Observations in TNG: "The Hunted"

A joint project with TrekCore, by Jörg Hillebrand and Bernd Schneider

Here are some observations about sets, props and visual effects in TNG: "The Hunted" without a specific theme, and a comparison of the original TV release (TNG) with the remastered episode (TNG-R).

"The Hunted" HD Screencaps @ TrekCore

Description TNG Other caps Comparison TNG to TNG-R Description TNG-R
The matte painting of Angosia III is only seen in this episode and was never re-used. The matte looks a lot better in HD, although it is recognizable that it's just a painting.
Parts of the Angosian logo can be seen on the floor of the Angosian senate hall foyer in this shot. The logo will be seen much better on several later occasions in the episode.
Angosian emblem
No changes
The sign in the foyer features Angosian writing. No changes
The Angosian logo can be seen on a wall in the background. An HD close-up of the emblem.
The Angosian transport ship in orbit of Lunar V. An actual physical model was used for the moon/asteroid. The asteroid is still the same in TNG-R.
The Angosian transport ship is an extensive modification of the Straleb security vessel, seen in "The Outrageous Okona". The footage of the USS Enterprise-D in the background was filmed using the new 4-foot model.
Redresses of the Straleb Vessel

"The Outrageous Okona"
The asteroid changes orientation between two subsequent shots. The crescent-shaped shaded area moves from the right to the left, showing that it was turned upside down. The corresponding shots in TNG-R have the same (inconsistent) change of orientation.
Angosia III previously appeared twice in season 2, as the Starbase Montgomery planet in "The Icarus Factor" and as Surata IV in "Shades of Gray". It will appear as no less than eight more planets in future TNG episodes.
Re-Used Planets in TNG

"The Icarus Factor"

"Shades of Gray"
A new and considerably more detailed digital model represents Angosia. As in some other TNG-R episodes, a CG model based on Earth is used. In this shot, we can see the northern coastlines of Australia.
The Angosian logo can be seen once more behind Nayrok. Like all Angosians in the senate building, he wears a badge with the Angosian logo and some Angosian writing. We can recognize the logo better in HD.
One of the last black cardboard covers on a shiny LCARS display can be seen behind Worf. They were omnipresent in the first two season of TNG. No changes
A close-up of the ops console. The graphic of Lunar V and the Angosian transport ship was added in post production. The animation was faithfully reconstructed. There are now three types of LCARS buttons: permanently lit, animated & CGI. We can read the labels in HD.
The USS Enterprise-D in orbit of Angosia III, facing the drive section of the Angosian transport ship. The 4-foot model of the USS Enterprise was used to film the footage of the ship. Comparison screenshots from other episodes show the 2-foot and 6-foot models from a similar angle.
The Saucer Rim on the Galaxy Class

"The Child"

"The High Ground"

The same sequence in HD. Note that, as in several previous episodes of season 3, the Enterprise is much darker in the Blu-ray release.

Also note the blue seam of the planet's atmosphere that was previously missing.

"The Outrageous Okona"
The USS Enterprise-D uses its tractor beam to fix the position of the drive section. The tractor beam seems much more defined here than in previous episodes. The forward dorsal emitter was last used in "The Battle".
"The Battle"
The drive section of the Angosian transport ship as seen on the main viewscreen of the USS Enterprise-D.
The drive section approaches the USS Enterprise-D. Again, the 4-foot model was used to film this sequence. A comparison screenshot from "Heart of Glory" shows what the 6-foot model looks like from a similar perspective.
"Heart of Glory"

In HD, we can recognize the greebles in the groove between the two halves of the saucer even better.

The shield bubble was reconstructed to look the same in TNG-R.

The Angosian drive section bounces off the Enterprise's shields.
An Angosian escape pod. The same footage was recolored and later appeared as a Yridian cargo container in "Firstborn" and as a Ferengi probe in "Bloodlines".
The HD version allows to recognize many more details and some sort of writing on the pod.

The light behind the left side of the transporter room LCARS display behind O'Brien was broken in some previous episodes. By the time of "The Hunted", it has been fixed.
"Booby Trap"
No changes
The Angosian rifle previously appeared in "The Vengeance Factor" as one variety of a Regalian phaser rifle. The prop is later seen in large numbers on Angosia III. Weapons of this type were repainted and modified to be re-used in several Star Trek episodes. The Circle used them in DS9: "The Circle". The guards of the Albino had a more extensive modification in "Blood Oath", Major Kira used a Bajoran version with an added scope in "Shakaar" and a similar version could be seen in VOY: "Blood Fever".
"The Vengeance Factor"

DS9: "Blood Oath"
A better look at the rifle in HD.

DS9: "The Circle"

DS9: "Shakaar"

The ribbed wall near the floor on the Enterprise-D transporter room walls is made of elements that were already seen in the early Star Trek films. They appear on the Epsilon IX station and in the Enterprise cargo bay in "Star Trek I" and on the Botany Bay in "Star Trek II".

The phaser seen here is a "left-handed" model, as already the one Riker fired in "The Vengeance Factor". Most phasers in TNG have the ribbed grip on the right side.

"Star Trek I"

"Star Trek II"
A better look at the phaser grip ribbing and the wall elements in HD.

"Star Trek I"

"The Vengeance Factor"
The transporter room has never been seen from this angle elsewhere on TNG. Screen caps from "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" reveal what the set looked like in the Star Trek feature films.
"Star Trek I"

"Star Trek V"
The set in HD.

For some reason, the door to the room opposite the transporter room is already open during the struggle between Roga Danar and the security men. Perhaps it is a precaution so it wouldn't be damaged during the fight?

The color of the walls and carpet indicate that the set has not been changed since its last appearance as Troi's office in "The Price".

"The Price"
No changes
The final version of the brig makes its first appearance in this episode. The brig, as it appears here, can also be seen in "Déjà Q", "The Most Toys", "I, Borg" and "The Pegasus". A completely different brig was seen in the first season episode "Heart of Glory".
"Heart of Glory"
No changes
There are several empty red labels inside the brig, which elsewhere contain white text, as seen some time later in engineering.
Later in this episode
No changes
Sinks, similar to the one seen here in the brig, also appear in the senior crew quarters. Roga Danar is seen opening it for the first time, pushing a button.
"Unnatural Selection"
No changes
The brig forcefield. The reconstructed sparkle pattern in TNG-R is nearly identical to the original.
Rogar Danar has a facial tattoo with some kind of writing. A better looks at the details of the tattoo in HD.
Close inspection of the files from the Angosian Senatorial Database reveals that the text is just comprised of strings of numbers. Danar's file in the remastered episode no longer consists just of strings of numbers but of useful text. It contains numerous references to people working on the remastering of TNG, like "Wenruiz Indoctrination Center" (Wendy Ruiz), "Primehadar Cragweis" (Craig Weiss), "Kevscotti Military Base" (Keven Scotti) and "Sarpaul Transport Complex" (Sarah Paul).
A look through the brig doors reveals that the set is not connected to the large corridor set, as the wall panels behind the door have four tiers, whereas the regular corridor walls only have three and a half. The lowest panel is also not lit in the regular corridor set. As the cargo bay is seen later in the same episode, the space occupied by the set could not be used to house the brig (and thereby connect it directly to the corridor set), so a fake corridor needed to be created to allow access to the brig.
"The Defector"
No changes
The fake brig corridor can be seen again in this shot. The door previously appeared in main engineering aboard the USS Hathaway in "Peak Performance". Whenever the brig is seen in future episodes, the same corridor and door are seen.
"Peak Performance"
No changes

The other side of the brig set can be seen in this screenshot. The set is a re-use of drawing room 5, seen in "Booby Trap" which itself was re-dressed as the research outpost in "The Vengeance Factor". Originally, however, this set was the bridge of the USS Enterprise as seen in the first four Star Trek films.

In "Booby Trap", the large black display on the right featured an LCARS display of the USS Enterprise-D. Some of the consoles behind Data made their first appearance in Dr. Paul Stubbs's guest quarters in "Evolution". The large console in the background also appeared in drawing room 5 in "Booby Trap". For this re-use, it was turned 180° but the LCARS display of the USS Enterprise-D remained in place.
Consoles Built for Star Trek

"Booby Trap"

No changes

"Booby Trap"


"The Vengeance Factor"
Com Channel 4077 is a reference to the TV show M*A*S*H. The emblem with the in-joke in HD.
This shot of the Enterprise-D (facing another Angosian transport ship here) would appear in many later episodes. It was filmed using the new 4-foot model. The comparison screenshot of the 6-foot model from "11001001" shows the differences between the two major miniatures of the Enterprise-D.
The shot in HD.
The cockpit of the Angosian transport ship features a console originally created for the Ferengi shuttle in "The Price". It also appeared in the previous episode, "The Defector" in the cockpit of the Romulan scout ship.
"The Price"

"The Defector"
A better look at the Angosian insignia in HD.
The insignia of the Angosian captain is a re-use of the post-atomic horror insignia from "Encounter at Farpoint", which was later re-used as a Romulan badge in "Contagion". For this episode, the insignia was attached to a larger piece of metal. In this modification, the insignia also appears on the costume of the Peliar Zel representative Leka Trion in "The Host".
"Encounter at Farpoint"

"The Host"

The sticker on the turbolift door is worn out. No changes

A different part of the brig set can be briefly seen in this screenshot. The rounded arches were already seen in the interrogation room in "The Defector", so it is possible parts of the brig set were already used in that episode.

The wall in the left arch previously appeared in the cloning lab on Mariposa in "Up the Long Ladder".

As already mentioned, the wall with the control console behind the right arch could be seen on the Federation outpost in "The Vengeance Factor" and in Drafting Room 5 in "Booby Trap".

"Up the Long Ladder"

"The Defector"
No changes

"The Vengeance Factor"

"The Defector"
This phaser with an opened lid was created for "The Ensigns of Command". It will be open again in "Time's Arrow I".
"The Ensigns of Command"

"Time's Arrow I"
No changes

Corridor forcefields like this were first seen in "The Bonding".

Camera equipment also briefly pops into view at the top of the screen.

"The Bonding"
No changes

Roga Danar is seen kneeling in front of the hidden side entrance to the chief engineer's office. On the actual set, this entrance leads to the right turbolift door in the main corridor turbolift niche. The door was actually used in "11001001". We can see the other side of the door in "Q Who", where it is accordingly labeled as being on deck 36.

Somebody last tempered with the isolinear optical chips here with disastrous results in "The Naked Now".

Engineering floorplan

The shot as it appears in TNG-R.

"Q Who"

"The Naked Now"
Jefferies tubes on the Enterprise-D appear for the first time in this episode. The Jefferies tubes in "The Hunted" are apparently a redress of the set in which Scotty bumped his head in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier". They are much more spacious than the regular cramped tunnels, first seen in "Galaxy's Child". The tunnel set was later re-used in "Sins of the Father" on Qo'noS. The tunnels also appeared on Turkana IV in "Legacy".
"Star Trek V"

No changes

"Sins of the Father"

"Galaxy's Child"
The screenshots reveal how the MSD was modified between seasons 2 and 3. The LCARS graphic was changed and the display got a new frame between seasons.
"Where Silence Has Lease"
No changes

In contrast to the brig set, the cargo bay set is directly connected to the main corridor set. As can be seen, the corridor wall behind the large double door only features three and a half wall panels and the bottom panel is not lit.

The pentagonal cargo containers were previously in several places in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", including the Paradise Bar and the roof of the turboshaft of the USS Enterprise-A.

The ribbed cargo containers also appeared in the Gatherer camp on Gamma Hromi II in "The Vengeance Factor".

"Star Trek V"

"The Vengeance Factor"
The shot as it appears in TNG-R.

"Star Trek V"
The main entrance to the cargo bay (shuttlebay) set with the new rounded corner on the left. The "Variable Gravity" warning was removed for the cargo bay.
Cargo bay floorplan

No changes
These anaesthezine vents were newly added to the cargo bay set for "The Hunted" and were not yet present in earlier episodes. As far as I can tell, they will never be seen again after this episode. No changes
The pressure suit is a re-use of the isolation garment worn by Hester Dealt in "The Child".
"The Child"
No changes
Cargo containers like that previously appeared in earlier TNG episodes and several Battlestar Galactica episodes, such as "Take the Celestria", and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century episodes, like "The Plot to Kill a City".
Battlestar Galactica

"Code of Honor"
No changes

Buck Rogers
Very similar octagonal cargo crates were seen in various episodes of V - The Miniseries, V - The Final Battle and V - The Series. In Star Trek, these containers first appeared on Vulcan in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home". They were seen in several more TNG episodes and will even appear in a similar form on Star Trek Picard, more than 30 years later.
V - The Final Battle

"Code of Honor"
No changes

"Star Trek IV"

PIC: "The Next Generation"
The fake wall (on the right) that is used to hide the large shuttlebay door when the set is redressed as a cargo bay is seen again. It previously appeared in "Up the Long Ladder". The shot from "Evolution" shows the rest of the set with the outer door.
"Up the Long Ladder"

No changes
The cargo transporter looks markedly different than it did in "Datalore" and "Symbiosis". The new round platform also appears in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country", but here as base for the podium at the Khitomer Conference.

"Star Trek VI"
The cargo transporter in HD.

Another look at the cockpit of the Angosian transport ship and the re-used console. This cannot really be seen in the episode, but the characteristic shape of the cockpit window can also be found on the outside of the filming miniature.

The cockpit chairs were originally seen on the Enterprise-D battle bridge and also appeared on the Gatherer ship in "The Vengeance Factor".

"The Arsenal of Freedom"

"The Vengeance Factor"
The bridge as it appears in TNG-R.
Like the previous shot of the planet, this shot of Angosia III originally appeared in "The Icarus Factor", where it depicted the planet housing Starbase Montgomery. Another great look at the new Angosia. The coastline is recognizable as the eastern portion of Australia.

A large number of Angosian rifles can be seen in this screenshot. As previously mentioned, many of the weapons were later modified and re-used in various episodes.

The decorative wall relief consisting of tiles was originally seen on Ramatis III in "Loud as a Whisper". It appeared again on Kataan in "The Inner Light" and on Vulcan in "Gambit II".

"Loud as a Whisper"

"The Inner Light"
The rifles and wall in HD.

"Gambit II"
Zayner prominently wears the Angosian badge. The badges were later worn by Tallera in "Gambit I+II" and by members of the Hierarchy in the Voyager episodes "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy" and "Renaissance Man".
"Gambit II"

"Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy"
We can recognize the emblem much better in HD.

"Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy"
A better look at the Angosian logo painted on the senate lobby floor. The Angosian hall in HD.

The colorful turtlenecks worn by the Angosian delegates were originally part of the Starfleet uniforms introduced in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan".

Some of the Angosian suits were also worn by archaeologists in "Qpid".

"Star Trek II"

The costumes in HD.
Angosian writing can be seen a little better on the sign behind Worf. No changes
Danar's soldiers have a different type of Angosian weapon. Similar weapons were used by the Breen many years later in DS9: "Indiscretion" and by various people in the Mirror Universe in DS9: "The Emperor's New Cloak". The Lokirrim also use similar weapons in VOY: "Body and Soul".

"Body and Soul"
A close-up of the rifle in HD.

"The Emperor's New Cloak"
The phaser hole in the wall was added in post production. A few seconds later, it has magically disappeared.

A glow effect was added to the border of the hole. The self-repairing capabilities of the wall are still the same in HD though.

Also note a framing problem on the top of the first shot.

A close look at Nayrok's Angosian badge. An HD close-up of the badge.
The final two shots of the USS Enterprise-D in orbit of Angosia III also originally appeared in "The Icarus Factor". A final look at the new planet.



Thanks for Colin for a hint about the Jefferies Tubes.


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