "Light and Shadows"?
The search for Spock is over (if you don't mind the spoiler). Here is my episode review of DIS: "Light and Shadows" with full spoilers. Despite some gripes with the characters, I think it is the best episode of season 2 so far.
And while I was at it, here is the new review of DIS: "The Sound of Thunder" right away.
Updated Poll: Rate the latest DIS episode, "The Sound of Thunder".
Google+ shuts down personal pages, so I have to abandon it. But I have opened a blog for EAS at Tumblr, with site news and possibly other features.
Feeling a bit better in the past few days, I decided to do something against the boredom. Here are the reviews of DIS: "An Obol for Charon" and DIS: "Saints of Imperfection" that were still missing.
Rate the latest DIS episode, "Saints of Imperfection", in the updated Poll.
Thanks for the many get-well wishes! As I'm unable to write a review, here is just the Poll: Rate "An Obol for Charon".
As much as I would love to make the review form work again, it would require to set up an SMTP relay and is very complex. So sorry, no guest reviews either.
Health problems related to stress force me to suspend site updates for the time being. Please be patient. I may read e-mails, but don't expect a reply any time soon.
The new hair on Klingon heads is no help. With the return of L'Rell, Voq, Georgiou and their storylines, the latest Discovery episode is a setback with nearly all the mistakes of the first season, and also a very uneven episode. Read my review of DIS: "Point of Light".
New Poll: Rate the new Discovery episode, "Point of Light".
New Poll: Rate the latest Discovery episode, "New Eden".
I just noticed that the server does not send me e-mails submitted through the feedback form or episode review form any longer, probably since mid-November. My apologies to those who tried to contact me in vain! I have no idea yet where and how it is blocked, but I am afraid that it may be for being a "security risk" and may not be enabled again. If you like to send me an episode review, please wait, I will work on a fallback solution.
Read my review of "New Eden" (as usual, with full spoilers). The latest Discovery episode brings us a shocking revelation about a beloved character, a science vs. faith debate, decent action, loads of technobabble and an annoyingly hyperactive ensign.
New Poll: Rate the DIS season 2 premiere, "Brother".
The Discovery season 2 premiere is available (outside the USA) since earlier today. Here is my review of this exciting episode, which also includes some annoying aspects though.
CBS officially announced the so far rumored series about the adventures of former Emperor Georgiou and Section 31. As could be expected, my reaction is not friendly (you have been warned).
The new Picard series will be influenced by the destruction of Romulus in the Abramsverse. While for fans of authentic Star Trek this seems to bode ill, I'm still optimistic. Read the full comment.
I conclude my reviews of Voyager's fourth season with the exciting season finale, "Hope and Fear".
Here is my review of the fourth and final Short Treks episode, "The Escape Artist". Harry Mudd has been captured and is about to be turned over to Starfleet. But he wouldn't be a con man if he didn't still have some trick up his sleeve.
Happy New Year 2019! There are several updates in the article about The Evolution of the Federation Emblem: new variations from Discovery, better screen caps and, most notably, drawings by Brad Wilder.