Here is an alphabetical listing of Starfleet and Federation ship names (classic and Abramsverse). If the in-universe origin of the name is clear, it is given in the column "namesake". Uncertain naming (sometimes in-jokes) is discussed under "annotations". See also:
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Adelphi NCC-26849 |
Ambassador |
Plural of Greek adelphos (brother) |
USS Aeon |
Greek word for eternity |
USS Agamemnon NCC-11638 |
Apollo |
Hero of ancient Greek mythology, commanded the Greek army in the Trojan War |
USS Ahwahnee NCC-2048 |
Native American nation |
USS Ahwahnee NCC-71620 or NCC-73620 |
Cheyenne |
USS Ajax NCC-11574 |
Apollo |
Two heroes from Greek mythology who fought in the Trojan War: Ajax of Salamis and Ajax of Locris |
USS Akagi NCC-62158 |
Rigel |
Japanese aircraft carrier that fought in the Battle of Midway in World War II |
USS Akira NCC-62497 |
Akira |
Unknown |
We may assume that, rather than remembering 20th century pop culture (namely the anime Akira), Starfleet has named the ship for someone of that name who has gained significance some time between today and the 24th century. Akira is Japanese for "bright(ness)", which would make a good ship name, even if not named for someone specific. |
USS Al-Batani NCC-42995 |
Excelsior |
Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Batani al-Harrani (858-929), Arabian astronomer |
USS Albert Einstein NCC-85183 |
Albert Einstein (1879-1855), physicist and Nobel Prize laureate |
USS Aleo NCC-1981 |
Unknown |
USS Ambassador NCC-10521 |
Ambassador |
Generic |
USS Amber NCC-21335 |
Generic |
USS Antares NCC-501 |
Brightest star in the constellation of Scorpio, Greek for "Anti-Ares/Mars" |
USS Antares (alt.) |
USS Apollo |
Apollo |
Greek god of the light and name of NASA's moon landing program |
USS Appalachia NCC-52136 |
Steamrunner |
Appalachian Mountains, mountain range in eastern North America |
USS Archer NCC-44276 |
Jonathan Archer, 22nd century Earth Starfleet captain |
USS Archon NCC-189 |
Daedalus |
Official title in the ancient Republic of Athens |
USS Arcos NCC-6237 |
Deneva |
Uncertain |
USS Aries NCC-45167 |
Renaissance |
Constellation of Aries (Ram) |
USS Armstrong NCC-57537 |
Challenger |
Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), American astronaut and first man to set his foot on the Moon in 1969 |
USS Armstrong NCC-1769 (alt.) |
SS Artemis |
Greek goddess of hunting |
SS Astral Queen |
Generic |
USS Atlantis NCC-72007 |
Legendary island, also the name of a space shuttle |
SS Aurora |
Roman goddess of the dawn |
It could be also short for aurora borealis, the northern light. |
ISS Avenger NX-09 (Mirror) |
NX |
None |
The inscription on the Avenger plaque can be translated as "The bold (are) the fortune of the Empire". |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Baton Rouge |
Capital of Louisiana, USA |
SS Beagle |
Charles Darwin's ship on his famous expedition to South America |
USS Bellerophon NCC-62048 |
Nebula |
Hero in ancient Greek mythology, tamed the Pegasus and defeated the Chimera |
It is also a homage to the movie "Forbidden Planet" where the missing ship was named Bellerophon. |
USS Bellerophon NCC-74705 |
Intrepid |
USS Berlin NCC-14232 |
Excelsior |
Capital of Germany |
USS Biko NCC-50331 |
Oberth |
Steven Biko (died 1977), South African civil rights activist |
USS Billings |
City in Montana, USA |
USS Bonestell NCC-31600 |
Oberth |
Chesley Bonestell (1888-1986), American astronomical artist |
USS Bozeman NCC-1941 |
Soyuz |
City in Montana, USA, launch site of Cochrane's Phoenix |
The registry NCC-1941 is a (quite fitting) in-joke, as Greg Jein was working on the Movie "1941" in 1979. Montana is obviously a lot more illustrious in Star Trek than in the real world. Bozeman is Brannon Braga's home town. |
USS Bradbury |
Ray Douglas Bradbury (born 1920), American science-fiction author and friend of Gene Roddenberry |
USS Bradbury NX-72307 |
Bradbury |
USS Brattain NCC-21166 |
Miranda |
Walter Brattain (1902-1987), American engineer, developed the first bipolar transistor together with Shockley and Bardeen, Nobel Prize 1956 |
I assume that the ship was incorrectly labeled as "Brittain" and that the dedication plaque is correct. At least, this was the original intention. See Uncertain Ship Names and Registries. |
USS Budapest NCC-64923 |
Norway |
Capital of Hungary |
USS Buran NCC-57580 |
Challenger |
Russian for "snow storm", name of the Soviet version of the space shuttle (unmanned flight in 1988) |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
C-57-D |
Generic |
This is a homage to the groundbreaking science fiction movie "Forbidden Planet", just as the name of the ship's captain on the display in DS9: "Whispers", J.J. Adams. |
USS Cairo NCC-42136 |
Excelsior |
Capital of Egypt |
If it was meant as a homage to Egypt, it was counterproductive to use the English name. |
USS Callisto |
Moon of Jupiter, named for a nymph in Greek mythology |
USS Carolina NCC-160 |
North/South Carolina, States of the USA |
USS Carolina |
USS Canopus NCC-64834 |
Norway |
Brightest star in the constellation of Carina |
USS Centaur NCC-42043 |
Greek mythological creature, consisting of a man's torso joined to the body of a horse |
USS Challenger NCC-2032 |
Challenger OV-099, NASA space shuttle, exploded just after its launch in 1986 |
See Astronaut & Cosmonaut Memorial. |
USS Challenger |
Challenger |
USS Challenger NCC-71099 |
Galaxy |
The registry of the Galaxy-class ship, although not quite fitting, is obviously a homage to the space shuttle. |
USS Charleston NCC-42285 |
Excelsior |
City in South Carolina, USA |
USS Chekov NCC-57302 |
Springfield |
Pavel A. Chekov, Starfleet officer |
USS Cheyenne |
Cheyenne |
Native American Nation |
USS Chicago |
City in Illinois, USA |
USS Chimera |
Chimera |
Creature from Greek mythology, a three-headed beast |
USS Clavyn |
Unknown |
Malone, Peterson and Clavyn (Clavin), the three ship names listed in Lt. Anaanda Ziff's personnel file, are all characters from "Cheers". |
USS Clayton |
Unknown |
"Clavyn" was changed to "Clayton" in the remastered episode. |
USS Clement NCC-12537 |
Apollo |
HMS Clement, Royal Navy submarine of the 21st century |
Creating retroactive continuity in the Star Trek Universe, the sunk HMS Clement (ENT: "Minefield") is a perfect namesake. |
USS Cochrane NCC-59318 |
Oberth |
Zefram Cochrane, American Warp flight pioneer |
SS Columbia |
Columbia OV-102, NASA space shuttle, broke apart during re-entry in 2003 |
Although the first ship named "Columbia" was mentioned long before the real-world Columbia disaster, it is a fitting assumption that Starfleet would still remember the shuttle and its crew. Giving the name to NX-02 is an obvious reverence. See also Astronaut & Cosmonaut Memorial. |
Columbia NX-02 |
NX |
USS Columbia NCC-621 |
USS Concorde NCC-68711 |
Freedom |
Uncertain |
Possibly named for the French/British supersonic airplane. The name is often spelt "Concord" like Concord, New Hampshire and Concord, Massachusetts, a battle site of the American Revolution. But out of European solidarity, I assume that "Concorde" is correct. |
USS Constantinople NCC-43622 |
Istanbul |
Former name of the city of Istanbul, Turkey |
USS Constitution NCC-1700 |
Constitution |
USS Constitution "Old Ironsides", US Navy tradition ship |
USS Constellation NCC-1017 |
Constitution |
USS Constellation CV-64, US Navy aircraft carrier |
USS Constellation NX-1974 |
Constellation |
USS Constellation NCC-55817 |
USS Copernicus NCC-623 |
Oberth |
Nikolaus Kopernikus (1473-1543), German/Polish astronomer who discovered the true nature of planetary movements |
USS Copernicus NCC-58637 |
USS Cortéz |
Hernán Cortéz (1485-1547), Spanish conquistador who gained Mexico for Spain |
Not really a wise name choice, considering how mercilessly his army subdued or killed the native Mexicans. |
USS Crazy Horse NCC-50446 |
Excelsior |
Oglala Sioux chief (1849-1877), native American leader at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 |
USS Crockett NCC-38955 |
Excelsior |
Davey Crockett (1786-1836), American frontiersman and politician |
USS Curry NCC-42254 |
Unknown |
The ship was named for Dan Curry, DS9 VFX supervisor. Unless he is starting a great political career, Starfleet probably wouldn't remember him despite all his merits. |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Daedalus |
Daedalus |
Hero in ancient Greek mythology, escaped from Crete using self-made wings of feathers and wax (his son Icarus being not quite as lucky...) |
USS Danube |
Danube |
River in Southeast Europe |
It would have been wiser to use an indigenous name of the river (Donau or Dunav or Dunava). |
USS Defiant NCC-1764 |
Constitution |
Generic |
The only renowned ship of that name is the HMS Defiant in the movie of the same name (1962). |
USS Defiant NX-74205 |
Defiant |
SS Deirdre |
Uncertain |
May refer to an ancient Irish heroine. In real life, named for James Doohan's daughter Deirdre. The spelling should have been "Deirdre" but became "Dierdre" in the final script. Since this is an obvious (and common) error, EAS lists the ship as "Deirdre". |
USS Deneva |
Deneva |
Federation planet, which was struck by a neural parasite plague in 2267 |
USS Denver NCC-54927 |
Yorkshire |
Capital of Colorado, USA |
USS Destiny |
Generic |
In the real world, the ship was probably named for the Destiny science lab of the ISS, but this may be regarded too obscure a reference in the 24th century. |
USS Discovery |
Name of a space shuttle |
USS Donovan |
Uncertain |
USS Drake NCC-20381 |
Wambundu |
Sir Francis Drake (ca. 1540-1596), commanded the first British ship to circumnavigate Earth |
USS Drake NCC-70956 |
Andromeda |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Eagle NCC-956 |
Constitution |
Generic |
Although it's quite a common name, the Starfleet ship may be specifically named for the landing vehicle of Apollo 11. |
DEV Eagle Valley |
Unknown |
USS Elkins NCC-74121 |
Unknown |
The ship was named for Judy Elkins, DS9 VFX supervisor. Unless she is starting a great political career, Starfleet probably wouldn't remember her despite all her merits. |
USS Elmer Fudd NCC-85343 |
Unknown |
No, Elmer Fudd really isn't a good namesake for a ship. |
ITA Elmira |
Uncertain |
There is a small city named Elmira in New York State. |
USS Emden NCC-1856 |
City in northwest Germany and name of a German small cruiser in WW I |
USS Endeavour NCC-1895 |
Constitution |
Flagship of British explorer James Cook, also the name of a NASA space shuttle |
USS Endeavour NCC-39272 |
USS Endeavour NCC-71805 |
Nebula |
USS Endeavour |
USS Entente NCC-2120 |
Generic |
The name may specifically refer to the Entente Cordiale, an alliance between Great Britain and France in 1904. |
Enterprise NX-01 |
NX |
USS Enterprise CV-6 and USS Enterprise CVN-65, US Navy aircraft carriers, as well as NASA space shuttle prototype Enterprise OV-101 |
A causality paradox, since in the real world the shuttle was named for the starship... |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 |
Constitution |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A |
Constitution |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B |
Excelsior |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C |
Ambassador |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D |
Galaxy |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E |
Sovereign |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (alt.) |
Parallel universe ships, with presumably the same name history up to this point. |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A (alt.) |
USS Equicon NCC-1988 |
Unknown |
In real life, the name refers to the Equicon Convention that took place in 1988. |
USS Equinox NCC-72381 |
Nova |
Latin equinoctium, the equal length of day and night twice a year |
According to Mike Okuda, the ship's dedication plaque bears a quote from Sir Thomas Browne, "The night of time far surpasseth the day". |
SS Erewhon |
Unknown |
Read the name backward! Erewhon is a novel written by Samuel Butle. |
USS Essex NCC-173 |
Daedalus |
USS Essex CV-9, US Navy aircraft carrier, as well as several Royal Navy ships named for the English county of Essex |
USS Essex NCC-1697 |
Constitution |
USS Excalibur NCC-1664 |
Constitution |
Mythical sword of King Arthur |
USS Excalibur NCC-26517 |
Ambassador |
USS Excelsior NCC-2000 |
Excelsior |
Latin for "higher" |
Most likely named for the motto of the State of New York, USA |
USS Exeter NCC-1672 |
Constitution |
Several Royal Navy ships and/or the English city. |
There may be no particular namesake. |
USS Exeter NCC-26531 |
Ambassador |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Farragut NCC-1647 |
Constitution |
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut (1801-1870), commander of the Union fleet during the American Civil War ("Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!") |
USS Farragut NCC-60597 |
Nebula |
USS Farragut (alt.) |
USS Farouk El-Baz NCC-31823 |
Uncertain |
In real life, Farouk El-Baz is an Egyptian American scientist who selected the landing sites for the Apollo missions. In the fictional universe, Farouk El-Baz is a noted comedian (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona"), but we wouldn't expect starships to be named for comedians, would we? |
USS Fearless NCC-14598 |
Excelsior |
Generic |
USS Firebrand NCC-68723 |
Freedom |
Generic |
USS Fleming NCC-20316 |
Wambundu |
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), British bacteriologist who discovered penicillin |
USS Franklin NX-326 |
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American politician and scientist |
In real life, named for Frank Lin, the father of director Justin Lin. The registry NX-326 commemorates Leonard Nimoy's birthday. |
USS Frederickson NCC-42111 |
Excelsior |
Unknown |
The ship was named for Anthony Frederickson, scenic artist. Unless he is starting a great political career, Starfleet probably wouldn't remember him despite all his merits. |
USS Freedom |
Freedom |
Generic |
In 1990, when TNG: "The Best of Borlds" was made, the name may have been supposed to honor the space station that was later simply called ISS. |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Gage NCC-11672 |
Apollo |
General Thomas Gage (1763-1775), commander-in-chief of British army in North America during the Revolutionary War |
USS Galaxy NCC-70637 |
Galaxy |
Generic |
USS Ganymede NCC-18457 |
Moon of Jupiter, named for a hero in Greek mythology |
USS Gallico |
Unknown |
USS Gander |
Danube |
River in Newfoundland, Canada |
USS Gandhi NCC-26632 |
Ambassador |
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948), leader of the Indian resistance movement against the British colonial occupation, famous for his non-violent methods of civil disobedience |
USS Ganges NCC-72454 |
Danube |
River that flows from the Himalaya to the Bay of Bengal |
USS Gettysburg NCC-3890 |
Constellation |
Town in Pennsylvania, site of a battle in the American Civil War |
USS Gihlan NCC-9761 |
Constellation |
Admiral Gihlan't'aehn, who initiated the development of the Constellation class |
The ship name is from an article by Rick Sternbach in Star Trek: The Magazine. |
USS Goddard NCC-59621 |
Korolev |
Robert H. Goddard (1882-1945), American rocket pioneer, inventor of the liquid-fueled rocket |
USS Gorkon NCC-40521 |
Excelsior |
Gorkon (died 2293), Klingon Chancellor |
USS Gremlin NCC-72927 |
Unknown |
No, I wouldn't name my ship for Gremlins. |
USS Grissom NCC-638 |
Oberth |
Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom (died 1967 in Apollo 1 fire), American astronaut |
USS Grissom NCC-42857 |
Excelsior |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Hathaway NCC-2593 |
Constellation |
Uncertain |
Possibly named for Anne Hathaway, wife to William Shakespeare (although this would be another rather obscure reference). The ship's motto is "No matter where you go, there you are." from "Buckaroo Banzai" (the same as on the Excelsior plaque). |
SS Hatteras |
Uncertain |
There is a novel character Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne, but the real Cape Hatteras in North Carolina seems to be a better suited namesake. |
USS Hauck |
Frederick Hauck, American astronaut |
The ship name is from an article by Rick Sternbach in Star Trek: The Magazine. We may assume that Hauck will make a famous flight that will be still remembered in the 24th century... |
USS Havana NCC-34043 |
Istanbul |
Capital of Cuba |
USS Heart of Gold NCC-42 |
Generic |
A very obvious reference to
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. |
USS Helin NCC-1692 |
Eleanor Helin, American astronomer |
USS Hera NCC-62006 |
Nebula |
Greek goddess, wife of Zeus |
USS Hermes NCC-10376 |
Antares |
Greek god of commerce |
USS Hiroshima |
Steamrunner |
Japanese city that gained sad fame as the target of the first US atomic bomb |
USS Hispaniola |
Largest island in the Caribbean Sea |
USS Hokkaido |
Renaissance |
Northernmost of the Japanese main islands |
USS Hokule'a |
Hokule'a |
Hawaiian word for "Star of Gladness" |
USS Honshu NCC-60205 |
Nebula |
Largest Japanese island |
USS Hood NCC-1703 |
Constitution |
British battlecruiser that was destroyed in a battle with the Bismarck in 1941 |
USS Hood NCC-42296 |
Excelsior |
USS Hood (alt.) |
USS Horatio NCC-10532 |
Ambassador |
Uncertain |
Horatio was the first name of real-world Admiral Nelson as well as of Admiral Hornblower in the novels by C. S. Forester. But since when are first names used as ship names? Horatio is also a character in Shakespeare's Hamlet. |
USS Horizon NCC-176 |
Daedalus |
Generic |
The Mayweathers' ship in Star Trek Enterprise could be the namesake. |
USS Hornet NCC-45231 |
Renaissance |
USS Hornet CV-12, US Navy aircraft carrier, which served as recovery vessel for the Apollo 11 moon landing mission |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Jenolan NCC-2010 |
Sydney |
Jenolan caves in New South Wales, Australia |
About why "Jenolan" makes the most sense, see Uncertain Ship Names and Registries. |
USS James Fenimore Cooper NCC-4077 |
James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851), American writer |
The captain's name and the registry are references to M*A*S*H. The name is misspelled "Fennimore" on the actual display, but according to EAS policy the misspelling is ignored. |
USS John F. Kennedy NCC-85183 |
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), 35th President of the USA |
USS John Muir NCC-1732 |
John Muir (1838-1914), American naturalist who helped found the Sequoia and Yosemite national parks in California |
Name & registry
| Class
| Namesake
| Annotations
USS Kearsarge NCC-57566 |
Challenger |
USS Kearsarge CV-33, US Navy aircraft carrier that served as the recovery vessel for Alan Shepard's Mercury spacecraft, also name of a Union vessel that sunk the Confederate CSS Alabama |
USS Kelvin NCC-0514 |
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824-1907), Irish physicist |
In an interview about the ship, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman said that Kelvin is JJ Abrams's grandfather's name that he includes in every series and movie he creates. The odd registry is grandpa's birthday. |
SS Kobayashi Maru |
Uncertain |
Kobayashi is a last name. Maru is a suffix appended to many Japanese ship names and also swords. |
SS Kobayashi Maru (alt.) |
SS Kogin |
Unknown |
The ship's name can be read in TNG-R: "Inheritance". It was likely different in the original episode. |
USS Kongo NCC-1710 |
Constitution |
Japanese battleship in WW II |
USS Korolev NCC-2014 |
Sergey Pavlovich Korolev (1906-1966), Russian space pioneer |
USS Korolev |
Korolev |
USS Kyushu NCC-65491 |
New Orleans |
Southernmost of the Japanese main islands |