Observations in TNG: "Justice"

A joint project with TrekCore, by Jörg Hillebrand and Bernd Schneider

Here are some observations about sets, props and visual effects in TNG: "Justice" without a specific theme, and a comparison of the original TV release (TNG) with the remastered episode (TNG-R).

"Justice" HD Screencaps @ TrekCore

Description TNG Other caps Comparison TNG to TNG-R Description TNG-R
Rubicun III used to look very blurry. The new planet, created for the remastered episode, looks sharp and crystal clear.
Part of an equipment tripod can be seen in the bottom left corner of the still. The tripod is not visible any more. It was digitally erased.
The building in the background is the administrative building of the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant in Van Nuys, the garden in the foreground is the Japanese Garden. The garden and the recognizable building in the background appear for the first time on Star Trek. Both were seen again in later episodes, representing Starfleet Academy in TNG: "The First Duty" and VOY: "In the Flesh" and Starfleet Headquarters in DS9: "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost". The administrative building was also seen in VOY: "Time and Again" and appeared again as Starfleet Headquarters in several Enterprise episodes.
Re-Used Planet Sets
Locating Starfleet Buildings in San Francisco

DS9: "Homefront"

VOY: "In the Flesh"
Everything looks more natural in this location shot in TNG-R.
The tree behind Rivan, easily recognizable because of the characteristic shape of the leaves, is a ginkgo. A close look at the leaves in HD.
The shadow of a microphone boom is visible when the away team has reached the entrance to the main Edo building. The shadow is still there in TNG-R.
The transparent lyre played by the Edo man on the left later appears on Aldea in "When the Bough Breaks". The harp of the Edo man on the right later also shows up in "When the Bough Breaks", where it is played by Katie in her quarters. It seems to be based on Adam's guitar-like instrument in the TOS episode "The Way to Eden".
Re-Used Props - Various Objects

"When the Bough Breaks"

"When the Bough Breaks"
The instruments in HD.
Metal pitchers like this will later be seen on Aldea in "When the Bough Breaks".
"When the Bough Breaks"
In the remastered episode, we can also clearly see that there is a painted forest backdrop behind the round window.
The Edo god was re-used as the Lysian Central Command in "Conundrum".
No changes to the Edo god. It is still a filmed miniature, not CGI.
Another look at the Edo planet. Note that the continents of the recreated planet are very similar to the original but not quite the same.
Crew members watch as the probe sent by the Edo god moves through the ship. Only in HD, we can recognize that the science department crew member on the left wears a two-part uniform. He appears with that uniform in still another scene. All other standard duty uniforms until season 3 are jumpsuits.
Another noticeable black cardboard square appears on the aft console display. We can clearly see the cardboard in HD too.
This is a rare view through the corridor windows of the senior officers' quarters. No changes
Here we can see the Edo god in the form of a transparent sphere. The new Edo god looks very much like the old effect.
A good look at the forest backdrop. Again, this is clearly a painting.
The illuminated wall of the Edo hall was originally seen in the 21st century courtroom in "Encounter at Farpoint". It is made from freezer spacers, like countless other walls, ceilings and floors in TNG.
Re-Uses of Freezer Spacers

"Encounter at Farpoint"

"The Bonding"
The wall and statue in HD.
A recognizable statue can be seen for the first time in the Edo hall in this episode. The same statue appears on the highly advanced planet Aldea in "When the Bough Breaks", as well as in a woman's quarters on the Enterprise-D in "The Outrageous Okona", on Gravesworld in "The Schizoid Man" and later in Data's quarters in "The Measure of a Man". The Uxbridges have the same statue in "The Survivors".
Re-Used Props - Decoration

"The Schizoid Man"

"The Survivors"
The Edo use characteristic glasses with a transparent blue ball at the bottom. These glasses reappear in the DS9 episode "Fascination" as decorative glasses. Alsia drinks from a similar glass in DS9: "Rivals".
DS9: "Fascination"

DS9: "Rivals"
A close-up of the glasses in HD.
The scene of Wesley falling into the flowerbed was not filmed at the Japanese Garden at the Tillman Water Reclamation plant but at the Huntington Library Gardens. The gardens were also seen as the surface of Betazed in "Ménage à Troi", as Meridian in DS9: "Meridian" and as Jadzia Dax's vision of the Celestial Temple in DS9: "Emissary".
"Ménage à Troi"
No changes
The necklace worn by the mediator looks very much like the necklaces worn by Rivan and Liator, only darker materials were used. A close-up of the necklace in HD.
In the original episode, when Picard arrives on the Edo planet, the camera moves back a few meters, providing a long shot of the room. After the brief greeting the camera pans to the right and almost unnoticeably zooms further out and then in again, following the characters. There does not seem to be anything unusual about the shot.
Frame borders TNG vs TNG-R

In TNG-R, the frame is still the same as in the original in the beginning. But there is no zooming out during the pan. We see only a portion of the frame. The lower and right edges are missing, as evidenced by the red cushion on the bottom and the bench on the right, which are missing and hardly visible at all, respectively, in TNG-R.

As it is the very same take, it was manipulated either in TNG or in TNG-R. The zoom-out is either a genuine camera operation in the original episode, and was digitally eliminated in TNG-R for some unknown reason. Or the zoom-out was artificially created for the original episode and not redone for the remastering. The high noise in TNG-R during this whole shot is evidence for the latter, for it being digitally zoomed in, as unlikely as it seems that the original was edited frame by frame. But we actually don't know what happened and why.

The mural or wall relief featuring circles and lines previously appeared at one end of the Farpoint Station shopping mall in "Encounter at Farpoint" it later made another appearance in "Loud as a Whisper" in Riva's hall on Ramatis III.
Re-Used Props - Decoration

"Encounter at Farpoint"
A better look at the relief in HD.
Both Rivan and Liator and also the Edo mediators wear a necklace with a characteristic Edo logo. A similar form of this logo also appears in the form of various large wall pieces.
Wall decoration

Edo emblem
A close-up of the necklace in HD.
In this short corridor scene, a wall segment with an LCARS display is seen in the background. This is a rare occurrence, as the walls in this part of the corridor set, which doubles as main engineering, are normally covered when the set is transformed from main engineering into a corridor lounge. The LCARS display is the same display seen at that same spot in "Lonely Among Us".
"Lonely Among Us"
The HD version allows a still better comparison.
In the corridor scene, Rivan's hair looks noticeably different (and more natural) from the way it looked on the planet. Her hair is back to its normal wig-like state as soon as she enters the guest quarters.
Visual Bloopers - Hairstyle Secrets

Earlier on the planet

Later in the quarters
No changes

The Starboard Lounge only appears in this episode. It is an extensive redress of the senior officer's quarters, from which all subdivisions were removed.

Chairs like the ones used here were originally created for the bridge of the Klingon battlecruiser Amar, seen in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and also appeared in the transporter room Uhura works at in "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock".

The painting behind the chair is one of many space paintings created by Rick Sternbach.
Space Art in Star Trek: The Next Generation

"Star Trek I"

"Star Trek III"
A better look is possible in HD.
Picard is waiting and reflecting in the Starboard Lounge, seen earlier in the episode. Data and Crusher enter the lounge through a side door, not through a regular door on the long wall opposite the windows, like in the rest of the series.
"The Battle"

Starboard lounge floorplan
No changes

The statue of what looks like the Greek goddess Athena was previously seen in Troi's quarters in "The Naked Now".

The building blocks, on the other hand, previously appeared in Crusher's quarters in "Lonely Among Us".

"The Naked Now"

"Lonely Among Us"
We can recognize the statue and the building blocks better in HD.
Another look at the painted backdrop. Again, the HD version confirms that it is a painting.
Vases like this were also seen on Ligon II in "Code of Honor" and on the eponymous planet in "Angel One".
Re-Used Props - Various Objects

"Code of Honor"
The vase in HD.
Tapered stools with an inverted "U" base, like the one seen on the left, also appeared in other early episodes, such as on Ligon II in "Code of Honor", here along with stone stools, and on Aldea in "When the Bough Breaks".
"Code of Honor"

"When the Bough Breaks"
The chair is somewhat better recognizable in HD.


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